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The fire in Carmel, the State Comptroller's report, the Haifa chapter, the response of the Greens


Condemned: The position of the Haifa Greens after the publication of the State Comptroller's report on the fire in Carmel

The State Comptroller's report on the fire in Carmel published today contains 2 chapters that are very relevant to the city of Haifa.
One chapter deals with the preparation of the fire brigade for this type of event and in it the part of the Haifa Fire Fighting Association is also highlighted.
The second chapter deals with the preparation and functioning of the local authorities, including the Haifa municipality, in the aforementioned event.

The fire_in Carmel.jpg

The cremation in Carmel. Photo: Ish Gordon
From these episodes, a very serious picture emerges of the poor performance of several parties, primarily the Haifa Municipality and its officials, and the Association of Haifa Fire Fighting Cities.
This serious report joins a number of previous reports by the State Comptroller on this subject, the Municipal Comptroller's report on the Haifa Fire Fighting Association, which was published a few months before the fire and a series of recommendations by state committees even before the Carmel disaster occurred.

In our response, we will focus only on the main points that the State Comptroller emphasized in the last report. Below are selected quotes from these chapters:

A. Deficiencies in the preparation and functioning of the Fire Authority of Haifa:

Duties of the Fire Authority and its powers: The fire authorities are municipal bodies operating according to the law. The law determines the duties of a fire authority: extinguishing fires, preventing fires and their spread, and saving life and property. To this end, it must, among other things, establish and maintain a firefighting unit in its area according to the standard and train the firefighters for their duties as firefighters, install and maintain in good condition the equipment and facilities necessary for the firefighting unit to fulfill its duties; ensure, maintain and coordinate all the necessary arrangements for fire prevention and extinguishing; Establish firefighting arrangements in institutions and factories, both public and private, supervise their equipment and coordinate firefighting arrangements and establish arrangements for providing mutual aid between them and between fire authorities
• This is not the first time that the State Comptroller deals with the fire and rescue system of the State of Israel; This was preceded by several reports and it was emphasized that most of the deficiencies had already been brought up in the past, but they were not corrected and the recommendations were not implemented

Editor's note, links on the same subject:

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The greens are blue and white
The greens are blue and white
The Blue and White Greens - a movement headed by Avihu Han for mayor

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תגובה 1

  1. Greetings,
    The following link contains all the information about the settlement proposal I submitted to the Haifa City Council in November 2010.

    Due to rejections by the municipality, the proposal was supposed to come up for discussion only on 7/12 (at the time of the disaster in Carmel).

    viewtopic.php? f = 17 & t = 6043" onclick=";return false;

    In addition, I am attaching the proposal I submitted following the municipal auditor's report that was published a few months before, on the poor functioning of the Association of Cities for Fire Fighting - Haifa
    Led by Rami Dotan - the chairman (council member from Yona Yahav's party) and Tafser Aryeh Regev, director of fire services in Haifa.

    And the passage is from the transcript of a previous meeting held a month before the fire in which Yona Yahav tries to interrupt my words regarding the situation of the Haifa Fire Brigade Union and Rami Dotan answers me with his characteristic condescension.
    As a result of this meeting, I submitted the proposal to order the Mtsav.
    Also attached is the letter I wrote yesterday on behalf of our faction and contains a number of new points revealed by the State Comptroller about the failures of the Haifa Municipality and the Association of Fire Fighting Cities - Haifa, from the report on the fire disaster in Carmel.

    In an interview yesterday on Channel 10, Rami Dotan tried to find a scapegoat and put all the responsibility for the failures of the union headed by him... only on the head of Tafser Aryeh Regev! This is a serious act of escaping responsibility!

    Rami Dotan did not tell the public how he completely rejected my claims and those of the municipal auditor, published months before the fire, about the poor state of the union under his leadership.
    Rami Dotan did not say that in fact in his office there were several previous reports of the State Comptroller on the dire situation of the firefighting unions, including that of Haifa, as well as reports of several committees
    An investigation that investigated previous fires in Carmel and events that occurred in its area during the Second Lebanon War.
    Rami Dotan and Yona Yahav ignored and ignore to this day the danger of the next disaster - in the Haifa Bay. Both of them fought for the Ofer brothers group so that they would be approved to build the most dangerous facility soon
    In Israel, within the area of ​​the Haifa refineries, otherwise known as the "Right Cracker" facility.

    Rami Dotan and Yona Yahav ignored several incidents of fires and leakage of dangerous substances, some of which took a toll in human lives, within the area of ​​the refineries (which now also includes the "Carmel Olpinim" plant, where at the moment there is another serious HOMs leakage incident)!

    Rami Dotan must go home and if he does not do so of his own accord, Mayor Yona Yahav should be fired!

    Yona Yahav must immediately fight against the establishment of the "right-wing detonator" facility and not throw sand in the eyes of the public "and divert the fire", by supposedly fighting other dangerous facilities such as: the gas farm and the ammonia tank.

    Minutes of a non-quorum council meeting
    Regarding the summaries and proposals of the Audit Committee
    to the municipal auditor's report for 2009
    which took place on Tuesday 2.11.2010 in Hashon XNUMX (November XNUMX, XNUMX)
    at 18:00 in the City Council Hall

    Mr. Yona Yahav, Mayor
    You have one more minute.

    Mr. Yaron Hanan
    yes i will finish Association of cities for firefighters, friends, the association of cities for firefighters is a very important position, which should be highly appreciated for the work they do, and I say, it goes beyond everything that comes up here in that the administrative rules are also not correct. You also violate tender laws, you also violate the duty of loyalty, you do not achieve the results, because the union has a huge backlog of a thousand active businesses without fire service approval, so I ask with everything you do, you also conduct yourself in this way, and you also do not achieve the the results to be achieved. I ask, heaven forbid, in whose hands are we abandoning ourselves to our fate, the association of cities for firefighters that we are now entering into businesses, a thousand of them without the approval of the fire services. You know what can happen there, and it has already happened in Israel and it has happened in other places, and the committee still does not know who is responsible, here I have a criticism of the committee, which does not know who is responsible for the deficiencies

    Mr. Yona Yahav, Mayor
    Your time has passed.

    Mr. Yaron Hanan
    OK, I'm done, who is responsible for the defects that appear, she doesn't know who is responsible, she asks for it to be checked, so who is responsible? Really, who is responsible? Is there a chairman for the firemen's union? I don't know, there is a CEO named, who is responsible?

    Mr. Yona Yahav, Mayor
    Ok thank you.

    Mr. Rami Dotan
    what? No, really, there is a limit to everything. There is a limit, too bad. You also asked Mr. Yaron who is responsible for the Union of Fire Fighting Cities, selfishly, I am the chairman of the union, and I am responsible for everything that happens there. If you ever want to know what the Haifa Cities Union is and what it is leading in the country, among twenty-four unions it is number one in the country, just for your information, and we will correct the deficiencies until the end, so that you are clear that there are deficiencies. If there are no deficiencies then there is no work, then there are deficiencies and they will be corrected, perhaps most of them have already been corrected.

    November 2010:

    Yaron Hanan • Member of the City Council • The Greens of Haifa • [email protected]

    Honorable: Mrs. Bracha Sela - City Secretary

    Greetings Hello,

    In the last municipal auditor's report, an entire chapter was devoted to the functioning of the Association of Cities for Fire Fighting - Haifa and the poor functioning of the local authorities, especially the municipality of Haifa, in everything related to the association's activities.
    Aside from the flaws that the report revealed in the management and conduct of the union. A very troubling and worrisome picture emerges of the lack of use of the powers granted to the head of the local authority in cases where there is a real danger to public life in aspects related to firefighting and hazardous materials. For the residents of the city and the region.
    In the clarification I did, I know that since the publication of the report, some of the deficiencies within the union have been corrected, but not much has been done in regards to the activities of the Haifa municipality required due to the findings of the audit report.

    Below are some problematic points revealed by the municipal auditor that indicate the difficult situation in the field of firefighting and the attitude of the local authority to the aforementioned aspects:

    • Lack of water for firefighting in Hadar Carmel and the Carmel neighborhoods, and especially in the areas bordering the Carmel Park, Huadith and the wooded areas and the lack of early preparation for fires in areas prone to fires.

    • Lawlessness regarding the granting of toxics permits to dangerous factories in the region: for years, 88% of the more dangerous factories (in category A) operate without a firefighting permit, most of the dangerous factories do not have "factory files" (field files) as required, and others have a partial file. All the above topics have no authorized enforcement by the local authority!!!

    • Audits to prevent infections that are supposed to be carried out in businesses, were carried out in no more than 60%-70% of the businesses in the entire region and their documentation is also poor.

    • Audits to prevent infections in schools were carried out only in 116 schools and educational institutions out of hundreds of schools in the entire region. Of these, 75% of the tests were found to be abnormal and there was no remedial activity on the part of the local authority!

    • There are no self-defense and firefighting trainings for kindergarten staff in Haifa.

    • Most of the fire trucks are old and their maintenance costs are high.
    • For years, purchases and contracts in the amount of hundreds of thousands of shekels have been made without a public tender as required by law, the service commander is employed improperly and with an apparent conflict of interest.

    • At the time of the audit, there was no professional solution for fires on vessels and there was no training on the subject for firefighters.

    • At the time of the audit, there were no firefighting authorities in the tunnels for 2/3 of the required firefighting equipment in the event of such a fire in the Carmel Tunnel.

    In the discussion I will submit the following resolution proposals:

    Due to the importance of the issues revealed by the auditor in the audit report and the criticality of the functioning of the Association of Cities for Firefighters and the functioning of the Municipality of Haifa, especially in the areas related to maintaining the safety and security of the residents of the city and the region, the Council decides:
    • The Chairman of the Haifa Firefighters Union - Council member Mr. Rami Dotan must submit by the next council meeting a detailed report describing the deficiencies that have already been corrected and presenting a timetable for completing the remaining corrections in the other issues found to be deficient in the last audit report.
    • The mayor must report by the next council meeting what the goals and timetables are for correcting all the safety deficiencies in the educational institutions in the city and the completion of the safety survey by the union in all the aforementioned institutions.
    • The mayor must report to the next council meeting what the goals and schedules are for carrying out all the required enforcement actions against businesses, and especially against factories with hazardous materials as required by law, to complete the actions required on their part so that they can receive approval from the fire department, including the preparation of the field files required of them.

    Best regards,

    Yaron Hanan - Council member

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