Message from Rami (Israel Land Authority)
A preferred alternative was chosen for the TMA 75-Gate of the Bay project promoted by the Israel Land Authority in Haifa
The editorial committee for the development of Haifa Bay approved today (Thursday) the preferred principle alternative to TMA/75 which is led by RMI for the promotion and development of Haifa Bay. The alternative for 4 complexes in an area of about 30,000 dunams includes about 100,000 units, about 3,000 guest rooms (hotels), about 15,000,000 square meters of employment, commercial and industrial areas alongside a metropolitan park and open spaces

As part of the discussion held today (19.12.24), the RMI planning team presented 4 detailed plans for TMA/75 that focus on the complexes built on the premises of the factories and their surroundings in Haifa Bay. TMA/75 focuses on removing the polluting factories from Haifa Bay and improving quality The lives of the residents of Haifa and the waste from polluting factories and its positioning as the gateway to The northern metropolis of Israel. Meanwhile, the approved plans include the development of an innovative urban space connecting Haifa and Kiryat, making the city accessible to the sea and mixing uses along boulevards with public transportation. The space is designed to be friendly to pedestrians and bicycles alongside commercial and employment centers.
The plans for the complexes focus on turning the space into a "city that embraces nature", creating a circular economy with an emphasis on protecting the environment, ecological systems and improving the quality of life of the residents of Haifa and the Kariyas. As part of them, a detailed plan was presented that combines urban intensity and a mix of uses alongside employment complexes, a network of open spaces that integrates the rivers Gadora, Tzipori and Kishon as a recreational, sports and boating axis spread out along the length of Haifa, as well as solutions for runoff management.
- Complex 1:
The northernmost complex in the plan is about 3,000 dunams and includes most of the coastal strip in the plan, the tank farms and an area for urban renewal in Kiryat Ata and Kiryat Haim.
The interface of the city with the sea: a central principle in the planning of the complex is the creation of an interface and connectivity between the maritime domain and the urban fabric and the residential neighborhoods. It was shown that in order to apply this principle in the area where the oil tank farm currently exists up to the future industrial pioneer axis, when the planning proposes 3 "green" strips in the west-east direction, which are "breathing spaces" between 4 intensive construction strips. - Complex 2:
Includes the entire axis of the metropolitan center with an intensive mix of uses on the Pioneers of Industry Boulevard from the beach strip to the Yagur intersection. The principles of planning in the complex as a city embracing nature - preserving the open spaces, a green-blue network - integrating water points and open spaces into the urban fabric, the Industrial Pioneer Boulevard - the main boulevard connecting the metropolitan park from the Yagur intersection to the sea. - Complex 3:
In the center of the plan with an area of about 5,300 dunams tangent to the complex-to the south, to the complex-to the east and to the airport-to the north. The complex currently includes, among other things, the Bazan areas, the 'Efraim Workshops' and Cross the Gulf complexes, as well as the cargo terminal. Following a government decision, the Bazan areas will be vacated in the future and in their place alternatives are offered that incorporate "soft" employment on the sides of the complex, such as knitting, crafts and knowledge-intensive industries and a concentration of heavy industries in its center. - Complex 4:
Tangent to complex 3 from the northeast and includes, among other things, the Saadia stream area, the bulk of Histadrut St., areas northeast of the road, including the metropolitan park as well as areas north of Ligor. The planning principles include, among other things, maintaining the function of the streams and the natural values in their surroundings, the manner of implementation and location of ecological transitions and corridors, the development of a metropolitan park, the creation of connectivity between the building and the open spaces, the creation of diverse employment opportunities, the establishment of a logistics park, and the creation of a southern entrance gate at the Yagor intersection.
The detailed plans for the 4 complexes include about 100,000 residential units, about 3,000 hotel rooms, about 15,000,000 square meters of employment, commercial and industrial areas, about 6,500 dunams of a metropolitan park and about 4,000 dunams of open spaces.
The plans were drawn up by 4 planning offices: Darman Varbakel Architecture, Bar Levy Architects and Urban Planners, Yaer Architects and Urban Planners Ltd., Cohen Wind Architects, under the management of 'Yer Korin Management Planning' and Baruch Borochov, 'Content Company'.
Einav Ringler, Director of the Senior Planning and Projects Department at RMI, welcomed the meeting of the committee and noted that "the promotion of the detailed plans as part of TMA 75 for Haifa Bay, carried out by RMI, is a significant step in the process of the massive development of the area, in removing pollutants from Haifa Bay and upgrading The quality of life of its residents The plan aims to create a continuous urban connection between the Kiryat and the city of Haifa, with planning comprehensive of housing units, industrial areas, runoff management and open spaces. The project will strengthen the Bay area and position it as a leading, high-quality and sustainable metropolis. The decision in principle of the alternatives made today by the planning committee led by Ms. Liat Peled is another significant milestone in the planning advancement of The plan and the development vision of Haifa Bay."

With the current Ministry of the Environment it is difficult to imagine promoting such a project
The article smells of illusions
The land is polluted, not suitable for living, the place is more suitable for the cemetery
A very important report, Naga. Good morning and blessed to you
Cheating and deception, cosmic dreams - the land of the petrochemical plants in the Haifa Bay is unfit for human habitation during the next hundred years, if at all, due to the problematic pollution deep into the ground. The many accidents that claimed human lives due to the toxic heavy gases in the petrochemical soil are being hidden from the public.
For decades only talk about moving the petrochemical plants and zero action.
The construction in the petrochemical complexes will be very expensive due to the limitations of the soil characterized by clayey soil that will be reduced to depths of 12 meters and due to the presence of high groundwater that harms the economics of the projects.
"Super planners" without any understanding of the field scatter grandiose, impractical plans in the air - paper tolerates everything.
Petrochemistry will remain in its place for many years to come - the change will not occur in our generation.
Buy apartments there, the cancer will eat you faster
I don't understand why they don't talk streets?
An article that is not clear at all to the common resident
You understand that this is a joke, now 5 years the preferred alternative will be discussed, then 5 years the master plan for transportation of the preferred alternative, then 5 years the funding model for land clearing, then 5 years preparing the tenders, and so on.
The public is being bullied here big time.
Bezan is not moving anywhere in the next 20 years