Nature's Silent Killers • Maritime Terror Hiding Below the Surface

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These days, with our intense engagement in marine research, we are repeatedly making disturbing discoveries right under our noses. It's not just about injured animals, but also about the tragic reality unfolding in the depths of the sea, especially among the fish, turtles, and marine creatures that we sometimes know only in a limited or superficial way.

Predatory snail attack (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
A sea turtle hit by a boat propeller (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
A sea turtle hit by a boat propeller (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Strombos and Ancol (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Abuse...a stuffed blue shark head...Tenerife (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Abuse…Stuffed blue shark head…Tenerife (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

A global problem

The cover photo of a sea turtle trying to eat a plastic bottle is not just a sad image, but the essence of a much broader problem. The phenomenon of harm to marine animals as a result of human influence – from pollution to direct harm from boat propellers – is spreading around the world, especially in Israel. Turtles dying as a result of these objects is not an isolated story; it is a global problem, where a few days later we may find another turtle injured, this time by a boat propeller.

A cancer lesion in Shiite (Photo: Moti Mendelsohn)
Brown boater (photo: Motty Mendelson)
Brown boater (photo: Motty Mendelson)

"Silent Killers"

But it's not just turtles that are suffering - other creatures are being hit in a frightening and ongoing way. These "silent killers" are animals that lurk quietly beneath the surface of the water, but their actions are killing off other species. One of the most common species is a mollusk that secretly drills holes into shells and eats the mollusk itself. In this case, the attacks are horrific and look like they're straight out of a horror movie.

Pincers of a hermit crab (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Pincers of a hermit crab (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Broken conch - a type of cancer lesion (Photo: Moti Mendelsohn)
Broken conch – a type of cancer lesion (Photo: Moti Mendelsohn)
Poisonous cone (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Predatory snail attack (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

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Motty Mendelssohn
Motty Mendelssohn
Marine researcher (diving, underwater photography) and marine and environmental ecology for 35 years. Lecturer in the field for about 20 years. You can order a lecture, or a series of lectures accompanied by unique and spectacular photos, taken during many years of research, in Israel and abroad, ecological tours within Israel and tours of the Dead Sea sinkholes • 050-7271157 • [email protected]

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6 תגובות

  1. how sad.
    As usual, dear Moti, you present your knowledge in a clear and penetrating way. It causes a lot of thought and even frustration. It hurts to know that you can improve and fix it, and for some reason it's always not enough.

  2. Dear Moti, a wonderful article with pictures that really illustrate what is being said. I sincerely hope that people will stop throwing garbage into the sea so that sea animals like turtles don't try to eat and hurt you. The sea is an amazing place and its beauty is endless. Good luck! Waiting for your next article :)

  3. As usual, your article is great and important, Moti. It's a shame that humans manage to destroy our planet and there is no enforcement at all... Twice already when we were at Kiryat Haim Beach we saw a fishing boat too close to the shore (I think it's forbidden by law) and quite quickly, in its search for schools of fish, too close to the "safs" for kayaks and swimmers. And there is no one to warn and take care. Too bad.

  4. Isn't the impact of predatory animal activity balanced by countervailing/offsetting effects that evolution has provided?

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