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The end of dog feces on Haifa sidewalks? A genetic pool as a solution to the problem

(Hai Pa) - The Knesset approved this week (Tuesday 23/7/24) the...

13-year-old Yair Whitson, a resident of Haifa, found a 1,800-year-old ring in Carmel

(Archaeology Lives Here) A ring about 1,800 years old, on which an engraving...

A fire in the Carmel forests at this time ► Video

(I live here) - a forest fire in the Carmel forests in the Nir region...
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Huge flats of Perna Perna oysters have been discovered in Haifa Bay

(Live here in the sea) - There is a lot of talk about immigration to Israel...

The abductees will be released only after the left comes to power • Uri Lev's opinion

Sometimes reality slaps me in the face, and I see the truth...

Talfiot market in Haifa - a genius creation in endless renovation

At the eastern end of Sirkin Street, stands the Talpiot market building,...

Ruthie Segal • Goddess of the fruitfulness of creation • Haifa painter and curator

Ruthi Segal's paintings, her house, and treasures from her age are infused with...

Shaver Yegur - last moments of a rare bloom • Go for a walk on Pesach

Shaver Yegur, also known as Etak Carmel, is a nature corner...

Forecast - heavy heat load and haze - Thursday 13/6/24

The Beit Dagan Meteorological Institute reported:

Orange warning - Heavy heat load - from 13/06 11:00 to 13/06 23:00

Severe warning of heavy heat load in the south of the Golan, in the lower Galilee, in the northern valleys, in the Jordan Valley, in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea, in the north of the Negev, in the east of the Negev, in the south of the Negev and the Eilat mountains and in the Arabah on 13/06 from 11 a.m. to 23 p.m.
Heavy heat load to extreme heat load will prevail in the mentioned places.

Detailed forecast on a daily basis - for professionals

Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052–2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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18 תגובות

  1. Hey, something's wrong here.
    Today is 3/2 and now it is raining. But what I see all kinds of comments two weeks and 4 weeks ago. . What is ????

  2. We are preparing you for the fact that the whole city will be blocked because we still haven't found out where all the water drainage pits are and we only found out on Friday that we fired the guy who is responsible for some keys to the cabinet with the map of the drainage pits in the city. But hey don't forget to choose me in 20 or so days

  3. Yes, it was a pleasant morning. Q Q Naima. How do we say washing day? Hot sun, I enjoyed it. And now it started to become cloudy and it looks like it will rain in another hour. .

  4. Eliminate the Gaza front. A closed military discourse and a full humanitarian evacuation to end the permanent circus of misery there - to the cities of Harshep and Egypt and Canada and wherever they don't want the cabinet to go piles of murderers incited from infancy to murder Jews. They eliminated the hundreds of Nohva who were raped and massacred and soon he will be studying for a degree from the prison-hotel at the University of Haifa funded by Adallah. Tired.

  5. Indeed, until 07.30:XNUMX a.m. it was a fine day on Sunday in Kiryat Motzkin mainly
    And from this hour, torrential rain does not see a rain. The sewage also went up
    On its banks, puddles and floods like a real winter.
    Clarification only at 14.30...

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