(haipo) – Update for Monday, 20/1/25 – The closure order for the "Our Kitchen" restaurant in Haifa has been canceled.
Ministry of Health announcement – 20/1/25:
Dr. Rana Shibli, Haifa District Physician, signed today (Monday, January 20, 1) a cancellation of an administrative stop order for the "Our Kitchen" restaurant, 2025 Palim Street, Haifa.
Subject: Cancellation of administrative stop order for "Our Kitchen" restaurant – 17 Palim St., Haifa
By virtue of my authority under Section 20 of the Business Licensing Law 1968-14.01.2025 (hereinafter "the Law"), I hereby cancel the administrative cessation order that I issued on January 17, XNUMX to the "Our Kitchen" restaurant, XNUMX Palim St., Haifa, which is owned by you.
On 20.01.25, an inspection was conducted at the business in question by the Environmental Health Inspector at our office. This inspection found that the material deficiencies observed at the business and which were the reason for issuing the order had been corrected. In light of this, the danger to public health was removed.
It should be emphasized that the cancellation of this order does not constitute approval by our office for a business license, and you must take action to obtain it. Working without a business license is against the law.
Dr. Rana Shibli
District doctor
Haifa Provincial Health Bureau
Announcement from the Ministry of Health – 14/1/25:
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Dr. Rana Shibli, Haifa District Physician, signed an administrative closure order for the "Our Kitchen" restaurant, at 17 Palim Street, Haifa. The decision was made following an audit that found serious deficiencies that endanger public health.
The audit findings include:
- The presence of a mouse in the restaurant kitchen.
- Using unlabeled or expired meat.
- Storing meat at uncontrolled temperatures, which poses a risk of bacterial growth.
- Poor level of cleanliness in the cooling facilities.
- Poor food storage that allows cross-contamination between raw and prepared food.
Among other deficiencies, defects in equipment, lack of proper separation between food products, and substandard storage conditions were also discovered.
The Ministry of Health emphasized that the deficiencies found pose an immediate danger to the health of diners, and therefore it was decided to issue the order without a prior hearing. Dr. Shibli noted that the decision was made after consultation with legal advisor, Attorney Shiri Ben Ari.
The order requires the restaurant to cease all operations immediately. Failure to comply with the order could result in a prison sentence of up to 18 months, according to the law.

How are licenses given to such and such businesses?
Come back in a month and you will find the same shortcomings and praise in addition.
Where is the police 👮
District physician Dr. Shibli deserves praise for her diligence and preservation of public health. This is how a public servant should act, showing responsibility and commitment to his or her role.
Ministry of Health Please also look outside restaurants in the yards where there are piles of garbage, boxes, bags, and other vegetables. Don't look at the jug, but also around it.
Kudos to the Ministry of Health team.
It's crazy to read how business owners disrespect us as customers and endanger our health.
The credibility of restaurants on this issue has been damaged, and every such case reinforces the new trend of not eating out at all, and in places with which there have been problems as mentioned above in particular!
Don't be surprised if restaurants close and/or go bankrupt.
I invite you all to the Shilat Bakery in the Neve Sha'anan neighborhood, where there are plenty of goodies that you probably haven't found, but we all got stomach upsets from the food made downstairs in the illegal kitchen, a bakery that makes food in Shushu, and why?????
Enough with these sketches, tomorrow they will be open like ours were opened two days later.
That's right. That happens every time.
Well done to the Ministry of Health, which is committed to the health of the general public. Good night and blessings to everyone.
I caught mice in the kitchen.
This is why we shouldn't eat outside. They feed us poison.
Caution. Eat in the safest house possible, free from mice and bacteria.
You need to check all restaurants including Aroma Nesher cafes. There is a lizard we once saw.
A lizard is a nice creature who is certainly capable of writing in a less sloppy way than you.