(live here in the sea) - There is a lot of talk about immigration to Israel, mainly sea and land invaders... fire anemones, jellyfish, zahroni and more... Last Passover (April 2024) due to reasons I will mention later, huge areas of the Perna Perna oyster returned to grow here.

What is a Perna oyster?
This is an oyster up to twelve centimeters in size, which immigrated to Israel several years ago.
Two weeks ago, I came across the requests of a familiar shellfish, but not of the Mediterranean Sea, while diving to suspicious places I came across huge surfaces of paranoid. It was a shock.

Constant monitoring of the discovery
I immediately forwarded the report to Professor Bela Galil from the Nature Museums in Tel Aviv.
And we started regular monitoring of this oyster. The monitoring also now includes the biotope, nutrition, survival and spread of the oyster colonies throughout Haifa Bay. Researchers around the world know that there is an increase in the prevalence of this oyster, but this time I spotted it for the first time in Haifa.

Not recommended for food - due to the quality of the water
Oysters feed on food that reaches them with the water currents. Oysters, like sponges, absorb food from the sea and clean it... this is also a reason to spoil the appetite of oyster lovers. I do not recommend eating these oysters, since there is not much meat in them and due to the quality of the water in Haifa Bay - we are not yet the clean Seychelles Islands.
A study that I was recently exposed to shows that from the seventies until today, over thirty thousand people were harmed by eating oysters that were infected with cholera. Fernana as you can see in the photos are beautiful. Let's leave them like that and not touch them.
you have been warned.

The oyster's patent - foundation threads
The strong waves will not be able to detach the oyster from the rocks and this is because it is moored with the help of very strong grounding wires.

Sensitivity to seawater temperature rise
In the winter of this year (2023 / 2024) the water in the Mediterranean Sea was relatively warm compared to previous years and the development of the oysters - ahead. If the water temperature rises above 30 degrees in the summer - the oysters will probably disappear. We will wait, observe them and see.

artificial reefs
In recent years we have seen the colonization of algae, oysters, sea acorns and reef-building worms... both of these need suitable surfaces for their establishment. But Haifa Bay is mostly sandy. Perhaps some body will initiate the construction of artificial reefs that will allow these animals to establish themselves and thus enrich the ecological diversity in Haifa Bay.

It is on Saturday at Dor Nachsholim beach. In the area of fishing boats on the south side of the lagoon there are islands and there I also saw oyster colonies similar to those in the article. I also wanted to ask if oyster skeletons can be used as building blocks of reefs on our beaches over time?
My dear Moti
Your last sentence referring to encouraging the increase of habitat areas for oysters by adding reefs to increase the ecological diversity of Haifa's beaches is very interesting. Question: Isn't this oyster a parasite?
And if she is not a permanent resident, how come she suddenly appeared here?
I wonder because we have already been "blessed" in Israel with parasites of the animal world of various kinds and there is no judge and no escape.
Shabbat Shalom Sinai
Your question is scientific and it's good that you asked.. The Fern is an invasive oyster but not a parasite and in this case it is quite a positive invader as far as I'm concerned.
It serves as a huge filter, so I strongly recommend not eating oysters!
Among the dead oysters of the Ferna and among the large individuals live many animals, and the Ferna at noon serves as a kindergarten for young people.
So... in the case of fertilization, it is positive, unlike the other invaders that I write about here.
Like the article about the Nasrallah fish and more.
And it's really a pity for me to see that huge layers of parana were unintentionally destroyed in the last feeding of the sand, in the article that is about to be published you will be able to see a complete list of creatures
Thank you and Shabbat Shalom
I really do not understand why someone does not initiate an investment of artificial objects (such as shipwrecks) in front of Haifa's beaches. This can benefit the development of the marine sphere and be attractive diving sites.
Merry Christmas, dear Muti
I came across these beautiful oysters
30 years ago on the beaches of Durban and Cape Town
But such an amount is amazing
Amazing article!
My dear Motti, how many are your deeds, God, surely you know this magnificent verse of the Psalms, after all, only by looking at nature - do you come to know your Creator, all in wisdom you have made - the earth is full of your treasures! The point is that I ask you to explain - how did this name stick to oysters? I know there is a dangerous predatory fish by that name - is there a connection?
Our dear Moti, thank you very much for another spectacular article with photographs. Fascinating on a subject that interests all of us and sea lovers in particular. Your articles are always so thorough, professional and refreshing to us, thank you. There is no second to you
You are one and only in your tremendous knowledge and the wonderful way in which you write and innovate.
Very interesting. And what about the big oysters that live in Reading?
Very interesting article
A unique oyster, there is no one like you Moti
Every time I read I really feel like I'm at sea
I haven't been to the sea in a long time, it always filled me with fear and dread, but there is a lot to learn in it!
Very interesting, thank you
Really interesting article.
Will you open these oysters later pearls in the content? I think it will become a pilgrimage site 😀
hello one
This species of oyster does not produce pearls.
Otherwise... use your imagination.
Finally some sense and not addictive news venom
Stunning, isn't that great news?? I didn't notice if there was a reference to this.. but happy to see sea creatures and not garbage that fills the sea
Thank you!!
A small, cute, informative article,
and even somewhat optimistic,
In all the blackness…
Hi Yair.
Thank you very much, indeed I am not so focused at this time...so I limit myself to shallow dives.
And you are right, there are articles like this one that should come out and it will be longer
good week
Nice job, Muti.
Keep up the work that is beneficial to our quality of life.
Dear Motti. Thank you for another fascinating article. And this time on land. It's amazing how diverse you are in your articles. Both at sea and on land. Every time surprising and refreshing. How good it is to have you and Aker in these difficult days in Israel
It is possible to dive into your fascinating articles and get a slight respite from the situation around us
Hi Or. Thank you very much, it's good to clear your head in clear nature.
good week
Thanks for your interesting articles!
Where did they get cholera?
Nice article as usual Muti. I would like to see a measuring tape in one of the photos to show me their size... you wrote up to over 12 cm which is a lot and as they say, seeing eyes is better than hearing ears
Shabbat Shalom Nahum.
I will do so. And there are even sixteen cm ones.
many thanks.
Haifa Bay is sandy and it is better if we leave it as nature created it.
Hello my uncle, I would have agreed with you before they started feeding the sand...but now the biotope has changed and needs to be fixed.
Interesting article
Your articles enrich the knowledge. Fun to read.
You mentioned that it is not recommended to eat the oysters.
What do you think about the poor lebaraks or gombers and gombers, etc. Shouldn't they also be eaten?
Hello Sharon
To your question...eat fish is healthy and there is nothing to worry about.
I will publish a comprehensive article on fish classification, and warning signs, including photos. Have a good week.
Israeli Shabbat Shalom.
All energy drilling, pumping, burning hydrocarbons causes this butterfly effect... warming the world.
Sabbath, day of rest.
Great, good to be educated. Thanks
In Thailand, they are used as an addition to omelets. In my opinion, the establishment of new species is related to good souls who "plant" the imported varieties to establish a food supplement in local mariculture.
You said not to eat them
But if thousands of people got sick when they eat them and it only reported exceptions, it means that a lot of people eat them
Maybe fish will eat them too. for health
hello mermaid
Everything is possible, nothing should be ruled out, but in this case... there is nothing to eat in them... and still the improved Haifa Bay is not a beach like those in the Seychelles and people eat mussels
And every once in a while there are vulnerabilities all over the world...just listen to the ear...the oysters are life filters then..
good week
I wonder if there is a connection between gas pumping and the increase in the temperature of the hot water
The pumping process does not cause warming, but only the use of energy for the purpose of pumping... So even when we type here, we waste energy for the computer servers that hold the information of the responses, the charging of the telephone devices, the light that surrounds us in the house, the music that is played, and much more... Everything is powered by electricity generated by gas
Because of fish foods women have miscarriages
Nature at its peak, thank you
interesting . Thanks
Haifa is a beautiful beach. As her name is
Wow, very interesting.
Thanks for the interesting article and the spectacular photos.
Shabbat Shalom
Great article to read this morning.
Beautiful and interesting article!
Good morning Pinchas Yosef
Thank you very much.
The article about oysters is very interesting! Thanks Muti!
Thank you very much. It's always fun to read even though I stopped fishing. It's nice to have someone who keeps you updated on what's going on with the sea