The dear ones of the city of Haifa received this decoration for voluntary involvement and contribution to society in Haifa.
Over a thousand spectators paid their respects to the city's loved ones and the auditorium was filled to capacity. The spectators saw a presentation dedicated to each of the recipients of the decorations. Dan Kaner read the texts attached later in the article, referring to each and every one of the recipients of the decorations.
The singer Shlomit Aharon is pleasant in a verse from her songs
Reasons of the Committee for the Selection of Dear Haifa:
Mrs. Rachel Azaria
Works a lot for the rights of the retired elderly. She works with willingness, dedication and determination to promote the rights of the elderly and assist them in solving personal problems and various urban community problems. Many of them were able to receive their rights and various benefits thanks to Rachel's many years of vigorous activity. Over the years, Ms. Azaria's figure stood out as a resourceful activist in the establishment and operation of the Zionist Council in Haifa, not only as an ordinary member, but also as a person responsible for the issue of culture, for inviting guests from outside and their successful integration into the discussions of the Zionist Council. In her various public appearances, Rachel does her best to express her passionate support for providing higher education to Haifa's senior citizens and the working person in general. For several years now, she has been voluntarily and persistently delivering series of songs from the Land of Israel, from the time of the first immigration to the present day, with the aim of illustrating through song the history of the people and the land. She succeeds in gathering valuable historical material and conveying it in eloquent language in concentrations of sheltered housing, at the Jewish Culture College and more. Mrs. Rachel Azaria was a partner in the campaign to advance various law amendments to eliminate distortions in the National Insurance Law, problems faced by Holocaust survivors, and more.
Mr. Shmuel Edelstein
A member of the Teli Association (Residents for Children) in Kiryat Haim, for ten years. He initiated and established the Bevaha music room in Kiryat Haim, volunteered at Beit Ayala for many years and in the process initiated, wrote and operated the "Transitions Program", which is an innovative program that prepares students 6th grade in preparation for their transition to middle school in English, mathematics, life skills and more. Mr. Edelstein volunteers as part of the MLA (from birth to matriculation) and is an active partner in many voluntary communities in Kiryat Haim in which volunteers, residents of the Kiryat are recruited for the Kiryat institutions.
Also, Mr. Edelstein volunteers at the Yad Labanim and Defense House in Kiryat Haim. In this framework, he is an active partner in initiatives for the production of various events related to the heritage of Kiryat Haim and the commemoration of the martyrs of Kiryat Israel, and all this with a sincere desire to give and contribute to the community in all its shades.
Prof. Yitzhak Afluig
President of the Technion between 2001 and 2009. He served as an academic leader of the Technion who focused on the establishment of interdisciplinary research institutes, including the Genotechnology Institute, which was established with the help of pooling resources from the Russell Berry Foundation in the USA, from the funds of the State of Israel and from the sources of the Technion. This resource-rich institute was the first of its kind in Israel, the Technion to academic records, and served as a role model for other universities in Israel.
Prof. Apluig is one of the leading researchers in the world in the study of the chemistry of silicon compounds and in the applications of quantum mechanical computational methods to understand the structure, activity and mechanism of action of chemical compounds. Published about 230 scientific articles in leading international newspapers and edited 7 books. Prof. Apluig won international recognition and many awards in Israel and abroad for his scientific work and public activity. Among the many awards he received was the Kipping Prize of the American Chemical Society, an honorary doctorate from the Technical University of Berlin, an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Honorary member of the European Academy of Sciences. In 2012, Prof. Apluig was awarded the highest honor, the Medal of Merit, on behalf of the President of Germany, in recognition of his major contribution to the advancement of science between Germany and Israel.
Judge Salim Jubran
He is known for his activities for bringing hearts closer, for social sharing and friendship between Jews and Arabs in general and in the city of Haifa in particular. His joint activity for Jews and Arabs is evident not only in Haifa but in the entire country. In 1982 he was appointed as a judge at the Haifa Magistrate's Court. In 1993 he was appointed as a judge in a district court in Haifa. In 2004 he was appointed to serve as a judge in the Supreme Court and in 2017 he was appointed to the position of Deputy President of the Supreme Court.
During his tenure, Judge Jobran demonstrated exemplary humanity and judgment that were reflected in his personal, professional and public conduct. Over the years he held many public positions including: President of the Association for Public Law in Israel, Chairman of the Zeltner Fund for Legal Research of the Israel Rotary Movement and Tel Aviv University, Governor of the Israel Rotary Movement, one of the founders of Beit Kedem - Arab-Jewish Cultural Center In Acre, member of the public board of the "Beit Hagafen" association - Haifa Arab-Jewish Center, lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Haifa, recipient of the "Lord Marx Ziv" award for an initiative to improve relations between Jews and Arabs in Israel, member of the committee for the selection of judges between the years 2015-2017, Chairman of the Central Freedom Committee for the 20th Knesset, winner of the Quality and Excellence Award on behalf of the Chicago Bar Association, member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Haifa, etc. Judge Salim Jobran demonstrated remarkable patience, tolerance and judicial temperament throughout his years of office Litigants and their attorneys often spoke in praise of Judge Jobran, who always knew how to give them all the time and attention they needed, and all in a calm and pleasant manner.
Mrs. Chava Gonen
One of the top music educators in Israel. Educated generations of students at the Reali School in Haifa and accompanied young musicians in their artistic careers for over fifty years. Made many generations of students, who were exposed thanks to her to the wonderful world of classical music in all its shades. Thanks to her vast knowledge, they got to know the basics of music, its history and more. Mrs. Gonen's musical work at the Harieli school created appreciation, admiration and pride in the city, even among citizens outside the "Harieli family" circle. Mrs. Gonen has been active for many years in many social settings in the city of Haifa and her contribution is multifaceted at all levels of society. The Rambam Hospital, in the Friends Association for many years, has a lot of weight.
Chava Gonen "adopted" the neurology department for herself and for years worked long days while assisting in everything needed: conversations with patients, helping the staff, organizing and performing administrative tasks and more. Chava also harnessed her friends overseas to the activity, and organized a donation for the department that made it possible to build a foundation for a research laboratory in the neurophysiology of pain. In her volunteer activities, Mrs. Gonen greatly assisted the Rambam Medical Center in material and spirit for the well-being of the patients and the staff, thereby influencing with her initiative and her inexhaustible energy. During the past 32 years, Mrs. Gonen established a circle of lovers of the Israeli opera in Haifa. This activity included the sale of subscriptions as well as everything related for transportation arrangements from Haifa to the Opera House in Tel Aviv.
Ms. Shlomit Gur
represents a generation of educators who "gave their lives" for the sake of the younger generations, out of hope for a better future and to build an educational infrastructure that would be an example and model for the ideal of the education system in Israel. The moral value and principle were at the forefront of Shlomit's mind from the day she was trained as a teacher in Israel and then during her 48 years of work in the education system as a teacher, as a high school principal, as an instructor and supervisor in the northern district and for about 30 years as a lecturer at a teacher training college, as a pedagogical instructor and director of the unit for specialization and entry into teaching in the years The uniqueness of Ms. Gore is expressed in her vision of training the best teachers and personal guidance at the beginning of their career in the field of education and teaching, as a lever for the assimilation of diverse teaching and all this in order to meet the various needs of the diverse population.
For many years Mrs. Gor has been giving regular Torah lessons to the women of Kiryat Shmuel and Kiryat Motzkin. These classes are highly attended and of great interest. Shlomit also works in guiding couples before marriage, guiding new immigrants and more. For many years, she and her family accompany couples and individuals who are in the process of conversion. The Gur family opens its home to the converts, they stay with them on Saturdays and holidays, receive instruction and study there, and more.
Over the years, Mrs. Shlomit Gur has won the following awards: "The Beautiful Israeli" in the field of education on behalf of the Ministry of Education, "A model woman" Kiryat Shmuel neighborhood, on behalf of the Municipality of Haifa, "Dear Religious Education", on behalf of the Ministry of Education and the Organization of Religious Teachers, "Haifa Education Award" , on behalf of the Haifa Municipality.
Dr. Isabella Greenberg
A senior psychiatrist and psycho-geriatrician, who has been working for over 20 years at the Rambam Medical College in the position of director of the psycho-geriatric service and deputy director of a psychiatric clinic. Dr. Greenberg has been volunteering for 15 years at the "Yad Ezer Habev" association and within this framework established a special clinic for Holocaust survivors and even specialized in this field. Her name comes before her in everything related to the unique assistance she provides to the population of Holocaust survivors, her unreserved devotion and her blessed initiatives to improve the situation of Holocaust survivors, some of whom are minors living alone and without any assistance from any other supporting body. Dr. Greenberg is very active in Haifa and even initiated the construction of hostels for Holocaust survivors under the auspices of the Christian-German Embassy. Also, Dr. Greenberg initiated unique social and cultural projects for Holocaust survivors in Haifa. An example of this is the "Beauty Queen for Holocaust Survivors" competition, which has been held for the fifth year in the city and has been very successful and even internationally published. Over the years, Dr. Greenberg has acquired professional knowledge in the field of psycho-geriatrics and she voluntarily lectures to many audiences on topics related to this field. Dr. Greenberg also assists the Aran Association in providing professional tools in dealing with complex mental problems. In addition, Dr. Greenberg treats There is no end to the professionalism and dedication in difficult cases of the homeless, depressed people and anyone who needs mental assistance, all with a good attitude and a genuine desire to help.
Prof. Yehuda Hayut
Prof. Yehuda Hayut served as the president of the University of Haifa between 1994 and 2004. During his tenure, the university recorded significant achievements in the fields of research, development and construction, including the establishment of faculties and majors in areas related to the economic and academic life of the city of Haifa. Prof. Hayut founded research trends in the field of shipping and ports at the university, headed the Vidra Institute for Shipping and Ports Research as well as the Reknati Chair of Shipping. During his tenure as president of the university, the second part of the Hecht Museum, the ship museum and the auditorium were built. In the second part of the university, the two buildings for the faculty were built for law, the building for the arts and the "Talia Dormitory". Prof. Hayut served for ten years as the chairman of the Association of Friends of the Rambam Haifa Medical Center. During his term of office, the scope of construction and development of the medical center reached significant volumes, most of which were the result of the work of the Association of Friends that he chaired In addition, Prof. Hayut is a member of various committees in the fields of the sea and shipping as well as public associations designed to help the various community needs of the city of Haifa.
Prof. Elias Tobi
The medical director of the "Italian" hospital in Haifa, and the director of the Institute of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at the "Bnei Zion" Medical Center and a lecturer at the Technion School of Medicine. Prof. Tobi is a pleasant person who behaves in a down-to-earth manner towards all patients, regardless of religion or nationality, and is friendly , stands out for his patience, his diligence and works for many years to strengthen the ties between Jews and Arabs in the city of Haifa. Prof. Tobi achieved very impressive achievements professionally on the national and international level, and is a role model.
As part of his work at the "Italian" hospital, apart from organizational work to promote the hospital, Prof. Tovi devotes his time to helping chronic patients who have difficulty finding answers to their problems and accompanies them and their families through the difficult times they are going through.
Prof. Tobi serves as a full clinical professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion, teaching medical students and graduate students. Prof. Tobi also participates in many home circles where he gives lectures on various health topics. In addition, he contributes his time to enrichment programs for young people in the Arab sector in various fields. Prof. Tobi accompanied the promotion of the idea of the bilingual school in Haifa, believing that there is no better way than promoting coexistence between the two peoples starting from early childhood. Prof. Tobi organizes scientific conferences for young doctors on allergy and immunology. Prof. Elias Tobi is a role model for an excellent and caring clinical doctor, an excellent researcher and a person who gloriously maintains coexistence between the denominations in his professional and public activities and in his personal life.
Mrs. Sara Levenstein
She has been volunteering at the Ilan association since 1980 and has served for the past 25 years as the chairman of the management of the Ilan Haifa branch. This branch is one of the central and largest in the association and serves as a regional branch that covers the entire Haifa and Kiryat region and provides services to thousands of disabled people. Under the leadership of Ms. Levenstein , the branch operates a wide range of services that include transporting the disabled to rehabilitation activities, an individual help committee for families and the disabled, social activities to enrich leisure time, social accompaniment, etc. The Haifa branch excels in innovative activities and special initiatives for the disabled, and this is largely thanks to Sara's special personality characterized by Noam Walks and with a bright face. She devotes many days to her volunteer activities for the public, her door is always open and she listens attentively to the problems of others and especially to the plight of disabled children. During her many years of volunteering, Ms. Levenstein initiated the establishment of frameworks for the well-being of the children and Ilan graduates, and developed diverse services to help to them. She also worked tirelessly to give them a life of dignity, independence and rehabilitation in the community, to bring the disabled into our world and to bring the disabled a better world adapted to their needs. In addition to her vigorous activity in the local branch, Ms. Levenstein is a member of the national ILAN board and its various committees, where she contributes her rich experience and takes an active and significant part in setting policy and charting the path of the association. Thanks to the model she set, the ILAN Haifa branch has about 200 dedicated volunteers who assist in the activities the difference
Prof. Amos Etzioni
Among the first graduates of the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion. He spent his entire rich career in medicine at the Rambam Hospital: specialization in the children's department, senior pediatrician, director of the children's department and director of the children's hospitals on the Rambam campus.
During his years of work at the hospital and transitioning to the treatment of many children, Prof. Etzioni specialized in the field of allergy and immunology and earned him a worldwide reputation in the field, following the discovery of several new genetic syndromes. Prof. Etzioni mainly researched the genetic autoimmune diseases and discovered the genes responsible for the syndrome. His discoveries resonated with the world of science and led to a deeper understanding and subsequently to the treatment of these diseases. He was invited to lectures all over the world and served as the president of the European Association for Immunodeficiency Diseases and is currently a member of the WHO committee on immunology in children.
Over the years he published over 300 scientific publications and was the first among the graduates of the Faculty of Medicine to receive the title of full professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion. Prof. Etzioni was one of the pillars in the construction of the new Ruth Rapaport Children's Hospital, he served as the main coordinator for its construction, he was the living spirit behind the construction, along with the professional teams and even headed it until his retirement.
For over 35 years, Prof. Etzioni has been the doctor in charge at the "Sacred Heart" institution in the city, where children with severe developmental delays are cared for. Thanks to his professional ability, he gives his clients the dedicated treatment with respect and maintains their health status, all with a pleasant and patient attitude. At the same time, continuous contact with the parents and caregivers is initiated by various means, in order to improve the situation as much as possible and prevent deterioration. Prof. Amos Etzioni combines in his work, throughout the years, infinite patience and tolerance for human value. It highlights the human side in human-to-human relations, giving and contributing to others without distinction of nationality, religion, etc.
Ms. Yochi Feller
Mrs. Yochi Peller dedicated her adult life to public activity and the well-being of the community. She held senior volunteer positions in the WICHO movement, both as the chairman of the Haifa branch, and as the chairman of WICHO Israel. Yochi saw in these roles a public mission to promote the status of women and the well-being of the family, and worked hard for the well-being of children at risk.
At the initiative of Mrs. Feller, new departments were opened in the WICHO branch such as: the legal bureau, the department for the status of women, clubs for girls in need, etc. Therapeutic clubs for children, mothers and grandparents were established in all the needy neighborhoods. The projects of WICHO Haifa and the residents of the city were dear to her heart. She brought Jews and Arabs closer together, opened a joint directorship course for Arab and Jewish women, organized a Bar/Bat Mitzvah for children who without the help would not have celebrated, obtained significant gifts for the children, took them out with their families for a fun day, so that they would remember the Bar/Bat Mitzvah today Significant, taking care of meals for the elderly, after-school care, warm homes for girls in need, teaching women a profession, children's studies and more. Her blessed activity had a great impact on the Haifa landscape and the country in general that she "plowed" tirelessly, day and night, and all this out of love and sensitivity.
In the "Rotary Israel" movement, Mrs. Feller served as the president of the Haifa Rotary Club, the largest of Israel's clubs, and this year serves as the chairman of the national committee for community activities.