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Earthquakes on Santorini Island Trigger Tsunami Preparations in Israel

(Live here) - Let's start from the end - In Israel there is no warning...

Explosive sounds will be heard from the David Rafael Institute due to a planned and controlled experiment • Tuesday 11/2/25

Rafael was handed over to the public - The News Corporation: Today, Tuesday 11/2/25,...
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Beit Suidan • Neighbor of the Baha'i Garden

Beit Suidan Beit Suidan is located on the slopes of Mount Carmel, adjacent to the garden...

Flower of the Week • Common Buzzard

Carmel presents us with flowers in all seasons. In this column...

A driver overturned with his car in the center of Carmel and fled the scene • The car caught fire

(haipo) - During the night between Saturday and Sunday, 12/1/25, a report was received of a self-inflicted accident on Hanasi Boulevard in Haifa. A driver overturned and the vehicle began to burn.

Israel Fire and Rescue reported to Hai Pa News Corporation:

The team of firefighters from the Haifa station, Major Sagi Adi and Chief Firefighter Daniel Chobutro, quickly arrived at the scene and worked to extinguish the burning vehicle. Before starting the extinguishing operations, the firefighters made sure that no one was trapped in the scene.

A car overturned and caught fire in the Carmel center in Haifa. The driver fled the scene (photo: Fire and Rescue)
A car overturned and caught fire in the Carmel center in Haifa. The driver fled the scene (photo: Fire and Rescue)

According to the initial findings, it appears that the driver of the vehicle fled the scene even before the arrival of the rescue forces. As a result of the accident, the car was heavily damaged.

A car overturned and caught fire in the Carmel center in Haifa. The driver fled the scene (photo: Fire and Rescue)
A car overturned and caught fire in the Carmel center in Haifa. The driver fled the scene (photo: Fire and Rescue)

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Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052-2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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5 תגובות

  1. This is the result of crime and murder for its own sake, the lack of police, the lack of enforcement of laws and strict punishments, the legal corruption of sleepy, indifferent and negligent judges who release murderers at the wheel, the failure to revoke licenses and throw criminals and offenders into prisons forever...

  2. Uri Haifai is right in every word, wild driving like there is in Haifa and without any fear on the part of the wild drivers, is the result of a complete lack of enforcement, the ones who pay the price are the poor citizens who only get frustrated and suffer. Everyone knows and knows some of the noisy vehicles, only those who don't complain. Lui Promenade and the gas station on Hanasi Boulevard, meeting points for all these drivers.

  3. The car is familiar to me, it's a silver Golf GTI for years, the driver has been rampaging and making noise going up and down the center defiantly and at speed, especially at night, often stopping at the gas station on Hanasi Boulevard below. We are talking about years and here is the lack of enforcement and the indifference of the police and please. He probably also doesn't have a valid license or was under the influence, and I bet the vehicle isn't in his name either so they won't get to him. Now he ran away, and surely all the indifferent citizens sleeping on the nose of Haifa turned a blind eye because they have no energy and go to bed at 22.00:XNUMX p.m. I trust the police that they won't do anything to him, if they even bother to try to find him, as usual, and we will all continue to be promiscuous to our fate.

  4. He must have been drunk or drugged. By the time they get to him, there will be no trace of it in his body and he will continue to drive and endanger.

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