The Neve Shanan neighborhood stands out in Haifa because it is very large and flat. Those who live in the neighborhood can't imagine moving to another neighborhood, since in Neve Shanan many residents walk to the health fund, the supermarket, clothing and game stores, and more. The neighborhood's next challenge: will the municipality start a matron project on Hanita Street or not.
The Neve Shanan neighborhood is the largest neighborhood in Israel. Its uniqueness is that it is a flat neighborhood in a mountainous city. Many of its residents enjoy the possibility of walking and cycling. The original planning of the neighborhood was done by the architect Richard Kaufman. The period was after the Tel Hai events, so the first two streets in the neighborhood were named HaGalil and Trumpeldor. After that, Hanita Street was established, named after Kibbutz Begalil, and Middle Street got its name because of its location - between HaGilil Street and Hanita Street. It is commonly thought that the first houses of Neve Shanan were built in 1922. The neighborhood is next to the Technion, so besides a permanent population, mostly students also live there with rent.
Famous people in Neve Shanan
The late writer Amir Gutfreund, who died at the age of 52 after a battle with cancer. He continued to write until his last days and even though he knew his days were few he did not lose his optimism. Gutfreund wrote the novel "For her heroes fly" about his childhood in Neve Shanan. The novel received very good reviews and sold many copies. Gutfreund grew up on Hanita Street, and still had time to play with his friends in what later became Hanita 40, and was built later.
The Zlatin family - the late Yigal and Pnina Zlatin They were the main musicians in Neve Shanan for decades. Yigal was born in the neighborhood and his father was one of the founders of the neighborhood. They had 4 children, who continued their careers both as musicians and as teachers. The youngest son, Noam Zlatin, is a music producer and owner of a production studio.
Uri Zaki - Competing for a place on Meretz's list for the next Knesset. Currently placed in tenth place. Spouse of Mamretz Knesset member Tami Zandberg. He served for several years as CEO of B'Tselem USA and chairman of Meretz Youth.
Attorney Tal Sade - grew up in the neighborhood, got married and chose to continue living in the neighborhood even as a family man. He became active and announced his intention to run for a seat on the city council. At this stage he has not yet announced whether he will run as part of an existing list or independently.
Kobi Schwarzbord - Born and raised in the neighborhood. Works as a physics teacher at the six-year Leo Buck school. He won the prestigious Trump Prize for his work as a teacher, a prize that also includes 100,000 NIS. In recent years, he has flown every year with his students to the particle accelerator in Switzerland.
The late Dr. Eli Nachmias - A prolific public figure, former member of the Haifa City Council, resident of the Neve neighborhood Shanan Remez and member of the neighborhood committee, a writer, wrote books and articles about Haifa. Eli Nahmias also wrote one article here, before he died prematurely. You can read his latest article In this link…
The boundaries of the neighborhood - Neve Shaanan
The Neve Shanan neighborhood is the largest neighborhood in Israel. The boundaries of the neighborhood are Hanita Street (Ratner and Abba Hillel Silver Streets are part of the Jezreeliya neighborhood bordering Neve Shanan), Netiv Chen Street, Yad Labanim Road (the slopes of Neve Shanan) and up to the Ziv neighborhood. The neighborhood is very large and about 60,000 residents live there, 20% of the city's residents. What causes Neve Sha'anan to be considered an even bigger neighborhood than it is is that many make the mistake of thinking that the neighborhood of Halisa, Yizraelia and Ziv are part of the Neve Sha'anan neighborhood, which is not the case.
The population mix in Neve Shanan
The mix of the population today does not at all resemble what was in the past in the neighborhood. Today, there is a concentration of ultra-Orthodox and religious people in the neighborhood, and in Lima there are dozens of synagogues in the neighborhood, some of them in residential apartments or in apartments that religious people have taken over, apparently, and are not intended for synagogues. The secular residents of the neighborhood tried over the years to act against the religious and ultra-Orthodox, but without success. Over the years, the neighborhood also received immigration from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. On Hanita Street above the supermarket there is a high-rise, where new immigrants live.
According to secular residents of the neighborhood, when women run in exercise clothes on some of the streets in the neighborhood, they receive offensive comments from religious men, who are bothered to see them in naked clothes, apparently. Other residents claim that all kinds of banners are posted around the neighborhood calling for residents to repent.
Either way, both the secular and ultra-orthodox residents are fighting for the neighborhood's appearance, because the neighborhood is unusual in Haifa, a large neighborhood that is all flat. Many residents talk about how it is very convenient to live in Neve Shanan, because it is flat and offers all the services without leaving the neighborhood.
The chairman of the neighborhood committee in recent years was, until recently, Zvika Barbie. Among his achievements are the opening of clinics on Shabbat (which saves a trip to a doctor's visit or to hospital emergency rooms), pharmacies until 21:00 p.m., the introduction of a gynecologist, the establishment of an employment center , opening a rabbinical point in Neve Shaanan for marriage registration, issuing a rabbi in Neve Shaanan, opening a classroom for the poor, encouraging business and more.
The educational institutions in Neve Shanan neighborhood
In the Neve Shanan neighborhood there are several elementary schools: Dinor School (Klibanov Street), Jezreeliya School (Jezreeliya Street), Rambam State Religious School (Middle Street), Tel Hai School (Hagalil Street) and the Open School (Bari Formerly, Berel Katznelson Street.) According to the ranking of the Medlan website, the most prominent elementary school in Neve Shanan (and, frankly, prominent throughout the country in its achievements) is the Yizraeliya school, where exceptional work is done in every parameter (Mitzav tests, school climate, teacher satisfaction and attrition, etc.) The neighborhood also operates a six-year municipal school C, which is well known to most of the students in the neighborhood for the past 50 years.
Over the years there has been a familiar phenomenon in Neve Shanan - some schools were almost empty of students compared to other schools whose school structure could not accommodate the number of students whose parents wanted them to study there.
The former district director in the Ministry of Education, the late Rachel Momoki, tried to combat the phenomenon by branding each of the schools uniquely. Her goal was to help the schools that remained with dozens of students, such as the Dinor school, as opposed to the Yezraelia and Tel Hai schools, which have a very large number of students asked to study with them. Sometimes a school gets a bad name because of bad work done there, but there are cases when a few stories, true or false, give the school a bad name, unjustly. Metuki fought in front of the parents in order not to allow any parent to go to the committee and transfer the child wherever they want, because if she had allowed the parents to do so, she would have resulted in the closing of some of the schools in Neve Shanan. The schools that are emptied in front of the requested schools, sometimes also create classes of almost 40 students in the requested schools, and this also harms the end of Talk to the students and the teaching staff.
In Neve Shanan there is a high percentage of religious people and therefore there are also many educational institutions from the religious state stream. One of them is the Rambam Elementary School on Middle Street. In recent years, hard work has been done at the school in order to erase the difficult years at the school, where both students and the teaching staff suffered from difficult violence from students and their relatives. Sometimes a guard, who is seemingly negligent , in the performance of his duties and allowing the children's relatives to enter the school premises may cause very serious damage.
Urban C: The six-year urban school C is a complex story in itself: in the 80s of the last century, the school was considered a good and sought-after school, and everyone who lived in the neighborhood attended it. In recent years, many parents have decided that they are not ready for their children to study in Ironi C, so they started sending their children to the Bad Arts School (if they were accepted), to Reali, to Leo Buck, and a few years ago they received permission to send their children to the Alliance School in the Sun Valley . According to parents whose children study at the school, this is a negative image that has stuck with the school, but the pedagogical achievements and the recruitment rate for the IDF show that work is being done at the school.
In the heyday of the "Ironi C" school, many hundreds of students studied there and the buildings, Masada and the main building, were full to capacity. In recent years there have been many classrooms that have been empty.
It should be noted that in recent years almost all residents of the neighborhood have avoided sending their children to school because it has been given an image (perhaps unfairly) of a school that apparently has a lot of violent problems. Those who are still enrolled in the school are students from the slopes of Neve Shanan. The Mitzvah tests from the past few years, the percentage of eligibility for matriculation, the recruitment percentage and other parameters reveal that the school is doing strenuous pedagogical work, which yields very impressive results. In fact, the latest data from 2015 places Ironi C as one of the leading schools in the city, far ahead of many schools A book that has a better name. According to parents whose children study in City C, the explanation is that the high school has a large group of veteran teachers who do hard work to bring about the success of the students, and their efforts are bearing fruit. The person who still contributes a lot to improving the school's image is Yo R. and the parents' committee at the school, Tzvika Barbie. In addition, the school also has a theater program, which in recent years has been led by a teacher in her 40s who puts on unique productions with the students, which are highly praised.
Urban C
The current chairman of the parents' council is Zvika Barbi who replaced the previous chairman Moshe Atia. Many attribute the recent successes also to Zvika Barbi who invested heavily in improving the school's image. Today there is transparency and anyone can be updated about the activities of the parents' committee.
It is not possible to review the education in Neve Sha'anan without referring to the former chairman of the parents' committee at the city school C. Moshe Atia, who is one of the most prominent figures in the neighborhood. Atia's children attended the school, and there were times when the impression was created that he is the one who allegedly runs the school and not Another one. According to the parents, who preferred not to be identified by name, they have felt over the years that everyone is afraid of Atia and prefers to do what he wants. One way or another, Atia has repeatedly claimed over the years that the children of Neve Shanan do not receive from the municipality, apparently, the same treatment that the children on the ridge receive , and therefore in several cases he disabled studies until such and such deficiencies in the school were corrected. The objections to his actions were silenced and even elections to the school's parent committee did not change his ability to influence actions in the school.
Real estate in Neve Shanan
Because of the size of the neighborhood, there are large differences in the value of units. While on the streets of Abba Hillel Silver, Derech Yad Labanim and Nissenboim, you can find 4-room apartments for a price of 700,000 NIS, in the more expensive streets of the neighborhood, apartment prices can reach over 2 million NIS "H.
As in other Haifa neighborhoods, the value of apartments in the Neve Shanan neighborhood has also jumped by tens of percent in the last 15 years. The most expensive streets in the neighborhood are HaGalil, Netiv Chen and the new Yaakov Hazan and Salomon streets. At the same time, the demand for apartments in the neighborhood is very high because the neighborhood is very suitable for the religious population because of the many synagogues and educational institutions.
There are also many projects in the neighborhood, which are a great success. The contractor Shechtman is building hundreds of units on Tabenkin Street, which are sold without any difficulty.
The Neve Shanan neighborhood has a glorious history long before the establishment of the state. Residents in the neighborhood try to preserve the unique buildings, but not always successfully. A years-long struggle over the water tower on HaGil Street. The building was used by the neighborhood in its early years.
In the last 30 years, high-rise buildings began to appear in the neighborhood, and the appearance of the neighborhood changed beyond recognition. In the past, high-rise buildings could only be seen on Derech Yad Labanim, Klibanov, Abba Hillel Silver and Nisimboim streets. Over the years, high-rise buildings were also built on Hanita Street. In the Middle and Galil streets you can see the renewal of buildings and next to them relatively new streets such as Yaakov Hazan and Salomon. The neighborhood has a number of old public buildings - Beit Abba Khushi, a folk cinema, the immigrant camps on HaGil Street and one of the buildings with the greatest historical value - the Tel Hai school building, which was partly used as a hideout for weapons during the Mandate period.
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Challenges in the coming years - Neve Shaanan
The main challenge facing Neve Shanan is the apparent intention of the municipality to make it a metropolitan neighborhood, apparently after the renovation in the center of Carmel is completed. The merchants in the neighborhood held a number of protest meetings on the subject and informed the municipality that they would not continue the rent, if indeed the project was implemented. As of this moment, it is not clear whether their protest will help or not, but residents in the neighborhood are very afraid that they will not be able to continue shopping on Hanita Street on foot, because the sidewalks and roads will undergo a massive renovation.
[] project Haifa neighborhoods - Michal Yaron presents the unique characteristics of each neighborhood in the city