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Haifa is waking up: a hit-and-run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood • Maybe you saw the offending driver?

(haipo) - The wild driving at night takes its toll - On Saturday morning, 11/1/25, residents of Beit El Street in the French Carmel neighborhood in Haifa discovered that their vehicles had been damaged during the night in a hit-and-run accident. There were no injuries in this accident, but significant property damage was caused.

The incident, which happened on the narrow road, caused serious damage to parked vehicles. It is evident that the impact occurred at high speed, as some of the affected cars were thrown to the curb. High speed on such a narrow street is in itself a crime. The offending driver disappeared from the scene without leaving any details, while the residents are left with the questions and the damages.

A hit-and-run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (Photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)
A hit-and-run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)

Parked cars become targets in a mysterious nighttime accident

As a result of the force of the impact, several cars standing in the parking lot hit each other and were thrown to the curb. The residents did not expect that in the morning they would discover scratched and damaged cars. Among the victims are also vehicles owned by disabled people, which intensifies the difficult feelings. "We woke up in the morning and discovered that our car and the neighbors behind us were badly damaged," says one of the residents. "Did anyone see what happened?"

A hit-and-run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (Photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)
A hit-and-run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)

The security cameras - the greatest hope for locating the offender

On the street where the incident took place, it is not clear if there are security cameras of the municipality, and if they recorded what was happening. Residents are hoping that cameras can provide clues as to the identity of the offending driver. At the same time, in case there are no city cameras, the hope will move to cameras installed on the vehicles themselves.

Time to consider installing cameras in the car
In view of the case, experts recommend considering installing cameras in the vehicle. At a cost of about NIS 2,000, a system can be installed that can record any unusual event on the road, including hit-and-run accidents. "This is a solution that can save a big headache in such situations," claim experts in the field of road safety.

A disabled person's car that was hit - a hit and run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)
A disabled person's car that was hit - a hit and run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)

Damages of thousands of shekels – who will pay the price?

Insurance claims are more complex when a parked vehicle hits another vehicle and while the offending driver himself fled and left no details... Now the residents are faced with another painful question: who will pay for the damages? Some intend to file a claim with the insurance company, but are aware that claims may lead to an increase in insurance payments in the future. Others will pay the damage out of their own pockets, which leads to costs of thousands of shekels.

A car wheel that hit the sidewalk as a result of the force of the hitting driver - a hit and run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (Photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)
A car wheel that hit the pavement as a result of the impact of the hitting driver - a hit and run accident in the French Carmel neighborhood - Saturday morning - 11/1/25 (photo: Korai Chai Pa in the field)

The residents' cry: "We expect a solution from the municipality"

On Beit El Street, they tell of a feeling of frustration and a clear demand: "We want cameras to be installed in all the narrow streets," the residents say. "Unfortunately, such accidents have become common, and the time has come for the municipality to take responsibility for installing security cameras, in order to contribute to personal safety."

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Yaron Carmi
Yaron Carmi
Sending ideas for articles by email - [email protected]

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10 תגובות

  1. good evening,
    First of all, I would like to clarify that the accident in question took place in Ramat HaTshebi,
    Secondly, I would like to reassure you that the driver has been located!
    On Saturday afternoon, the owner of one of the vehicles that was damaged called me and described the situation to me. After several operations, we arrived at the location of the offending car, also thanks to a piece of metal that remained at the scene of the accident and belonged to the offending vehicle. The vehicle is located on one of the streets in the neighborhood.
    At this point I would like to praise the quick functioning of the Haifa police and especially the traffic car, after I gave details about the vehicle and its location, the traffic police officers arrived on the scene and arrived for the driver who was treated accordingly. The damaged cars were taken to garages by the insurance company that took responsibility for the "hit and run".
    The cars are being taken care of and so is the driver.
    Chazal Sh.

  2. It seems that the problem of improved bikes and vehicles has escalated and now they enter quiet streets where there are no cameras in order to harm cars and the way to harm people is short!

  3. An internal car camera at a cost of NIS 150 at AliExpress, for self-installation. The problem will remain with enforcement! Even if you arrive at the police station with the photos of the criminal, the police will do nothing.

  4. In the French Carmel and in general in the Carmel Route starting from Zion Boulevard through Hanasi Boulevard and from there to Lipa Nof, there is wild driving with an emphasis on weekends, the authorities do nothing, every now and then they announce some kind of enforcement operation and that's it, they don't address the root of the problem, the hornet's nest starts at the Lui Promenade, which serves as a meeting place for those Drivers who break the law and from there drive wildly with loud music and explosions in the exhausts. Including on Sundays which is a day off in the sector and then it starts at noon.

  5. Criminal and criminal loitering also takes place in all the streets of the Shaar Aliya neighborhood in Haifa. Crazy driving, competition, including two-wheelers. Unfortunately, the city of Haifa, despite the complexity of the neighborhood, has not yet installed cameras in the area, despite the levels of crime in the area and all that is implied.

    • A proud hater! A mother of fighters for a year and a half, and yes, Haifa suffers from civilized Swedes of the religion of peace and tolerance who riot here without hindrance, and open businesses without hindrance, and rent apartments here, it's a shame it's only one-sided, I'm not invited to them, and if I did a quarter of what they do For us, they would have already taken care of me in their famous ways

  6. If it's a narrow street, it's likely that the offending vehicle drove to nearby streets and maybe there are cameras in cars and houses. It is also worth checking with the streets that continue the same street

  7. The municipality does not need to place cameras on every street and it does not contribute to personal safety either
    What will contribute to the personal safety and well-being of all Israeli residents is the promotion of public transportation and strict enforcement of all types of crime, whether reckless driving, vandalism, violence, theft, and more.
    For this, urgent legal reform is needed.
    Punishment and enforcement in Israel are light and encourage revolving door crime.
    Hope you understood.

    • Every afternoon motorbikes race against the direction of traffic from Mtm to the center of Carmel in order to overtake the vehicles, they enter the opposite lane which is very narrow.
      Over and over again, people complain to the police that they do nothing until there is a fatal accident with fatalities.
      The upper sea road is full of dangers for drivers because of overtaking motorcycles when will they take care of it

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