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Hadar has become Haifa's backyard • "Drug stations a meter from the house and violence that flares up in an instant" ◄ Watch

"The situation in the neighborhood has deteriorated" • The residents of Hadar want to go back to sleeping in peace

Several dozen residents of Hadar met yesterday (Mon. 4/7/22) in the evening at the "Goldmond Books" store in order to think together about ways to restore the sense of security in the neighborhood.

"Love the neighborhood and want to continue living there" ► Watch

There is overwhelming agreement that the situation has deteriorated

The meeting was scheduled a few weeks after the attack on the shop owner, Eyal Levkovitch, in Talpiot Market. Levkovic was not present at the meeting. The organizers, Yaniv Ben Dan Yehezkel and Michael Kolman, who have lived in Hadar for several years, initially reviewed the situation and together with the participants tried to come up with options that would help increase the sense of security among the residents. There was general agreement that the situation in Hadar has deteriorated, there are fewer policemen on the street and what constitutes the main problems are the drug stations, the partners and the speed with which violent incidents flare up in the neighborhood.

Martial arts lessons

"We thought about what we can do to feel safer in the neighborhood," Yaniv Ben Dan Yehezkel, one of the organizers, said. "One of the options is to volunteer with the police. This means that Hadar residents will patrol the neighborhood in uniform and help create a greater sense of security. Another option is to take martial arts classes. The goal is not to start fighting with anyone, but exactly the opposite. These classes teach how not to get into trouble with No one and how to avoid all kinds of confrontations, but we create the possibility of self-defense, if in the end I need it. If I get into a situation that would endanger me, I will know how to defend myself, and this gives me confidence. - 4 lessons. I think it can help. Another way to feel safer is by tear gas. Tear gas costs NIS 60 and you can buy it in a group and lower the price."

How do you get rid of a drug station a meter from the house?

One of the participants told about a drug station that was in front of her house and bothered her a lot. It turns out that another participant lives near the same drug station, and he said that they managed to close it when they contacted the owner of the apartment. According to him, as soon as a person rents his apartment to a drug dealer, he can also be accused of the same drug dealer's crime. This is how an apartment owner informed his tenant that he had to immediately leave the apartment, and so it was.

Another problem raised by the participants is the partners who live in the neighborhood. According to the participants, the police cannot act against the partners, only the Shin Bet. One of the participants emphasized that there are many partners who do not cause any harm and that their children attend schools with the other children of the neighborhood And there is no problem with them.

Residents' meeting - Hadar neighborhood (Photo: Michal Grover)

What is the most pressing problem?

At the meeting there were arguments about what is Hadar's most difficult problem these days. Some of the participants claimed that it was the partners, because nothing can be done about them. Others thought that it was the drug stations. One of the participants shared that there has been a drug station in front of her house for two years, everyone knows who operates it, including the police, and still nothing has been done.

The residents asked themselves if there is anything they can do in order to feel better in the neighborhood. One of the participants said that on the street where she lives there is a WhatsApp group of those who live on the street and it is very helpful to be able to update and be informed about everything that is happening. In addition, she said that she tries to create connections between residents who live close by, so that they can help each other. Another thing that is significant to the participant is the establishment of a house committee in as many buildings as possible in the neighborhood. She said that in her building there is a house committee that makes sure that the building is well-kept and pleasant, which greatly improves the feeling. She offered to help the residents of Hadar to establish committees in order to have light in the stairwells, cleanliness and flower pots, which contribute to the good feeling.

where are the cops

One of the things that has been repeated is the need to put pressure on the Ministry of Internal Security and the municipality in order to have more policemen or municipal policing in Hadar. Residents said they feel less safe because there is less policing on the streets. Indeed, one of the participants said that in Haifa there is a great plight of the police and although most of the police forces are directed to Hadar and Halisa, there are still not enough police on the streets. The residents debated whether the way was through a demonstration or writing letters to the Ministry of Internal Security. One of the participants said that since this is Haifa, very few residents will come to the demonstration and it will not have a serious effect.

Residents meeting - Hadar (Photo: Michal Yaron)

"Community activity will drive away negative activity"

Another subject that aroused a lot of interest is the cameras. One of the residents told about the intention to put cameras in several streets in the city, which would immediately transfer the images to the central office. The goal is for the dispatcher to identify the incident of violence in real time, call the police and help those who are attacked. One of the participants said that the cameras would be in public parks and not on the streets themselves. "One of the ways to improve what is happening here in the neighborhood is to be active," said one of Hadar's veteran activists, Ofer Fix, "If we organize activities in playgrounds, like Gan Binyamin, then there will be no problematic activity there. We need to take responsibility for what is happening in the neighborhood ours and not just to complain about the situation. We need to do a lighting survey in the neighborhood and where there is no lighting make sure there is. Where there is light there is less crime. The more community activity our area has, the more negative activity it will keep away."

Hostels for rehab near drug stations

An issue that has come up and is very troubling to the residents is the amount of hostels and sheltered housing for addicts and the mentally challenged in the neighborhood. The residents are not opposed to the matter itself, but believe that the number of hostels on certain streets in the neighborhood, such as the Halutz and Lag, is illogical and it would be right to spread them all over the city, certainly when Hadar is in their opinion a trigger for drug addicts and the mentally ill.

The "relationship" turned out to be prostitution

"There are many drug stations in the neighborhood, and when you house people who are struggling with addiction, or who have only recently managed to overcome an addiction so close to drugs, it hurts them," said participants in the meeting. The same goes for the mentally challenged, who hang around in areas where any strangeness or abnormality could end in violence, Even when it comes to "tics" or another disorder that is beyond their control and may suddenly upset someone. One of the participants even told about a girl from the neighborhood who for two years did not have a tidy home. He saw her very well-groomed a few weeks ago and she said that she was in a relationship and he was very happy for her. In retrospect it turned out who began to engage in prostitution.

Love to shine

It should be noted that Mayor Kalish Rotem has spoken many times of her love for Hadar and that she sees the neighborhood as the center of the city, things she said even before she was elected mayor, but even after she continued to state the importance of Hadar in her eyes. Kalish held several meetings with the residents of Hadar and even took action for the restoration of the Talpiot market structure at some stage, but in practice the residents claim that the situation in the neighborhood has deteriorated in the last 3 years and progress has also stopped in the market structure.

The police: "respond to hundreds of incidents every day"

In response, the Israel Police stated that they conduct effective enforcement in the city of Haifa for the sake of public peace and security while using overt and covert forces of a variety of police units, including the station policemen alongside the detectives of the Spatial Crime Fighting Unit and the Central Unit of the Coastal District.

"Police activities are carried out in close cooperation with the partner agencies, including the Haifa Municipality, each according to their powers. Along with this activity, the Coast District Commander, Superintendent Yoram Sofer, decided on a number of organizational changes in the district sector, including the establishment of an additional police area, the establishment of a police station in Nesher, and more. With these changes, the Haifa station received more focused attention to the city's challenges while relying on the sources of the newly established space, such as the YSM unit, the crime fighting unit, and more. The results of the changes were not long in coming and can be seen in the form of a quick response to hundreds of incidents every day, deciphering crime incidents, dealing with public order incidents, traffic enforcement and providing police services to the public."

The municipality: "A plan to install additional security cameras"

The municipality stated in response that despite repeated appeals by Mayor Einat Kalish Rotem to the Ministry of Internal Security, funding has not yet been approved for the operation of integrated urban policing in Haifa. The Municipal Enforcement Division in conjunction with the police are working resolutely to eradicate the rising crime in Haifa, among other things in regards to curbing the phenomenon of the improved vehicles and motorcycles that run rampant throughout the city, by placing roadblocks and issuing fines. Also, there is a plan to place additional security cameras on the streets of Mizrah Hadar soon."

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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27 תגובות

  1. Those who want to rent or buy cheap apartments come to Hadar. The apartments in Hadar are at the cheapest prices in the country and this attracts difficult and poor populations, drug addicts and the like.

  2. Hadar has become the garbage can of Haifa, perhaps the most neglected and poorest neighborhood in the country. It should be noted that it started during the Mitzna period and has only deteriorated since then. Unfortunately I am not optimistic.

  3. In front of the hot Italian girl there is a guy who sells drugs and even in the evening, at night it doesn't end as much as possible the rush is celebrating

  4. I don't understand why you don't turn to the joint list and the torch?
    After all, you chose them, including Klish.
    These are the prices for free hate and this is just the beginning.

  5. Aalek "became" one.
    For decades Hadar has been neglected and is a center of crime and drugs, and when you started renting there, it was already what it is today.
    So your complaints are not new, not exciting and are entirely your problem, you decided to live in the heart of the garbage

    • We don't have money to live somewhere else,
      And as of today we have no money to live there either.

      Do you happen to have room?

    • Let's all grab money from one of the holes we received in our creation and move together to Dania,

      All the rest of Haifa is irrelevant,
      Leave it empty for the criminals.
      The rest of the country is also irrelevant,
      It is not clear why people decide to live anywhere that is not Denmark.

  6. Weak supervision against criminals!
    More stunning LED lighting cameras that will illuminate Hadar
    Lower citrus too!!
    Of course, open the Talpiot market as soon as possible!!!

  7. 1. Placing cameras in the public parks as opposed to the residential streets will result in the crime copying itself into the street, where it will not be photographed.
    It is better not to add cameras at all than to add ones that created a direct route for crime to get inside the tenants' homes.

    2. The Israel Police.... at this stage it is better not to receive their response. I feel that their words come in one ear and steal my intelligence from the other ear.

  8. To all the participants of the meeting, I would like to inform you that the mayor of Haifa, Dr. Einat Kalish Rotem, is aware of everything that happens in the city of Haifa and in particular in the Hadar neighborhood and that she makes great efforts for the well-being and safety of the residents of Haifa and especially in the Hadar neighborhood. We hope for the best. A little patience And everything will be fine. Just let her work quietly. Have a lovely day.

    • "A little patience and everything will be fine" is nothing less than stupid and nothing more than embarrassing.
      May you never know sexual abuse.

  9. 1. What is meant by "the participants"? What is it about? Are these illegal residents?
    2. What is the status of the infiltrators in Hadar? Sudanese, Eritreans, Ukrainians, Georgians, Filipinos, Moldavians, etc.?

    • 1. Yes, it is about praise
      2. Sudanese and Eritreans are mostly concentrated in the Kiryat Haim area, or generally around the Gulf. Some of them are complacent.
      Georgians, Filipinos and Moldavians are more common in Tel Aviv.
      Regarding the Ukrainians, it is worth waiting a few more months because there are many fluctuations at the moment.

      For the avoidance of doubt, shebaim and infiltrators are everywhere in Israel - but there are different concentrations and divisions, and most of all there are thousands of differences between them.
      It is known and recognized that the Hadar neighborhood is a post-colonial extension of South Tel Aviv - only that there are blacks there and here they are Palestinians.
      I was happy to be racist.

    • The residents of Haifa only move around in private cars, the streets are deserted and then complain that it is scary to walk at night. A circle that feeds itself.
      Right. Where there are pedestrians there is security and pleasantness to stay.
      In the Moriah area, where there are shops, cafes and wide sidewalks, it is pleasant to walk even in the evening. Further on in Moriah when there is a dark wasteland without pedestrians, it is also not pleasant to walk. Not only in splendor.

  10. Beware of brokers who offer you apartments for sale there (from experience)

    • Are you suggesting that we not buy properties in Hadar?
      Just give up the neighborhood?

      Or did you just come to push your hot topic to the comments of an article about another hot topic?
      What exactly are you trying to say with "be careful"?

  11. What is urgent that can be done is a WhatsApp group whose members will report and jump to show presence at every event! The one who managed to stop the brat riots was a group of young Jews from outside the city! They ran after the rioters, shouted and chased them until the hooligans dispersed.

  12. Is it possible to change the name Hadar to Bib?

    Biv Haifa neighborhood

  13. The deterioration of Hadar at this cliché time 3 years ago there were more cultural events in Hadar, Calich closed them on the grounds of lack of budget, but the unnecessary money fountain did not stop it. The immigration from the villages near Hadar became a colony of drug stations and violence. Who among the residents of Haifa would dare to walk around the main street of Hadar at 8 in the evening?

  14. The situation has been like this for years and is only getting worse and worse. The promises of the municipality and the police are not enough for us, we need action for Hadar. The problem is that welfare and the Shin Bet endlessly bring in problematic people and allow them to engage in the drug trade and harm normal people. There is no supervision and they only come when a disaster happens. There must be patrols day and night in public places such as Gan Madatech, Gan Natan, the theater area, the streets of Herzliya Ben Yehuda, the prophets , Emek Zeytim, Kessel, Halutz, Herzl and in the market area. We have been demanding this for years and are not getting it. Regarding learning Krav Maga and walking with a gas balloon: there are a lot of adults in Hadar and this is really not the solution for them.

  15. How will the elderly from Ben Yehuda Street get to the meeting on Sirkin Street??? Taxis are sent to them to vote, but not to the meeting. My 85-year-old friend lives on Yosef St. She has other elderly neighbors who wanted to come but were afraid to go alone to Sirkin St. They feared they would be attacked.

  16. Question: Why do 10 people come to such a meeting and not 100, 200?
    For all the other residents of the neighborhood, the situation is neither worrying nor problematic?
    The municipality is expected to publish such a meeting on its own initiative to encourage expression and involvement of residents.
    There is nothing to hide the situation is at the bottom of the bottom.

  17. The only solution is in the hands of the Haifa Municipality:
    A. Stop building new neighborhoods that further weaken the old ones. Cancellation of Navot Peres B 3D, cancellation of Lincoln Hills and Givat Aizim
    B. A demand from the state to invest NIS 250 million in an educational system in Hadar - the construction of a new Kiryat Shishuk, an elementary to high school at the location of Smat
    third. Bringing a strong population to Hadar: a scholarship of NIS 200 for graduates of advanced degrees who leave combat units without housing, to purchase apartments in Hadar in exchange for establishing a neighborhood guard of residents. Rehabilitation of destroyed buildings such as Tamar Cinema and Gali Hadar Pool on Hapoel Street, conversion of office buildings in Lev Hadar to erect apartment buildings in the scholarship project.
    d. Returning activities such as basement 10 and student clubs to Hadar together with the student associations
    God. Initiated demolition of dozens of empty and dangerous buildings by the municipality in the neighborhood of Yalaj - Ibn Gvirol and the removal of residential complexes in the scholarship project
    and. Renovation of the Talpiot market into a large urban community center with an indoor market and restaurants.
    G. Municipal by-laws for renovating gardens and grants for renovating buildings in Hadar
    H. Renewal of the Hadar Committee not Histadrut businessmen but a representative committee of activists with experience and the chairman of the committee as a permanent representative in the city council

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