(Live here) On Friday, 24/1/25, around 21:50 PM, a police helicopter flew over the city.
We are investigating what his mission is and have not yet received a clear answer.
Last week, we reported here that the Haifa Police Department received a special assignment of a helicopter to increase enforcement, with an emphasis on Fridays.
It's time to eradicate crime in the city.
And give the residents security and peace like they had in the distant past. Yashar Koach
Lots of noise and bells. You don't need a helicopter to catch those lawbreakers on the roads. You just need determination and patience. They drive around the city in their upgraded cars. Surprisingly, there isn't a single car on the road. Too bad I'm not a police officer. I would have stopped them a long time ago. The Israel Police must raid Halisa, Kababir, and Allenby Street. These places are a hornet's nest.
Yaron is right, I'm totally with you!
Haifa has become a violent city
Increased enforcement activity for weapons, weapons and drugs.