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The winners of the 40th Haifa International Film Festival • Watch the broadcast of the ceremony

(haipo) – On Thursday, 9/1/25, a modest and dignified ceremony was held at the Hecht Building in the Carmel Center, where awards were presented to the winners of the Haifa Film Festival. The ceremony was attended by creators from the Israeli film industry. The winners took the stage one by one. Here you can watch the award ceremony and the speeches of the winners.

Yaron Shamir - the artistic director of the film festival

Yaron Shamir - Award ceremony for the winners of the 40th Haifa International Film Festival - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

The best Israeli film award is given to the film "Real Estate - A Love Story" 

Director: Anat Melz, Production: Itai Tamir, Ami Levana, Fred Blaish, Alexis Dantek
The judges' reasoning: "The award is given to a film about a wonderful journey of a young couple in search of a home, which takes them from Tel Aviv to Haifa, from childhood to parenthood and from adulthood to adulthood. Played by the hand of an artist who manages to interweave my pain
growth with sharp humor, and to give the viewers rare moments of grace."

The best Israeli film - Real Estate A Love Story - Haifa International Film Festival - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Feh-TV)

Jury Prize - "Halisa Love Story"

The jury prize for a feature film is awarded to the film "Halisa A Love Story"
Director: Sophie Artos, Production: Yohanan Cardo
The judges' reasoning: "The prize is awarded for the multi-layered construction of a Haifa neighborhood as a local location on the one hand and a universal human microcosm on the other, the character of the female protagonist is strong, complex and inspiring
identification. The multitude of supporting characters are written and directed with a sensitive and trusting hand, and all in a compassionate, collaborative way
and touching the heart".

Jury Prize for a Feature Film - Halisa Love Story - Film Festival - Haifa - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

Award for artistic achievement - the film "Total Show"

An award for artistic achievement donated by the Haifa Cultural Foundation is awarded to photographer Sa'ar Mizrahi and art designer Barak Vazen for designing a world in the movie "Total Show"

Directed by: Roy Assaf, produced by Moshe Edri, Leon Edri, Kobi Mizrahi
The judges' reasoning: "In this film, we are drawn into a fascinating journey that goes between the faded monotony of a community
Little in the desert and the vibrant and surreal world that exists in the imagination of one person. This contrast arises
To life through a wonderful cinematic language - long and sweeping camera movements, precise composition and breathtaking portraits. The colorful lighting in the chiaroscuro style blends seamlessly with the photography and production design, creating a mesmerizing visual harmony. The creative use of puppets, juggling and theatrical tricks adds a unique charm to the film."

Award for artistic achievement for the film "Total Show" - 40th Haifa International Film Festival - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

Jury Prize - "Kafka's Last Sentence"

Jury Prize for Documentary Awarded to the film "Kafka's Last Sentence"
Director: Eliran Peled, Production: Eliran Peled, Talia Harris
The judges' reasoning: "The award is given to a film that brilliantly and fascinatingly follows a meaningful story
cultural, social, historical and human. With the help of immersive cinematography, intelligent soundtrack, animation
Perfectly woven into the footage, and a lot of humor, the film manages to take the viewers on a complex journey
that shows us what a crazy and Kafkaesque story life can be."

Jury Prize for Documentary Film - Kafka's Last Sentence - Film Festival - Haifa - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

Amit Peled Prize – "The Screw I'm Missing"

The Amit Feld Award for the best debut film The Feld Family Contribution is awarded to the film "The Screw I'm Missing".
Directed by: Nitzan Tal, Production: Nitzan Tal.
The judges' reasoning: "The debut film prize is awarded to the unique and inspiring story of Rafael Lomas.
A journey film full of humor and embracing the world, into the depths of the artist's tormented soul. Absurd moments from above
The first sheds unique light on the connection between art and madness, and on the healing abilities inherent in each and every one of us."

Amit Peled Award for Debut Films - The Screw That I Miss - Film Festival - Haifa - 9/1/25 (Photo: Hai Pa-TV)

Screenplay Award - "Real Estate - A Love Story"

The best screenplay award named after Anat Farhi, contribution of the Farhi family, for a feature film is awarded to Anat Melz for the screenplay in the movie "Real Estate - A Love Story".
Screenplay and direction: Anat Melz, production: Itai Tamir, Ami Levana, Fred Blaish, Alexis Dantek
The judges' reasoning: "The screenwriter manages with a skillful hand to write a script that is very funny and at the same time very touching. The dialogues in the script are witty and natural and allow the script to be personal as well
and specific, but also universal. The screenwriter succeeds in taking her characters as well as the viewers on a journey that is internal and external, an inspiring and heart-expanding journey about growing up, parenting and love."

The screenplay award for the film Real Estate A Love Story - the awarding ceremony for the winners of the film festival - Haifa - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

The Investigative Award - the film "Free Abortion"

The film "Free Abortion" - an investigative award for a documentary film contributed by Helen Shuman is awarded to investigators Hagit Ben Ya'akov (archives), Shani Bar David (characters) and Efrat Shalom Danon for the investigation.
Directed by: Efrat Shalom Danon, produced by: Esnat Trabalsi.
The judges' reasoning: "The film raises an important and painful female issue in the patriarchal Israeli society, which until now
He was not given the spotlight he deserves, while he moves between the personal and collective axis in a correct and precise manner,
And there is a sad look on the face of the audience. The archival-historical materials incorporated in the film are pearls of investigation, shocking findings, which give a glimpse both into the oppressive Israeli past, and into the present and, unfortunately, also into the future that is emerging in the face of dark and messianic forces that deny the woman's freedom over her body."

The film "Free Abortion" - Investigative award for a documentary film - Film Festival - Haifa - 9/1/25 (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

The acting award for the actress Hayali Yosef Zada

The award for acting in a feature film donated by the Haifa Cultural Foundation is awarded to actress Hayali Yosef Zada ​​for her role in the film "Girls Like Us".
Directed by: Lee Gilat, produced by: Aviv Ben Shloush, Roi Zioni, Uri Borg
The judges' reasoning: "The award for acting in a feature film is awarded to a young and talented actress who leads
The film is a combination of maturity, determination and softness. It's an immersive and nuanced cinematic breakout performance,
which serves as the emotional anchor in the harsh world that the film describes. The actress is the heart and center of the excellent ensemble of actors, and takes the viewers along with her through the heart-wrenching and heart-warming moves of
the story".

Hayali Yosef Zada ​​- Best Acting Award - Film Festival - The Movie Girls Like Us (Photo: Chai Pa-TV)

The competition for a short Israeli film

The film "Aba" - the independent short documentary film award

The film "Aba", directed by Claudio Steinberg (production: David Fischer) is the winner of the Haifa International Film Festival in the Israeli competition in the independent short documentary film category.
Jury: Gil Sima, Molly Landsman, Yaron Shin
The prize for the best independent short film is awarded this year to two films: 
"Aba" directed by Claudio Steinberg and the movie "Ofek Al-Hadimanim" directed by Shira Gefen.
Directed by: Claudio Steinberg, produced by: David Fischer.
The judges' reasoning: "The film is characterized by a rich, unique and associative visual language. The film documents
A personal journey of the director examining the complex relationship with his father that was severed at a young age, which directly reflects on his relationship with his son. The director's journey to his father manages to touch deep heartstrings. The unconventional direction and editing examine the documentary genre, challenge it and lead it to places of poetry.

The independent short feature film award - "Event Horizon"

The film "Horizon of Events", directed by Shira Geffen (production Stav Morg Maron), is the winner of the Haifa International Film Festival in the Israeli competition in the category of independent short feature film, which will be able to submit a nomination to the American Academy - the Oscar.
the event horizon
Directed by: Shira Gefen, produced by Stav Morg Maron.
The judges' reasoning: "A prize for the best short film is awarded to "Ofek Al-Kaliminim" for the visual vision
The unique artistry of the director, the spectacular cinematography, the wonderful performance of the eight-year-old Emily Weiss and the talented cast by her side, all of these make the film a bewitching and fascinating experience."

The award for the best short student film is awarded to the film "Distinct" from the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School

Director: Bar Talmon, Production: Yuval Menashrov, Sam Spiegel School of Cinema and Television
The judges' reasoning: "For an impressive and virtuosic script, for a complex and rich production, for directing and editing
Accurate and tight that indicate originality and depth in handling the complex circles of relationships that exist between half-siblings. The excellent acting of the main characters gives volume and strength to the charged relationship between
"The brothers and the work provide the viewer with a dramatic experience and deep identification." 

Commendation for the movie "Oksana"

A commendation was given to the film "Oksana".
Directed by: Yoav Gutman, produced by: Shaked Yirimi, ORT Psagot Karmiel School.

The judges' reasoning: "A commendation for a short student film is awarded for virtuoso direction, screenplay, narration
and a heart-wrenching game that strikes at the root of the pain of human loneliness, alienation and foreignness and the search for
love and warmth The handling of the subject passes through an experimental filter evident in the unconventional photography and editing."

The award for the best animated short film is awarded to the film "We all need to wake up"

Directed by: Mitya Kokurin, produced by: Kingauluk
The judges' reasoning: "For a unique achievement in connecting a painful subject and precise and sharp texts with commentary
Visually surprising and original. The animation work challenges the viewer and sends him to an unusual glimpse into the lives of the victims of the war in Ukraine and creates launch points between the everyday and the concrete and an invented and fantastic world. And so, through the integration of different genres in design and animation sheds light on the fact that the fate of humans
It is a derivative dictated from above."
A commendation was given to the movie "Warming".
Director: Director: Naama Yaraon, Production: Bezalel, Art Academy.
The judges' reasoning: "For dealing with an important and relevant subject, excellent illustration and animation work, a polished script and tight and mature editing. The critique of the state of the environment is strong and shocking and handles the subject with great wisdom and talent."

Carmel International Cinema Competition

The jury: Shemi Zarhin, Yoav Roe, Shira Arad, Rita Shukron
The Carmel Award for Best Film is awarded to "The Brutalist"
USA, UK 2024
Directed by: Brady Corbett
Production: Trevor Matthews, Nick Gordon, Brian Young, Andrew Morrison, Andrew Lauren, D.J. Guggenheim 
The judges' reasoning: "We think it's wonderful how at the end of the film screening, many viewers rushed to find out on the net who it was
The Jewish architect who became the hero of the film, and how great was the astonishment when they found out that the man was neither nor was he created, but rather an illusion. It is an exciting, pulsating, mesmerizing film of monumental proportions,
Already in the first viewing we witnessed its greatness, the one-off of the hero played by Adrien Brody and the breath-taking way in which the Holocaust is present as a traumatic memory from which a new reality grows. excitedly
Big we choose 'The Brutalist', Brady Corbett's film, as the big winner of the 'Carmel' competition at the festival
The films in Haifa 2025".

A commendation in the Carmel competition is awarded to the film "The Seed of the Holy Fig"

France, Germany 2024
Directed by: Mohammad Rasulof Iran.
Production: Mohammad Rasuloff, Amin Sadrei, Jean-Christophe Simon, Manny Tilgner, Rosita Hendijanian

The judges' reasoning: "A peaceful and topical Ocher film show like no other, which shows how a predatory regime
Takes over civil society and leads to a shocking loss of the values ​​of freedom and truth.
As their family falls apart, three brave women fight the growing threat. They pay a heavy personal price and thus force us to wonder if we also have the spark of resistance in the task of protecting our freedom.
In order to complete the film, the Iranian director, Mohammad Rasulof, was forced to flee his country by a difficult route.
Against all odds and with extraordinary courage, he manages to bring to the screen phenomenal acting achievements in "Zera"
The Holy Fig", a gripping and disturbing political thriller combined with an exciting family drama.
We have the right to praise this film at a time when, in Israeli society, the values ​​of freedom are under attack."

The Golden Anchor - the competition for debut films 

Jury: Eitan Green, Dana Moden, Michal Vinik, Bahar Agbaria
The Golden Anchor Award for the best film is awarded to the film "The Tenant"
Georgia, Finland, Switzerland, Germany 2024.
Directed by: Rosudan Glozhidze.
Production: Zurab Magalashvili, Manana Shvardandze, Andriy Epifanov, Tanya Patrick, Yossi Mileniimi,
Ushi Flaggs.

The judges' reasoning: "The Tenant is a cinematic gem. The second film by Rusudan Glorudgiza, succeeds in weaving
Byd is an artist of a tragic national and personal story while maintaining subtle humor. The film is fascinating throughout and is useful
Precise and powerful cinematography with great talent, the tools at his disposal.
The fine play of the actors and actresses takes the viewer on a journey near and far. And he is smart, funny and sad at the same time."

 A commendation is awarded to the film "Three Days with Father"

Holland, Belgium 2024
Directed by: Peter Hohendoorn
Production: Steynt Boskloper, Maarten Swart
The judges' reasoning: "Three days with father won us over with its direct simplicity. A small film, precise and full of emotion.
The excellent and touching acting of the actors, together with the subtle and intelligent humor made us want to
That the journey will not end in three days but will go on and on"

The support of the Israeli Film Council and the Film Law

The Haifa International Film Festival is held with the support of the Israel Film Council - Ministry
Culture and Sports, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Regional Cooperation and Haifa Municipality.  
The festival is produced by Atos - the Society for Arts, Culture and Sports Haifa. 
Artistic director - Yaron Shamir

Yona Yahav talks about the Cinema Law – Awards Ceremony at the Film Festival – Haifa – 9/1/25 (Photo: Haifa-TV)

Photos from the awards ceremony

Yaron Shamir - Artistic Director of the Film Festival (Photo: Haifa-TV)
Yaron Shamir - the artistic director of the film festival (photo: Hai Pa-TV)
Yona Yahav presents the award for the best Israeli film - Real Estate Love Story (Photo: Hai Pa-TV)
Yona Yahav presents the award for the best Israeli film - Real Estate Love Story (Photo: Hai Pa-TV)
Hayali Yousef Zada ​​- Acting Award - Actress for the film Girls Like Us (Photo: Hai-TV)
Hayali Yousef Zada ​​– Best Acting Award – The film Girls Like Us (Photo: Hai Fa-TV)
Yona Yahav (Photo: Hai Pa-TV)
Yona Yahav (Photo: Hai Pa-TV)
The awards ceremony for the winners of the 40th Haifa International Film Festival – 9/1/25 (Photo: Haifa-TV)
The awards ceremony for the winners of the 40th Haifa International Film Festival – 9/1/25 (Photo: Haifa-TV)
The awards ceremony for the winners of the 40th Haifa International Film Festival – 9/1/25 (Photo: Haifa-TV)
The awards ceremony for the winners of the 40th Haifa International Film Festival – 9/1/25 (Photo: Haifa-TV)

contact: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052-2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

Articles related to this topic

2 תגובות

  1. In this difficult time we are experiencing, the festival was
    A ray of happiness even if only for a moment.
    Many thanks to all the brave people who were involved in the work.
    The decision, the establishment and the organization.
    Thank you

  2. The Tel Aviv couple comes with no choice but to look for an apartment in Haifa
    The mayor who created Haifa as a problematic default gives the award for the script.
    More Kafka than the movie about Kafka.

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