(live here) - Firefighters worked tonight (15/5/24) to put out a fire at a drug store in Haifa.
From Fire and Rescue it was delivered to Lai Pa:
Tonight, fire crews were dispatched from the Haifa station, under the command of Rabbi Reshef Eitan Ripa, to report smoke emanating from a drugstore on Magginim Street in Haifa.
◄ Fire at a drugstore in Haifa • Video
The first team that arrived recognized the heavy black smoke coming from the place and began breaking in operations.

◄ Dragsor store caught fire tonight • Video
As soon as they entered the burning business, the fire fighters, under heavy heat and heavy smoke, began the activity of locating the source of the fire, extinguishing the fire and releasing the smoke.

The event ended with no casualties but heavy damage to the business, a fire investigator will come later this morning to check what caused the fire.
Protection???? Only this seems sad as hell to me, why do you have to give money that you work hard for to others, where is it written?? Why is there sloppiness among us?? Hope I'm not wrong ..or is it just ignition??? Although I am skeptical about it!!!
It does seem so, especially since almost every day one business or another burns down completely by surprise. If we assume that everyone had permits, then electricity, gas and means of detection were found to be normal. So either the operating conditions of the business were unsafe or deliberate arson.
The fire brigade arrived based on a report of smoke? how could it be ?
After all, the condition for business licensing is the existence of smoke detectors.
Or am I missing something?