The prosecutor's office filed an appeal against the sentence of the actor Ivegi and his acquittal due to doubt of the third and fourth charges
The Haifa District Attorney's Office submitted (Monday 24/8/20) to the District Court in Haifa, an appeal against the acquittal due to doubt of the actor Moshe Ivgi, of the third and fourth charges attributed to him in the indictment (obscene act and sexual harassment), as well as against the sentence imposed on him for his conviction For the crimes of indecent acts attributed to him in the first charge - 6 months of community service and compensation of NIS 10,000 to the complainant. The decision to file the appeal was made by the District Attorney, Adv. Amit Isman.
"The state believes that a comprehensive examination of the women's testimonies and of all the evidence submitted in the case, and the court's determinations regarding them, required the conclusion that Ivygi should be convicted of the charges attributed to him in the indictment." This is claimed by the prosecutor's office.
"The Magistrate's Court was wrong"
In the appeal submitted, the state claims that the Peace Court erred, both by not establishing Ivegi's conviction, relying on the reliability of each of the complainants, and by strictly examining each charge on its own, but refraining from examining the overall picture.
"Sexual contact is prohibited and degrading and humiliating speech"
The state believes that a comprehensive examination of the women's testimonies and of all the evidence submitted in the case, and the court's rulings regarding them, necessitated the conclusion that Ivegi should be convicted of the charges attributed to him in the indictment. This, of course, when the three complainants in the case - women who are strangers to each other, from different places and fields, each told about the way they met Ivgi, and were hurt by him - either through forbidden sexual contact, or through degrading and humiliating speech.
The acts described by the three show a series of sexual offenses committed by Ivgi, towards women, about taking advantage of situations and taking advantage of his status, even though it is not a relationship of bitterness or dependence. In addition, the evidence revealed to the court taught about a consistent attitude and contemptuous and humiliating sexual attitude of Ivgi, towards women, in actions and words.
The words gain a new validity, in light of the reference of the peace court to Ivegi's testimony. Regarding the third charge of which Ivegi was acquitted, the verdict states:
Again and again, the accused refrained from committing to a version, while interspersing his testimony with claims and versions - some made up, some puzzling, and some left as unsubstantiated claims, without any substantiation or support... The defendant's testimony was evasive, partly made up, and mostly unreliable. She is not trustworthy in my eyes.
The Prosecutor's Office: The unreliability of Ivegi's version, about his evasions and meanderings, casts a shadow over the evidence base against him, in all the charges
In relation to the fourth charge, in which Ivy was acquitted of sexual harassment, the Magistrate's Court stated:
The stomach turns and the flesh becomes sharpened sharpening to the Bible the words of the accused to D... This is not how it is appropriate for a cultured person to address his interlocutor, certainly not when the interlocutor tells about a sexual abuse he experienced as a child. This babbling language, which describes sexual acts in blunt language and refers to genitals by street names - is reserved for the last rude and the audience members, and not for one of the senior actors of the cinema and theater in Israel.
"The events and the evidence should have led to Ivy's authorization"
According to the prosecutor's office, the aforementioned determinations, along with the totality of the events and the evidence brought before the Magistrate's Court, should have led to the conviction of Ivegi on the charges of which he was acquitted.
In relation to the sentence handed down to Ivy, the prosecution claims, Because he does not give the proper expression to Ivegi's blatant and indecent actions, which require a clear and unequivocal statement, according to which women's bodies are not wasted and that such offenses will be met with a severe and deterrent punishment.
The attorney's office in the appeal at the Haifa Magistrate's Court:
Although the words speak for themselves, the peace court erred when it determined that the statements do not amount to sexual harassment according to the law.
In an age where there are the "boys from Cyprus" and "boys from Eilat" who could be the age of Ibigy's children, what message will they receive? "If the flame fell on the cedars, what would the mosses of the wall say"? The punishment for any sexual act should be equivalent to aggravated assault. Because the wounded souls of the victims are serious wounds to the soul, therefore even with one conviction and in light of what the court said about Ibidi's manner of conduct and immoral behavior, he should be sentenced to between 3-5 years without the possibility of parole or to shorten his sentence without undergoing appropriate treatments.
In 1988 he participated in the movie 'Games in Winter' in the penultimate scene he sleeps with a minor.
Nothing has changed