A car explosion in the Halisa neighborhood in Haifa

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A fire in the Carmel forests at this time ► Video

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In the shadow of the war: the 2 big monsters are already here in Haifa!

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The end of dog feces on Haifa sidewalks? A genetic pool as a solution to the problem

(Hai Pa) - The Knesset approved this week (Tuesday 23/7/24) the...

Hadar in Haifa: Will we get to see the neighborhood where it was in its prime?

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The abductees will be released only after the left comes to power • Uri Lev's opinion

Sometimes reality slaps me in the face, and I see the truth...

Huge flats of Perna Perna oysters have been discovered in Haifa Bay

(Live here in the sea) - There is a lot of talk about immigration to Israel...

"Nasrallah" not only in Lebanon but also here at the bottom of the sea in Haifa

As a person who spends an average of four hours a day diving, every day...

The story of the Holocaust survivors who founded the maritime kibbutz 'The Conquerors of the Sea'

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Talfiot market in Haifa - a genius creation in endless renovation

At the eastern end of Sirkin Street, stands the Talpiot market building,...

Forecast for surfers in Haifa and Kiryat • real time sensors • anemometer • wave height • temperature • clouds • rain from you synoptic map and more

Quick navigation on the weather page in Haifa:

Wind gauges from north to south:
SwampAcreBat GalimThe Institutenirvanafortress
Windegoro forecastrain from youwaves temperature and humiditysynoptic mapscurrentWINDY mapThe page of all wind instruments and beach cameras in Israelmap-stations-VidgoroKiryat YamSea fieldsThe casino cameraThe cable car camera - Bat GalimMeteorological service sensorsThe casino camera

Forecast for Haifa - wind, temperature, clouds and rain

Real time measurements from Haifa beaches

The clock refreshes every 30 seconds.
Click here to view the wind graph

This anemometer is located on the roof of the Seas and Lakes Research Institute. Speed ​​in knots - on the right. The blue line - average wind, The red line - the speed of the gust
♦ Pay attention to the date of the displayed image, because in case the device is stuck, an old image is displayed. 

  • The wave height is measured at the Hadera power station, at a depth of 2 km.
  • The black dots represent the average time between waves. The years on the left
  • The blue line represents the average wave height. The years are on the right
  • The orange line represents the maximum wave height. The years are on the right
The height of the waves in the Mediterranean Sea - the Hadera buoy

► Link to the rain radar - the meteorological service...
Link to an alternative rain radar - Eldorado...
Link to alternative rain radar - Dalton...

  • The blue line - temperature. The years are on the right. The hour is down
  • The orange line - moisture percentage. The years on the left. The hour is down

  • The arrows indicate the direction of the current.
  • the line light blue Indicates the current speed. The years on the right - knots, on the left - meters per second.
  • The blue line represents the air pressure. The years are on the right
  • The orange line represents the radiation level. The years on the left

synoptic maps

More articles about surfing:

Additional anemometers in the north

Anemometer at Batsat beach

Anemometer in Acre - Palm Beach

Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Yaron Karmi
Yaron Karmi
Sending ideas for articles by email - [email protected]

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11 תגובות

  1. Well then it will rain a little for a day and a half.
    Hysteria.. It's the end of winter and it always rains until the beginning of April.

  2. Hello, I would like to correct a number of things in the article regarding the data of the wind and wave graphs copied from the Israel Seas and Lakes Research website.
    First, there is a graph of winds measured on the institute's water tower, and there the wind direction is the direction measured at the measurement location, which is not at the standard height of 10 m from the ground and not as written.
    Secondly, regarding the wave graph copied from the Cha'il website, the data is measured on a 26 m depth line at the end of the coal unloading dock in Hadera. In Haifa, the characteristics will be slightly different because the surfers' area is in shallower water and undergoes changes in direction and height.
    Third, the green line represents the main wave direction at the measurement location in Hadera, the red line the maximum wave height calculated as expected during the 20 minutes of measurement, and the blue line is the significant wave height at the measurement location, not the average height. Significant height is the professional parameter and represents the average of the third highest waves during the 20 minute measurement period (in which measurement is performed every hour on the hour). The cycle time shown is the peak cycle marker of the waves and not the average cycle time. There is a description of the characteristics on the Chayal website, but it seems you didn't bother to read. Finally, regarding the definition of the location and surfing conditions like in Hawaii, this is good enthusiasm. But far from the conditions in Hawaii. There the height of the waves can be much higher, and the cycle time of the waves is much longer. which creates plunger waves that are rarer and lower in our country.

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