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A fire in the Carmel forests at this time ► Video

(I live here) - a forest fire in the Carmel forests in the Nir region...

The end of dog feces on Haifa sidewalks? A genetic pool as a solution to the problem

(Hai Pa) - The Knesset approved this week (Tuesday 23/7/24) the...

13-year-old Yair Whitson, a resident of Haifa, found a 1,800-year-old ring in Carmel

(Archaeology Lives Here) A ring about 1,800 years old, on which an engraving...

A car explosion in the Halisa neighborhood in Haifa

The Israel Police informed Lahi Fe: this morning, 25/7/24, around 07:17...
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Huge flats of Perna Perna oysters have been discovered in Haifa Bay

(Live here in the sea) - There is a lot of talk about immigration to Israel...

Talfiot market in Haifa - a genius creation in endless renovation

At the eastern end of Sirkin Street, stands the Talpiot market building,...

The abductees will be released only after the left comes to power • Uri Lev's opinion

Sometimes reality slaps me in the face, and I see the truth...

Ruthie Segal • Goddess of the fruitfulness of creation • Haifa painter and curator

Ruthi Segal's paintings, her house, and treasures from her age are infused with...

An exciting Passover ceremony was held in the refugee camp • The ship 'Exodus' ► Watch

'Exodus', a symbol of bravery and determination, great excitement was recorded last Friday...

Live magazine here for Shabbat - much more than news • The best writers from Haifa and the surrounding area

Hai Pah Magazine invites residents to deepen their knowledge of what is happening in the city. The best writers in Haifa and the surrounding area in short stories, commentary columns, opinions and in-depth articles, which are far beyond news...
Do you have writing skills? Interested in joining the writing team?
Contact the management here Here is the link…

Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052–2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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The violence is rampant: gunshot, stabbing and car explosion victims were evacuated to Rambam in the last few hours

(Hai Fe) - A seriously injured woman from a car explosion, 4 cases of stabbing and 2 cases of shooting have been evacuated to Rambam since last night. Rambam informed Hai Fe: A resident was evacuated to the Rambam shock room...

Curfew 2 • Short story

It is difficult for me to guarantee that this curfew is the continuation of Curfew 1, on which the sun has already set. The evening fell. I began to complain of severe pain in my eyes. Dad is back...

Stabbing incident • 37-year-old in serious condition

(Hai Fe) - A man was taken to Rambam in serious condition after being injured in a stabbing incident. The police informed Hai Fe: tonight, around 23:30 p.m., the police's 100 call center received a report...

Motorcycle accident during the night

(Hai Fe) - A 48-year-old motorcyclist was taken to Rambam in a moderate condition after being injured in a car accident during the night. MDA informed Hai Fe: tonight (26/7/24) at 03:27,...

After 40 years: the grass volleyball club in Haifa is in immediate danger of closing • "Suddenly we found ourselves in a big mess"

(Hai Fe) - The Haifa Municipality is working to return to its ownership the fields used as a lawn bowling club located in the southern entrances of the city. The management of the club, which is already...