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Irregularities in the measurement of shared water consumption in residential buildings in Haifa: "The bills are inflated and we are helpless"

(haipo) – Unusual discrepancies in the measurement of shared water consumption in residential buildings in Haifa are causing a stir among a large number of residents, who are reporting to the Haifa system huge discrepancies that reach up to 670.80 cubic meters – twice as much as the corresponding period last year and even more.

The State Comptroller ordered a recalculation

Following an article published inhaipo In November 2024, when an unusual case of excessive charges by the Carmel Water Corporation was revealed, many inquiries began to flow into the website's system, mainly from residents living in the "Neot Peres" neighborhood, but also from other neighborhoods in the city.

That article mentioned the struggle of a tenant in a shared building, who managed to change the bad decision after contacting the State Comptroller. Following an investigation into the case, the State Comptroller determined that Carmel Water's conduct was contrary to the provisions of the law and ordered the corporation to recalculate the shared water consumption.

Abnormal measurement differences

"The inflated bills keep coming and we are helpless"

Among those contacting the Haifa system are residents of a building on Kauders Street in the Carmel Tzarfati neighborhood, who received a notification of measurement discrepancies of 472 cubic meters – an increase of about 200% compared to the same period the previous year.

A resident from another neighborhood in the city, who contacted the Haifa system due to high measurement discrepancies, claimed that following his request he received a response from Carmel Water, according to which the "lack of residence" in one of the apartments in the building was the cause of the deviations in the shared consumption. "This is an illogical answer," he noted in his request to the system, "It is clear that something is wrong here, apparently information is being hidden from us, and the only way to correct the injustice is through the media," the resident wrote.

A resident from another neighborhood in the city also turned to Lipa and said:
"I read the article about the shared consumption differential charges and I feel complete identification. For over a year now, all the tenants of the building have been receiving notices from the Carmel Water Company about increased consumption of about 9 cubic meters. We called a plumber to check the matter and he determined that everything was in order. We even checked the main water meter, a test that cost 167 shekels, which also showed that the meter was working properly. We stand helpless in the face of the situation, while the inflated water bills continue to arrive."

Abnormal measurement differences

Residents complain about a widespread phenomenon in Neot Peres

The majority of the calls that reached the Haifa system were, as mentioned, from the Neot Peres neighborhood, where there are new, high-rise buildings.

Itai Levy, a member of a committee in one of the buildings in the neighborhood, told HaShem:
"At first we thought it was a one-off incident, but we quickly realized that almost all the buildings in the neighborhood received letters about abnormal consumption on the common meter. It's not possible that there is a leak in all the buildings. A thorough inspection needs to be carried out, or perhaps the problem stems from infrastructure work in the area or a leaking main pipe."

Photo of the day Sami Ofer and Neot Peres (photo: photo by Marom Ben Aryeh)
Neot Peres neighborhood in Haifa – modern buildings (Photo: Merom Ben Arie Photography)

A plumber for every tenant?

Another resident of Neot Peres, whose name is being withheld from the system, told Live that representatives of Carmel Water demanded that each resident call a private plumber to check for leaks. “This is a neighborhood with high-rise buildings. Why should each resident have to take care of their own plumber? It just doesn’t make sense,” she said.

The residents are calling on the Carmel Water Corporation to take responsibility and conduct systemic inspections to identify the root of the problem. They claim that demanding payment for excessive consumption without a proper explanation and without a comprehensive inspection being conducted is unacceptable and does them an injustice.

Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences - December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences – December 2024

Carmel Water Corporation provided the following response to the Haifa news agency:

"In the past year, smart water meter systems (KRM) were introduced - remote reading. These innovative systems provide real-time reports to the consumer on the water consumption in their property and allow the consumer to know in real time about their water consumption and receive an alert regarding continuous water consumption in the property, which could indicate a malfunction in the private and domestic system.

The KRAM measurement is considered the most reliable, and its advantages are receiving an accurate water bill, receiving digital information on water consumption for the benefit of intelligent and economical use of water, and most importantly – receiving alerts regarding increased water consumption, early identification of the possibility of hidden or visible leaks in real time. Any consumer who thinks that their metering system is not measuring properly is invited to contact Carmel Water, and the corporation will conduct a periodic bill check in accordance with the rules of the Water Authority.

We emphasize that the water sector operates under fundamental guidelines that separate the responsibility of the municipal water supplier (corporation) for infrastructure on public land from the responsibility of the consumer for infrastructure on private land under its responsibility. It is important to remember that the article presents applications in neighborhoods where many consumers live in buildings with many private and shared infrastructure systems, which may also be used for various shared needs.

Modern water meters of the KRAM type – remote reading (Photo: Hai Fa)
Modern water meters of the KRAM type – remote reading (Photo: Hai Fa)

Announcements from Carmel Water about unusual measurement differences – December 2024

Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences - December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences – December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences - December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences – December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences - December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences – December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences - December 2024
Notice from Carmel Water regarding unusual measurement differences – December 2024

contact: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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58 תגובות

  1. A despicable, forceful and unnecessary method whose sole purpose is robbery. One watch per tenant and that's it. Shared consumption is a code name for a mistake at best and deliberate intent at worst.
    Like an electric company, a clock for each tenant and that's it.
    All of course ostensibly for entertainment purposes and my opinion only. T.L.H.

  2. Carmel Water claims that the digital clocks are working? They should prove that they installed them as required, that they proved it according to every meter book for which calibration was performed, and that they should send a computer sheet to each of the clocks that were installed throughout the city.. What about a deviation? What about a communication interruption? What happens if the transmission is of low quality? Who from Carmel Water checked this? By the way, the Haifa Municipality is not exempt. Carmel Water is an emissary of the municipality

  3. Now they sent a letter without any proof that the problem is not theirs. We will take them to court. We are fed up with this unnecessary corporation.

  4. Peace
    I am Corinne, I live on 11 Arik Sharon Road.
    For over a year now, we have been receiving letters stating that we have an excess of 27 cubic meters of water for a retired couple.
    I contacted them several times and as usual they blame us for there being no leak, no garden, no bathtub or jacuzzi.
    I don't know what to do.
    If you find a solution for me I would be happy.

  5. Those who don't understand - they are stealing from us, all of us!!!!
    Carmel Water is a terrible, dictatorial corporation, everything is a conspiracy against the residents. Not only are there crazy property taxes, zero municipal services (unless you support terrorism and have Beit HaGefen and the rest of the Haifa platforms), a city where Ayman Odeh still roams freely. Someone has to stop the madness.

  6. Surely one day this will make headlines as the largest water fraud in the history of Israel, a corporation whose sole purpose is to increase revenue by creating a false representation of consumption to cover costs to which they have committed by law for installing a new system that apparently the meters chosen do not measure real consumption at all, but rather the consumption correctly, and this is done deliberately in advance. Fraud is simply fraud.... Apparently the water corporations are waiting for the High Court

    • I suggest that every time you receive a bill, go check the building's main clock to see if the reading is close to what is written on the bill.

  7. It's interesting that half the city received - we don't have a smart watch and yet we received an exception that there is no leak at all. It was checked from every direction. Something unusual is happening in this unnecessary corporation

  8. The water corporations, which were established at the time in a declared manner to lower water consumption rates for citizens, have done exactly the opposite. The corporations employ an excessive number of workers, a large part of whom are relatives. Nepotism at its "best". I'll give you an example of personal information, when the water corporation was established in Ma'alot, the daughter of the then mayor was appointed director of the corporation at a very high salary and she wasn't the only "close associate" in the corporation. A truly Byzantine court.
    For citizens, the water corporations mean a large increase in the price they pay to support all the parasites who work there.

  9. This is everywhere new counters are placed,
    With us, there is no one at home, the house is completely empty, and every day there is use and consumption,
    We informed Carmel,
    And the answer: "Under review"
    In the meantime, any lack of use is charged, in addition to a fixed fee…

  10. Same nightmare in Ovadia for over a year. There was a plumber. No leaks. Everything is fine. Hundreds of shekels for water that the building doesn't need

  11. Somehow the irregularities only started when construction on Matronit and Kastro Square began. Working at night, using water from an unknown source... but residents started receiving letters about irregularities...
    Buildings with a pool don't pay that much, and here we are talking about buildings without a garden or pool.

  12. Carmel Water sent to hundreds of buildings in the city on the pretext of an exceptional need and collected hundreds of millions for nothing.. A class action lawsuit should be filed against it
    I personally have been fighting for over 4 years. I proved with an attorney and 4 different plumbers' tests that I do not have a leak, and the municipality and Carmel Water asked me for about 8000 (eight thousand NIS) for water that I did not consume and there is no leak. With the help of the attorney, about 6000 NIS were erased and they still do not want to erase 2000 NIS…
    Tired of it… Television and all the media in the country should be brought in. And a class action lawsuit should be filed against the municipality and the Carmel Water Corporation for at least 1 billion NIS. Otherwise, they will not calm down with their staged robbery… Hundreds of households in Haifa should be organized to sign up for similar soups and compensate them with refunds….

  13. I live in Hadar, I have the same problem, and they already replaced my clock. For two months the bill got smaller but continued to soar.
    They are working on me with their eyes and I have already had endless conversations and correspondence with them.

  14. Close the main tap at the entrance to the apartment or the building and check if there is any flow. The Niagara was broken with some leakage and I replaced the rubber band.

    • I would be happy to join the lawsuit against them for excessive water bills. I am a compiler of the same problem.

  15. Carmel Water is a wicked company that deals with collection and nothing more. It understands nothing about the customer's water consumption, and determines the flow rate for the consumer without a grasp of reality. And worst of all, its people routinely change data in the water management system files. This is criminality by definition, since the water management system data has financial significance.
    This is not a matter for a reviewer to rule on. It requires a police investigation.

  16. I didn't understand the connection between the response and the question - the question is about why the shared consumption is high, the answer is about the personal smart uniforms? What's the connection?!

  17. Water corporation fraud in cities in Israel
    Every town and city has exceptions to charges.
    The bills have swelled significantly.
    Someone needs to pick up the gauntlet and find out who's responsible.

  18. I can't believe what I'm reading!! I live in Neve Sha'anan and this is what she lied to me about. The bills are inflated and it says that I have twice the consumption compared to my neighborhood when I have no leakage. And the municipality gave me the same answer they gave them.. I'm shocked. I wish there was a solution to this because I don't consume twice as much and my bills are crazy.. It's hard hahaha

    • There is also the same phenomenon in Kabbir, buildings where all the tenants receive inflated bills for no reason, without any leaks or any problems in the apartments or even in the building. In addition, the main water meter was closed and the clock did not continue, so the leak is not in the building after the clock but before it. Carmel Water simply takes upon themselves the right to charge whoever they want for the damages they apparently do in all sorts of places. This is a company that should be closed yesterday

  19. Ramot Remez has also seen an increase in Carmel water consumption in the last six months. Why hasn't it been addressed yet?

  20. Invites the Haifa system to conduct a comprehensive investigation in other authorities in the area as well.
    I live in Kiryat Bialik and for years I have been receiving a demand for payment on every bill for measurement differences. We are 36 tenants and each one is required to pay regularly for the supposed use of 4.5 cubic meters.
    In simple terms, it's 158,000 liters per two months. What is that? As if we have a private choice in the building.
    Every contact with the corporation is met with bizarre answers.
    And we are not the only ones.

  21. Return the water department to the municipalities, increase the offices of secretaries of directors and managers. This is the reason. Replacing digital clocks has increased the readings.

  22. The issue is familiar and we installed a non-return valve on the main water pipe for the building in Haifa, where the water system suffers from sudden pressure changes due to topography. The system allows water to flow back and forth even without use, but the water meter reads the movement in the movement of water use.

  23. Organizing a huge demonstration and taking to the streets and in front of the water corporation to stop the theft and robbery they are committing against residents is a method by which they extort a lot of money from us for our water. Unless everyone stops paying!!!

  24. The main problem is the excessive water pressure that Carmel water produces. Boilers have a relief valve that, when the water pressure is too high, opens and releases water (usually to the sewer), to protect the boiler from exploding in the event of excessive heating. The problem is that the water pressure that Carmel water produces is so high that the relief valve releases huge amounts of water during a normal day. In addition, the abnormal water pressure causes water meters to operate improperly.

    • A boiler is not a bomb and water pressure is not designed to explode boilers. Especially since today they use a plastic top that will crack before the boiler. Forget about proper installation and install a pressure reducer and buy yourself a quality pressure gauge, and your worries will be at rest.

  25. Something bad and broken is happening to the Haifa Municipality and Carmel Water.
    We deserve fairness, transparency, and trust in the conduct of the municipality.

    • Completely.
      Haifa is having a liquidation sale and we are paying the price.

  26. Tenants must install their own water meter after the municipal meter. This way they can check whether the municipal water meter is not fake.
    In addition, the additional consumption is divided equally among the tenants, while it would have been appropriate to divide it according to the proportion of consumption in those apartments. That is, a large water consumer will also pay a lot of the additional consumption and vice versa.

  27. Here in Carmelia too. We receive an unusual water bill. And Carmel Water's explanation. An increase in shared consumption. It started last year and continued this year.
    Strange and worth checking out

    • Also in the Shambor neighborhood.
      Friends, we can completely use the appropriate word – “fraud.” Carmel Water has decided to align itself with all the bodies responsible for the well-being of the residents and steal money from the residents under false claims.

  28. Carmel Water found a way to rob us!! They sent us messages that the shared consumption was high compared to the past months and that was it. Of course we checked that there was no leak, but what do they care? They "announced" and thus prepared to rob us. We live on Brenner Street.

  29. Maybe the water systems are so "smart" that they know how to cut our water bill. We have the same problem in Tirat Carmel, and even after we installed new pipes for the complex, the bills still don't make sense. Unfortunately, there is no one to talk to. We feel like we are being oppressed.

  30. Join the dedicated group in Haifa for the topic "Carmel Water, the Lie of the Water in Haifa" and together we will address the problem.

  31. Perhaps we should organize a siege on the offices of the rotten Carmel Water Corporation and also on the homes of the directors of this corporation — if there is no protection for citizens from predatory corporations, we have no choice but to protect ourselves.

    • Maybe disperse the corporation's employees back to the municipality they belong to? This will reduce costs for consumers, it's worth considering.

  32. Since they replaced the water meters with smart meters, consumption has increased and it turns out that these meters work even when there is no water consumption, and thus the corporation is stealing money from the residents. From an inspection they did of the All Inclusive program, these meters are fraudulent and the replacement of the meters must be stopped immediately and the mechanical and reliable meters must be returned.

  33. Yes, even here in Neve Sha'anan, on Yad Labanim Road, for over a year all the tenants in the building have been receiving letters like the ones that were published. In our inquiries to Carmel Water and the Haifa Municipality, we received no response or a new calculation of a discount of 10-12 NIS, which is a real joke compared to the amounts collected. We don't know what else to do.

    • You're right. Even in the entire Yad Labanim area, Taanach, they send us these annoying bills, and we don't know what to do with it??? Once in a while they impose this penalty on us in huge amounts of thousands of shekels, and we pay. In my opinion, this is a method of the water companies all over the country. Even in Givatayim... in Tel Aviv... we need to put an end to this robbery

  34. In Kiryat Haim, there is also a charge on each account of 2 to 7 cubic meters every month. It doesn't help that they replaced the clocks. It doesn't help that they installed a circular. They continue to charge the account every month, and each period it increases by another cubic meter.

  35. Also here in Harav Kaniel, Ma'onat Geula neighborhood, in the last bills we received a notice of an excess of 2 cubic meters and then even 3 cubic meters per apartment, and I'm talking about a high-rise building with about 128 apartments. About two weeks ago, they replaced the water meters in the apartments and the main meters. We will wait for the results.

    • In my opinion, the maintenance personnel of Carmel Water perform maintenance work on the water cube. In the event of an explosion in the line, they simply replace the section of the line. After that, it is necessary to restore the water supply to the tenants near the repaired line. It is clear that the section of the line where the repair was carried out is full of air. When the water supply is resumed, the air is compressed for consumers because the specific gravity of air is different from that of water, so we get rapid movement of the water meters. In other words, air is supplied in a large quantity, sometimes 5 times the amount of water supplied, so there are measurement differences. In other words, the maintenance personnel do not drain the air before resuming the water supply. The Carmel Water personnel are well aware of this phenomenon. It helps them reduce the overall depreciation. By the way, the Water Authority requires the water corporations to perform an air drainage operation. Carmel Water's conduct is charlatan, it does not take responsibility for the damage it knowingly causes. This strange saga needs to end. It has technological means to identify if a consumer is generating The excessive consumption or the corporation that is responsible for repairing and maintaining the water lines for consumers.

    • Walla, I know that in the Geula dormitories in the low-rise buildings there are also clock reading anomalies. They checked again and again and there is no problem with leakage or other use.

  36. An excessive consumption of 20 cubic meters divided among 5 tenants in Kadima 17!
    There is no leakage and no such need.
    A plumber checked and confirmed and said there was nothing to be done and even he would pay for an unreasonable demand.

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