(Hai Fe) - The last few weeks (January 2025) mark the beginning of a significant winter wave of sickness in Haifa, characterized by an alarming increase in the rate of flu, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. From an inspection conducted by the "Hai Pa" system in front of the hospitals in the city and the Klalit Health Insurance Fund of the Haifa district and the Western Galilee, a worrying picture emerges. At the Rambam Hospital, for example, an increase of more than 200% was measured in the occupancy of the emergency department over 10 consecutive days, a figure that emphasizes the seriousness of the situation.
Winter brings with it not only the cold and the rain, but also the winter diseases, some of which turn out to be particularly severe this year. There isn't a person who doesn't know a friend or relative who got the flu, and some of them even needed hospitalization. The severe symptoms include high fever, general weakness, muscle pain and acute cough, and sometimes also complications such as pneumonia.
In dealing with the current wave, the city's health services emphasize the importance of the flu vaccine and recommend that the public get vaccinated as soon as possible. "The vaccine not only reduces the risk of infection, but also reduces the severity of the disease in the event of infection," notes Clalit Health Insurance.
Dr. Rachel Dahan, Medical Director of Klalit Haifa District and Western Galilee, told Lahi Feh: "In recent days we have detected a significant wave of winter morbidity, with a sharp increase in the number of patients coming in due to flu and respiratory symptoms. We remind the entire public that it is not too late and it is advisable to get vaccinated against the flu today. In the Haifa district and the Western Galilee as a whole, we recommend that patients, when necessary, contact to receive a quick and professional response in the network of community emergency rooms spread throughout the region.
There is no need to wait long hours and be exposed to additional diseases and infections in the emergency room at the hospitals. Our community emergency rooms are equipped with everything necessary to provide optimal care."
Carmel Hospital told the following:
We are witnessing a significant increase in the number of flu patients this year, when the disease is characterized by more difficult and complex cases. The main increase is expressed among adults hospitalized in the internal wards, while among children a more moderate increase is recorded. As of today, about 20 patients are hospitalized in Carmel in a serious condition due to the flu. So far, there have been no deaths caused by the flu alone, but there have been recorded deaths in which the flu was part of the background to their complex health condition.
The Rambam Hospital informed Lahi Pa:
The emergency department at Rambam is operating under heavy load, with 180 patients occupying the department – over 200% occupancy, an increase that has been continuing for 10 consecutive days. Most of the increase is attributed to serious respiratory illnesses, including influenza and pneumonia, with the majority of serious morbidity being recorded among the elderly population. The emergency department team is doing everything in its power to provide a professional and optimal response to all patients who arrive.
It is recommended to go to the emergency room in cases of high fever, chills, difficulty breathing, lack of response to home antibiotic treatment or worsening of an existing respiratory condition.

How can we protect ourselves?
In addition to vaccinations, doctors recommend maintaining personal hygiene, frequent hand washing, avoiding gatherings, and strengthening the immune system through a balanced diet and appropriate physical activity. The best protection starts with correct daily habits.
I would like the Ministry of Health to publish recent graphs, how many of the 200% occupancy are people who smoke/drink who don't eat healthy and don't do sports (probably it won't be 200% but more like 2000%)?
Only health to everyone.