The Dangerous Delicacy • The Story of a Fish

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More than once, the fish that arrive on the country's shores are not only new and tempting "prey", but also the source of a surprising, sometimes tragic story. This phenomenon, known as "hafa", describes the arrival of large fish such as loaches (locusts) on the beach, while still alive and fluttering, looking fresh and inviting. The beaches in Israel, especially the Dado and Kryot beaches, are often flooded with such fish, which often offer curious passers-by the temptation to take them home as a light dinner, unaware of the danger they face.

A marble risk (photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

The fish is fluttering, shiny and fresh – who wouldn't want to take it home? The price of such a fish in the market can be 180 NIS per kilogram, and this is no small sum. The motive is clear – simple, economical and attractive. However, while this story sounds like a spectacular seaside legend, there is also a dark side to it.

Indian Sikh (Photo: Moti Mendelsohn)

What happens after you bring the fish home?

After cleaning the fish, you may first notice something amiss: the belly is bloated, which would not normally happen if the fish were healthy. The cause of this symptom is not as mysterious as thought, but lies in the food the fish eats – stingrays, known predators, eat almost anything that comes their way, including fish that feed on toxic algae found throughout the Mediterranean basin.

Dakar floated years ago… alive (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

The problem arises when these algae release gases that affect the fish, causing them to lose their balance and float upside down in the sea, unable to control themselves. The result – fish that wash up on the beach in a strange way, alive but upside down, with bloated bellies.

The danger of eating such fish

Eating fish that has been released in this way can be dangerous. It is not an immediate death, but the affected fish can transmit toxicity that causes symptoms similar to those that appear after ciguatera poisoning – a fish poisoning common in the Indian Ocean.

Rock picker (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

Signs of poisoning from spoiled fish include: vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, dizziness, muscle pain, and numbness. In most cases, the symptoms can be severe, and if you don't get medical attention, it can get worse.

Rock picker (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

How to avoid the risk?

Prevention is simple – do not eat fish that have washed ashore. This article is not intended to scare, but to warn. Although not everyone will be harmed by eating such fish, it is better to simply avoid it and maintain your health. The amount of fish that reach the shore may increase in the coming years, as will the risk.
It should be emphasized that the harm depends on the amount eaten by both the fish and the amount consumed by the person, so it is possible that in ten people everything will be normal and in the eleventh person symptoms will appear.

Zaharon Morel from Upside Down (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

In recent years, with the increase in the amount of fish in the Red Sea, we have witnessed an increase in the number of fish washed ashore, especially towards the end of the swimming season. The same bass fish that we used to only see on the beaches of the Krayot, we can now find on other beaches as well.

True story: This is how it happened

As part of my volunteer work at the Lartz Institute for Poison Information at Rambam Hospital, I have often encountered such cases. There is always room for surprise, and sometimes it is hard to believe how true this story is. One of the cases I remember was of a man who ate spoiled fish, and within an hour of eating it, he began to feel bad: chills, nausea, headaches, increased sweating, and hallucinations. He immediately went to Rambam Hospital, where he was diagnosed and treated by doctors, and he stayed there all night.

When I asked how many fish he ate, the answer was surprising: "Six kilograms." Is that strange? Yes. Does that make sense? Maybe. At least the result was definitely clear.

Zaharon has a swollen belly (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

closing words

Remember: Fish washed up on the beach are not only a beautiful sight that invites us to take, but sometimes also a danger. It's not scary, it's just important information that we should all remember before rushing to eat something that comes straight from the beach. When you see a fish flapping, remember – sometimes there are things hiding under the surface, and they can cost us our health.

It is also important to understand – fish are not waiting for us on the shore to offer themselves. Don't be tempted to take them, and stay healthy.

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Motty Mendelssohn
Motty Mendelssohn
Marine researcher (diving, underwater photography) and marine and environmental ecology for 35 years. Lecturer in the field for about 20 years. You can order a lecture, or a series of lectures accompanied by unique and spectacular photos, taken during many years of research, in Israel and abroad, ecological tours within Israel and tours of the Dead Sea sinkholes • 050-7271157 • [email protected]

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33 תגובות

    • Good morning Esther
      Animals are not returned to the water.
      And that includes invasive species.
      good week

  1. Dear Moti, an interesting and fascinating article (as always) and even more life-saving. Thank you Moti, for sharing with us and enriching us with your knowledge and care.

    • Thank you very much, Mira. All under the condition that the authorities, whose job it is, will take care of you.

  2. Marbled mackerel and Indian mackerel are "venomous" in the vernacular, the most common fish on our shores. It was worth writing this.
    In my opinion, the stingray or loach is disappearing from our beaches (it was in huge quantities in the 80s on the Haifa coast) and it is not clear why it is not declared an endangered fish whose capture is prohibited. If the news about the increase in their numbers on the beaches is true, then this is encouraging.

    • Good morning, Tzipora. The dangers are old invaders.
      In both species, the skin may be poisonous, especially in the Indian eel.
      And regarding the loco fish…they have not been in critical condition for a long time, which is good.

      Just remember... it's not good to completely ban fishing for a certain species, because it would harm the ecology... meaning these fish are predators, and if their numbers increase unchecked, it will harm another species.
      Shabbat Shalom

  3. Dear Moti, Izuz is a fascinating and important article! You really need to be careful and pay attention to these fish that come to the shore. I'm sure that with the very important information you shared here, you helped a lot of people 🙂 In addition, the photos in this article are absolutely spectacular, you couldn't stop staring! Good luck!

    • Shabbat to Jordan and thank you very much
      Indeed, this poisoning is dangerous and anyone who experiences it is left traumatized by feeding fish in general. Sometimes I see large, bloated fish that are literally zombies.
      Shabbat Shalom

  4. And another phenomenon of fainting fish that was very common in the 60s is the drub, which is a bomb that explodes at depth. They would scatter bread. You can see it in the movie. Peep, light a fuse, throw a bomb that sinks deep and explodes. Then the amount of fish that was collected is unbelievable. I was vital until the 60s. It took people to collect the fish. This fishing was also stopped, and anyone who did it would go to jail.

  5. There is another phenomenon of fish fainting, and that is fishing with poison. This was common among Israeli Arabs. They would sprinkle bread with tardamon, which is a toxic and unhealthy substance. The fish would eat the poisoned bread and faint, lie on their side, and flutter. Then, diving with only binoculars, they would collect commercial quantities and today they sell them on the market. The fine for such an offense has increased greatly, and I think there is also imprisonment.

  6. I've been a fisherman for 50 years. A strange fish has never made it to my plate. Not bloated, not fainted, and not bloated. Fish should be healthy. Regular catch, either rod or gun. Any suspicion I have of a sick fish is thrown into the sea.

    • Good afternoon Adam. I have known you for many years, you are well versed in the science of ichthyology, and you also didn't catch any fish you didn't see on the Turkish ship.
      Shabbat Shalom

    • Shabbat to Jordan and thank you very much
      Indeed, this poisoning is dangerous and anyone who experiences it is left traumatized by feeding fish in general. Sometimes I see large, bloated fish that are literally zombies.
      Shabbat Shalom

  7. Dear Moti, what a good and important article, I'm sure there are people who have seen fish in "good, shiny, and tempting" condition and take them home.
    It is assumed that anyone who comes across a fish lying on the shore and has read the article beforehand will avoid problems.
    Well done Muti

    • Good afternoon, Nili, you are right. They have the signs of a healthy fish.
      Eyes, gills, springy flesh…but soaked in toxins

      Shabbat Shalom

  8. Another reason fish are washed ashore is that they are picked up
    Fish quickly from the depths due to the pressure difference
    The stomach swells and sometimes the locust comes out as if
    Tongue from the mouth, this is the intestine that swells…
    There are videos of fish with bloated bellies making a hole.
    With a needle and the fish immediately recovers and dives…
    A fish that is released and dies is not always poisoned.

    • This may be true, but not in the specific cases of Hallel, Toda Raba, and Shabbat Shalom.

    • This may be true but not in the specific cases. Hallel, thank you very much, and Shabbat Shalom. Shabbat Shalom, thank you very much.

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