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Huge flats of Perna Perna oysters have been discovered in Haifa Bay

(Live here in the sea) - There is a lot of talk about immigration to Israel...

The abductees will be released only after the left comes to power • Uri Lev's opinion

Sometimes reality slaps me in the face, and I see the truth...

The hotel in Bat Galim was built in a flash, even though it blocks the coastline

This is a continuation of the article I published about two months ago during the election period...

Talfiot market in Haifa - a genius creation in endless renovation

At the eastern end of Sirkin Street, stands the Talpiot market building,...

"Nasrallah" not only in Lebanon but also here at the bottom of the sea in Haifa

As a person who spends an average of four hours a day diving, every day...

A residential apartment caught fire on Yad Labanim Street in Haifa

(haipo) - An apartment caught fire on Yad Labanim Road in Haifa. There were no injuries, but the apartment was heavily damaged.

Watch the broadcast filmed by a live reader - Ola Pedotovsky

Firefighting and rescue was handed over to Hai Pa

Today, Friday, 26/7/24, around 15:00 p.m., the firefighters from the Haifa station, under the command of Chief Shai Ben Simon, worked to put out a residential apartment that caught fire on Yad Labanim Road in Haifa.
The fire fighters tell of heavy black smoke coming from the third floor of a four-story residential building, they acted quickly to deploy hoses and with great resourcefulness achieved control when the incident ended without casualties.

An apartment was completely burned down on Yad Labanim Road in Haifa (Photo: Fire and Rescue)

The apartment itself sustained heavy damage and now a fire investigator is on his way to the scene to investigate the circumstances that led to the fire.

An apartment was completely burned down on Yad Labanim Road in Haifa (Photo: Fire and Rescue)

Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052–2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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