An ugly and degrading sight: piles of waste piled up beyond the fence

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A pedestrian was killed after being hit by a vehicle near the Matam intersection in Haifa.

MDA reported to me: Wednesday morning, 12/2/25, at 05:33...

Administrative closure order for the "Wasabi" restaurant in Haifa • Ministry of Health

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An ugly and despicable sight is revealed to those who come to the funeral plot at the Tel Regev cemetery: piles of waste piled up beyond the fence. They include wilted flowers and wreaths, and old rubber tire inner tubes that were used to attach the wreaths.

This situation always exists, and in a past inspection, in which similar piles of waste were also discovered, the management of the Hevra Kadisha responded that every few weeks the waste collected from the stands is taken away from the place, but the ugly appearance is always there and does not respect this important place.

An ugly and degrading sight: piles of waste piled up beyond the fence (Photo: Uri Sharon)
An ugly and degrading sight: piles of waste piled up beyond the fence (Photo: Uri Sharon)

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9 תגובות

  1. It sucks, I'm careful sometimes because of the pressure I forget as much as possible in the field, unfortunately, I want to burn it, but last time I registered at the Carmel Beach, the police came to me and made a mess.

  2. Tel Regev near Rechsim. It doesn't belong to Haifa. Why does the Haifa newspaper show pictures? I'm tired of seeing articles about other cities. So does the news. About shootings..stabbings, they say an event in Haifa and it belongs to the Kiryat Yam area or Kiryat Motzkin or Bialik. They simply believe that the suffering is in Haifa. If you want to mention an event, write exactly where and don't paste it on the city of Haifa.

  3. The most humiliating sight to see in Hadar Carmel is instead villas with manicured gardens, piles of scrap metal and old furniture thrown in the yards. Crumbling houses and contractors demolishing buildings for preservation and adding additions and plastering them without any supervision.

    • The only way is to impose fines, they will put inspectors in place for a while and the rumor will spread that they are getting fined. Maybe they should put up cameras. It's just a shame. I was in Korea. Such a dishonest thing. The cleanliness is exemplary. I envy them.

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