The Israel Police told Lahi Pa News Corporation: The police arrested an employee at a hospital in Haifa on suspicion of committing indecent acts on the mother of a patient there.
The police opened an investigation on Thursday 06.07.23 upon receiving a complaint according to which an employee at a hospital in Haifa allegedly committed indecent acts on the mother of a patient at the hospital.
On Tuesday, July 11.07.23, 58, Zebulon police officers arrested the suspect, a 2-year-old resident of Tamra who is suspected of committing the act when, according to the suspicion, the suspect also committed indecent acts on XNUMX female employees of the hospital.
In light of the development of the investigation and its findings, the Magistrate's Court in Kiryat decided to extend the suspect's detention until 25.07.23.
who receives an entry and work permit and uses them to rape.
Atonement for the Arabs of the Galilee 🙂