(Live) – Operation Deer: Suspect kept deer in his home, a protected natural asset that is prohibited from being possessed.

The Nature and Parks Authority and the Civil Administration told the Israel News Corporation:
As part of an enforcement activity initiated by the Nature and Parks Authority inspectors to prevent hunting - the Chief Petty Officer of Nature Reserves in the Civil Administration, Detective Benjamin in the Shomron Police Headquarters, the Shomron Police Headquarters and Battalion 7663 in the village of Turmusaya, 3 deer, protected wildlife, were located in the yard of the suspect's house. The suspect was keeping deer in his house, a protected natural value that is prohibited from being kept. As soon as the conditions were ripe, the parties involved in the rescue operation joined in, captured and rescued the deer for veterinary treatment at the Safari Wildlife Hospital in Ramat Gan. The suspect was taken for questioning.

A., the enforcement coordinator in the unit to combat illegal hunting in Judea and Samaria, says: "It was a very exciting rescue operation. Thanks to the close connection with the police detective team from the Binyamin station and the alertness of the detectives who noticed the deer and rushed to report, we were able to save the deer safe and sound. The cooperation over the years with the police and the detective team from the Binyamin station, who have learned over the years to identify protected wild animals and are always willing to assist us in the field of enforcement against illegal hunting, has proven itself time and time again and saved the wild animals so that they will live here tomorrow as well."

A veterinarian at the Nature and Parks Authority who joined the operation added that the deer were kept in the yard of the house and it was clear that they had undergone a process of branding (habituation to humans). This is a destructive process that harms the natural behavior of the wild animal, which includes avoiding dangers such as dogs, predators, or, unfortunately, humans. Our ambition at the Nature and Parks Authority is to return every animal whose place is in Israeli nature to the wild, but in some cases this is not possible. We will work to rehabilitate the deer and transfer them after treatment to a gentle acclimatization station in a nature reserve, where they will be kept for a long period of time with their own kind and away from humans to see if they can return to the wild.

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority reminds us that the Israel Deer is a protected wild animal that is in serious danger of extinction and is prohibited from being kept at home. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority invests significant resources in monitoring and preserving this species. If you know of a wild animal being held in captivity in violation of the law, report it to the Authority's hotline at *3639 or to the Israel Police hotline 100. According to the Authority's estimates, there are only about 5,500 deer left in Israeli nature. We must ensure that the local population is preserved and protected, otherwise it will become extinct.

You didn't mention that the person who held the deer was a Palestinian.
The Arab scum must be put in the cage they found for the rest of his life. This is the only punishment that suits him.
It's sad that there are people who act like this, against the law and nature...
Congratulations on your important and blessed work 💪