To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question • Between facts, opinions and myths

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As every year, this winter too, the questions arise whether it is worth getting vaccinated, or whether it is better to rely on the body's natural antibodies, and what is more harmful: the vaccine ingredients or the disease itself. According to data from the Ministry of Health, there is a significant decrease in parental compliance with vaccinations for children. The Ministry of Health emphasizes at every opportunity that preventive medicine, which includes vaccinations, has proven itself over the years to prevent infections and outbreaks of epidemics.

The rate of whooping cough in children between six months and one year of age who have not been vaccinated is 20 times higher than in those who have been vaccinated, as reported in various articles. But opponents of vaccination claim that it is all a conspiracy and that no one can be trusted in this matter anymore. Economic forces are involved and distort reality to their advantage, they will tell you.

It seems that now, following the decline in the number of people vaccinated, diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella and other diseases that may harm fertility, polio viruses discovered in Gaza, the papilloma virus linked to cervical cancer, tetanus and other diseases that seemed to have disappeared due to vaccinations, may return and threaten. But after the energy left by the corona vaccines, it is harder to convince that vaccines saved the world from serious epidemics.

After our family doctor recommended that we get vaccinated against the flu and pneumonia, he said: "You've reached an age where your body is no longer as strong as it used to be, and it's worth getting vaccinated to protect yourself from diseases." I turned to the wisdom of the masses and asked friends: "Is it worth getting vaccinated?" In their answers, I discovered conflicting myths, beliefs, and studies. Among the friends I asked were some who said "no to vaccines under any circumstances," and immediately added a story about the man who died after getting vaccinated against coronavirus, and another who got a severe flu after getting vaccinated. There were also others who said that they get vaccinated every year and feel great, without illnesses, and they encourage vaccination out of the feeling that those who don't get vaccinated are relying on herd immunity, thanks to those who do get vaccinated.

Responses to the question of vaccines

The responses to the question of whether to get vaccinated were varied. There were many "no" answers, many "yes" answers, and many doubts about the reliability of the studies, and mainly advice: chicken soup, nutrition, breathing, and meditation. A healthy mind in a healthy body. There were also those who recommended faith and prayer, and equally freedom from stumbling beliefs and love as a healer. In general, opinions are divided and beliefs are many, and it seems that not all of them are anchored in reality. Here are some of them:

Kira: "I see that the response to the flu vaccine is difficult this year, but the flu itself is even more difficult. A difficult question, for sure."

Michal says it depends on the attitude. "I believe that illness is part of life. It's also a break, it cleanses the body, it's suitable for the weak, it also trains the body in self-healing. So I don't get vaccinated. But if there's fear, then it's worth getting vaccinated because fear weakens."

Atzmona emphasizes that as long as the immune system is normal and there are no life-threatening illnesses, she opposes vaccination. "But when the physical condition is not good, each case must be considered on its own merits." Michelle claims that the doctor told her that getting sick and then recovering without complications means that the body is fighting and getting stronger, and it is better not to get vaccinated. Guy also claims that he does not get vaccinated. "Illness is a sign from the body, as far as I am concerned, to stop and rest for a few days." Smadar has no faith in the system. "I do not get vaccinated. They say it is a protein like the corona vaccines that damages the body's proteins and is harmful. As for the flu, the vaccine is suitable for last year's viruses, and every year there are new variations."

Antonia claims that vaccination is harmful. "Any shot that is mistakenly called a 'vaccine' is not a vaccine at all. Just by looking at the list of ingredients in these vaccines, one has to ask oneself why such substances are being put into the body."

Eti got vaccinated. "It really helps me be healthy and feel good." Pezia is also in favor of vaccines. "I got vaccinated as soon as the vaccines came out back in October. This is the seventh year I've been vaccinated against the flu. I have complex underlying diseases and I'm glad I got vaccinated. I've never had any side effects from the vaccine."

Neta was an opponent of vaccinations until she saw otherwise. "My family and I got vaccinated and since then, thank God, we hardly get sick, and if there is anything, we get it easily. As a former opponent of flu vaccines, I realized that it helps and is important." Ofra gets vaccinated every year. "I've been getting vaccinated for years and thank God there are no illnesses. Why make life difficult?" she asks. Gila also gets vaccinated and claims to be healthy most of the time.

The vaccine that saved the world

The most dramatic story in this regard concerns the smallpox epidemic that broke out in Asia and Europe in the 14th century, killing millions of people. The "Black Death" or Black Plague was an active epidemic for several years and killed an estimated 200 million people in Africa, China and Europe. Some say that 50 percent of the population of Europe was killed by the disease. The disease continued to erupt in waves until the vaccine for the disease was invented in the late 18th century and the virus was successfully eradicated in a global vaccination campaign.

In 1924, a smallpox epidemic broke out in the United States, infecting 28 people. Anti-vaccinationists blamed vaccines for the outbreak. After a huge campaign of anti-vaccination resistance, the 1903 mandatory vaccination was repealed. One of the leaders of the anti-vaccination movement was Laura Little, from Oregon. She claimed that her son had died after being vaccinated against smallpox, and although the child died of diphtheria six months after receiving the vaccine, she gained sympathy from thousands of people who believed that the child's blood had been contaminated by the vaccine and that his natural immune system had been damaged. She published a book in which she wrote about many deaths caused by those vaccines, accusing the vaccine manufacturers of greed. Anti-vaccinationists claim that the pain of losing her only son seems to have blurred the line between fact and reality, and anti-vaccinationists believe that vaccines contain secret ingredients. which can cause damage.

Today, there is talk of new viruses being discovered, some of which are mutations of viruses that were already on Earth. Some say that the viruses arrive with meteors that crash into the atmosphere, and conspiracists claim that most of them are produced in laboratories in order to later sell the vaccines. But at this point, according to experts in Australia, there is no fear of a new pandemic coming out of China despite the rumors, and this is a disease that has existed for many years and has currently broken out in certain areas of China.

Studies, myths and beliefs

One issue that received a lot of attention was an article, which until it turned out to be based on false data, claimed a link between the MMR vaccine – known as the triple vaccine because it is a combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella – and autism. The study was done by Andrew Wakefield (England, 1998) and turned out to be false. Wakefield fabricated data that did not exist, in order to gain money that he planned to sue the pharmaceutical companies. When the scheme was discovered, Wakefield lost his medical license and the publication was removed.

But the belief had already taken root, and many people were certain that their children's autism was the result of a vaccine they received. Later, it was proven and written about the economic considerations of the study, and that the data had been fabricated, but it was already too late. This no longer interested parents, even though other studies that were conducted found no link between the triple vaccine and autism. In addition, epidemiological studies have ruled out a link between the Hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis, between the diphtheria vaccine and SIDS, between the meningitis (HIB) vaccine and juvenile diabetes, and between the cervical cancer vaccine and serious side effects that were claimed to be a result of the vaccine.

The additional concern about the harm of vaccines is from the substances added to them, such as thimerosal, which is a derivative of mercury that, according to health organizations, breaks down in the body. The claim was that the amount of mercury found in an average vaccine containing mercury is lower than the amount of mercury found in a tuna sandwich. Thimerosal is used as a preservative in vaccines, and consists, among other things, of mercury salt. In the late 90s, American health authorities conducted a survey that revealed that children who received all vaccines may receive too large a dose of mercury salt. Following the test, thimerosal was completely removed from all routine infant vaccines in the United States and Israel.

Additives and residual materials

Vaccines are added with substances that increase immune activity, from the aluminum salt family, which have been shown to be safe to use. The amount is minimal, less than what is found in breast milk or formula. It is claimed that in the first six months of life, a baby receives a maximum of 4 mg of aluminum from vaccines, compared to about 10 mg from breast milk, 40 mg from formula, or 140 mg from a plant-based formula. Aluminum is constantly found in food, water, and the air we breathe. Therefore, there are always low amounts of aluminum in the blood (about 5 nanograms), and it is cleared by the kidneys.

Vaccines also contain stabilizers, which are proteins and sugars, to protect them from environmental hazards. Gelatin, a protein used in vaccines as a stabilizer, can cause an allergic reaction, but the statistics are one in two million.

Residues are created in the vaccine manufacturing process, and this is monitored. Formaldehyde is a common residue. Its function is to neutralize the disease and the virus's ability to reproduce, while maintaining the ability to produce an immune response. Formaldehyde is suspected of causing genetic mutations, as was discovered in tissue cultures when used in very large quantities. It is worth remembering that no mutations have been discovered in the human body or in animals, especially since the amounts in vaccines are low. The levels naturally present in a baby's body are 10 times or more higher than the levels in vaccines.

The vaccine sometimes contains small amounts of neomycin, a type of antibiotic that there is no evidence that can cause an allergic reaction. Another residue is protein, and it is egg proteins and yeast proteins that can pose a risk of allergy. Children with sensitivity to egg proteins also generally have an increased risk of respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that they be vaccinated, under medical supervision, against diseases such as influenza, even though the vaccines contain egg proteins, and that the allergy be monitored if it develops.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Supporters of vaccines argue that, like any medicine, there are sometimes side effects, but they are mild and transient. The risks associated with vaccination are considered negligible compared to its benefits in preventing disease, and given the importance of maintaining "herd immunity" for the benefit of society as a whole.

According to the World Health Organization, vaccination prevents about 2-3 million deaths each year. Doctors who treated corona patients during the outbreak of the global pandemic talk about the vaccine as a lifesaver, especially for older people, whose immune systems no longer function as effectively. At the same time, stories of people who experienced difficulties after vaccination, even if they have no scientific evidence, are not simple. I cannot say for sure that there was harm due to the vaccine, because there is no research proof for this, but some of those who were affected claim it outright. A mother of six children says that she vaccinated five of them and everything went smoothly, until her youngest son arrived at intensive care just hours after the vaccination. Another woman was diagnosed with a cancerous lump in her breast a few months after receiving the vaccine.

Alongside the claims, many will say that they were saved thanks to the vaccine, while others died from one epidemic or another. In 2022, 700 children died from measles in Zimbabwe, where there are no vaccines. In the Third World, diseases that the Western world has forgotten about continue to exist, and the claim is that these diseases manage to harm because vaccines have not reached there.

This article is not intended to recommend or deny vaccinations. Everyone has their own approach and the legal right to act on their position. The only recommendation I can give is to maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible, and try to find the appropriate peace amidst the noise, to allow the body and mind to be optimally healthy.

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Tammy Goldstein
Tammy Goldstein
Caller, Hilarit, a spiritual teacher specializing in personal and couple holistic counseling and energy therapy to balance the body and emotions, with over 20 years of experience

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תגובה 1

  1. Tami, all you have to do to know the truth about vaccines is read the book "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccines Science and Myths."
    An excellent book, not a word of which has been refuted.

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