A car explosion in the Halisa neighborhood in Haifa

The Israel Police informed Lahi Fe: this morning, 25/7/24, around 07:17...

A fire in the Carmel forests at this time ► Video

(I live here) - a forest fire in the Carmel forests in the Nir region...

In the shadow of the war: the 2 big monsters are already here in Haifa!

In the shadow of the difficult and ongoing war this 292nd day was held tonight,...

The end of dog feces on Haifa sidewalks? A genetic pool as a solution to the problem

(Hai Pa) - The Knesset approved this week (Tuesday 23/7/24) the...

Hadar in Haifa: Will we get to see the neighborhood where it was in its prime?

(Live here in splendor) - Over the years the mayors spoke...
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The abductees will be released only after the left comes to power • Uri Lev's opinion

Sometimes reality slaps me in the face, and I see the truth...

Huge flats of Perna Perna oysters have been discovered in Haifa Bay

(Live here in the sea) - There is a lot of talk about immigration to Israel...

"Nasrallah" not only in Lebanon but also here at the bottom of the sea in Haifa

As a person who spends an average of four hours a day diving, every day...

The story of the Holocaust survivors who founded the maritime kibbutz 'The Conquerors of the Sea'

On a personal note, a few months ago my friend Jacob Weiman told me,...

Talfiot market in Haifa - a genius creation in endless renovation

At the eastern end of Sirkin Street, stands the Talpiot market building,...

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Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052–2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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7 תגובות

  1. It will be a shame for the publishers if you continue to write about the protest of a (small, violent and noisy) part of the people.
    See Channel 14. Gets a lot of publicity.

  2. A few minutes ago I published an article here about the municipality's inaction, the message was published, only without my name, and now the article has also disappeared???? Irit Landsberger. Your appointment. Your response please. Thanks.

  3. Dear Tamar Moorg, what a treat to read about your venture, I have the impression that you have already chosen your future. I'm sure your name will be published in the future. I would love to receive details of where and when the event is, and maybe I can find a ride and be able to get there. All the best to you, and especially to your parents who accompany and support you. rise and succeed. City greetings.

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Explosion noises in the Haifa area • A planned and controlled experiment by Rafael • Friday 26/07/24

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The end of dog feces on Haifa sidewalks? A genetic pool as a solution to the problem

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