(Hai Fe) - Many residents of Hadar complain about broken sidewalks, roads full of dirt and waste pits and worst of all that their appeals to the Haifa municipality are not answered. "They feel that there is no value for the property tax that they pay," they say.
Hadar residents complain of criminal neglect: in recent years, many residents of the Hadar neighborhood in Haifa feel that their quality of life is deteriorating. Broken sidewalks, potholed roads and accumulated dirt have become an integral part of the local landscape. References to the municipality, according to them, remain without a satisfactory response, and even the little that was done disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

In a conversation with the residents of Hadar (Rehovot HaShalom, Masada, Hebron, Tiberias, etc..) a gloomy picture emerges of the city that used to be considered one of the most well-kept cities in Israel. Old residents tell about the dramatic change that Haifa has undergone in the last five years. "This is no longer the Haifa we knew," says a long-time resident who has lived in the city for over 40 years. "In the past, the city was clean and orderly, at least in most of its neighborhoods. But today, the city center also looks like a neglected neighborhood."
S., a resident who moved to Haifa from Givatayim about three years ago, shares in a conversation with Lahi Pa: "I moved to the city out of love for the scenery, the peace, and the beauty that Haifa represented. But I quickly realized that the reality is far from the image. The sidewalks are broken, the roads are full of potholes, and the streets are filthy. I turn to the municipality again and again , but the answers I get are delusional. How is it possible that a city at this level neglects itself like this?".
According to her, many areas in Hadar look as if time has stopped in them. "The trash cans are full of garbage that is simply thrown everywhere. There is no supervision, no maintenance, and no feeling of care from the municipality. It is especially frustrating when you pay property taxes and see no return."

With the arrival of the new mayor, there were residents who hoped for change. "At the beginning of the term we saw a change" say the residents and add "the streets were cleaned more, cleaning workers were present again, and they even started using cleaning machines. But very quickly the situation went backwards."
Inquiries received in the 'Hai Pa' system describe the difficult situation of the Hadar neighborhood, with an emphasis on streets such as HaShalom, Masada, Hebron and Tiberias. The neglect is evident in every corner: broken sidewalks, cracked roads, and waste that is scattered in the streets without care. "The situation cannot be ignored," the residents add. The municipality responds superficially, and we see no improvement on the ground.
The residents express deep frustration with the situation and demand that the municipality start working for the rehabilitation of the neighborhood. "We pay property taxes and expect to receive basic services such as cleaning, road maintenance and taking care of a well-kept environment," says S., who moved to Haifa three years ago. "The municipality must understand that it is impossible to attract new residents to the city when this is the case."

It is important to note that at the last council meeting held to approve the 2025 budget, it was emphasized that the service to the resident, the cleaning and infrastructure will not be affected and there will be no cuts in these issues. But what about the terrain and what in reality? Time will tell...
The Haifa Municipality stated:
The new municipal administration is aware of the state of the roads and sidewalks in the city, and therefore, upon taking office, directed the preparation of a rehabilitation plan for the city's roads at a total cost of tens of millions of shekels. Since it is not possible to rehabilitate all the city's roads at the same time, the municipality works to restore the streets according to a regulated work plan that is carried out according to priorities and the budgetary limitations in which the municipality operates.
Within this framework, since the new municipal administration took office, many roads in all the city's neighborhoods have been rehabilitated at a total cost of approximately NIS 25 million. The works were carried out on sections of roads that claimed urgent rehabilitation, among others in the Hadar neighborhood on Rupin Road, Leon Blum, Makor Baruch, Berkat Moshe and Arlozorov. Works were also carried out in Kiryat Haim, the Haifa Bay, the lower city and the center of Carmel. As was done in all of these, it will be done in the rest of the city's streets at a total cost of tens of millions of additional shekels that have already been allocated and approved for the issue as part of the municipal development budgets for 2025.
As for point hazards on the sidewalks: the issue is handled proactively and regularly by the road department. In addition, residents who encounter a point hazard are invited to contact the municipal hotline 106 and the matter is dealt with immediately.
As for the cleanliness of the city, cleanliness also in this matter, the municipality management directed a significant increase in resources to the sanitation department in order to improve the level of cleanliness in the city. For this purpose, the municipality purchased trucks and cleaning tools designed to improve the quality of cleaning in all the city's neighborhoods, and these include, among others: 15 mechanical tiot machines that include washing systems, three-articulated trucks for collecting trimmings and scraps, and combined compactor trucks with a crane for ground and landfills.

Not only the residents of Hadar, a large part of Haifa's streets are badly neglected. The roads are bumpy, full of potholes and bumps and broken pieces.
The dirt is absolutely disgusting. It's hard to find a straight, unbroken piece of sidewalk. As a passenger on a scooter or in a wheelchair, I encounter all kinds of obstacles: tree roots that lift the sidewalk, cracks, and breaks. It's very tiring for me to drive on sidewalks and I often drive on the road that is in better condition, risking being hit by cars and warning sirens. Not long ago, I was driving on Haim Hazaz Street and suddenly the scooter lifted and flipped over backwards and I found myself sprawled on the sidewalk, unable to move. It turns out that there was a high bump on the sidewalk from tree roots that I didn't see. I'm not a fan because I wasn't physically hurt. On the other hand, my daughter broke her ankle and was in a cast for several weeks due to a broken ankle because it got stuck in a crack in the sidewalk near the Real School. Negligence in maintenance is rampant throughout the city, not just in the Hadar neighborhood, where places look as if they were bombed in the war.
Yahav, what a miracle! So far, it doesn't feel like the mayor has changed.
Indeed, I see that there are people who clean the streets (up to a certain level), but there is a big problem with enforcement. It is forbidden to throw garbage in the street. It is forbidden to park on the sidewalks, but people who do it are not punished and this happens endlessly in Haifa. People finish a snack bag and just throw it on the sidewalk. Even when there is a meter bin nearby. Can't find a place to park the car so just park in the middle of the road shamelessly and have people honk until tomorrow.
Not just there. The ravine gate in the estate. A street with a steep slope without a drop of shade from the sun or escape from the rain. People park on the sidewalks so that it is impossible to pass with a cart, the old orange lights are placed in such a way that half of the street has no lighting at all in the evening and bends legs. Dirt around the bins (and not because of these pigs because of the location of the bins) they pay property tax like in Dania but get nothing in return! When will change come?
When you go to what used to be Ard-El Yehud in Wacha and Adi Saliv, the only conclusion is that the municipality deliberately preserves neglect and abandonment, in a systematic, proactive and deliberate manner, perhaps for contractual interests to take over land and buildings cheaply and declare them dangerous buildings for demolition.
There is no other way to explain the criminal neglect.
Every time they change the promises, now I heard about the "banana plan" to make a business district there. Gentlemen, no company will set foot there, you need to take bulldozers to start cleaning up decades of neglect like in the center of Wadi Salib like this all of East Haifa and Hadar, destroy empty buildings of homeless people and drugs, invest in roads and sidewalks, the whole Talfiot market area looks like hell, Gaza looks better after the bombs .
Accurate and sad.
The municipality is inflated, most of the budget goes to salaries.
A ticked eagle everything is clean and tidy everything is taken care of by subcontractors
It's not just in Hadar, it's in all of Haifa
true Even on Sderot Zvi on Carmel, which is considered a prestigious street, it is full of potholes...
It's not just in Hadar, it's in many places like Kiryat Ata to Dodma. Why should a citizen contact to know that there is a pothole.. They in the municipality are not doing the job..
I have news for you. Even the center of Carmel is filthy. And no mayor has solved the problem, so far.
Dogs and their owners shitting inside my store and the municipality told me to contact the police. The issue has been addressed….
Cleanliness in the city and on the sides of the city roads is lacking in papers, plastic bags, garbage bags, a lot of dirt in the bushes along the roads, cigarette butts on the sidewalks, especially at the bus stops and the matron, the street cleaners are not doing their job
The property tax in Hadar, especially for businesses, is very high and even excessive. There was a return to the fee, but the mayor doesn't care about the Hadar center. Cultivate a little Talpiot and the lower city and stop there. Hadar is not in his diary. Full of drug addicts and homeless people, empty shops, no movement of people and the municipality is not functioning. Why don't we make a splendid administration and start cultivating it. We need more restaurants, night life and big chains. There is no reason for Hadar not to return to its glory days and especially the screening house. Good luck!🙏🏼
You wanted Yahav, you got it,
exactly like that.
As Bibi, so Yahav.
The main thing is, the film festival is taking place. Kidnapped, war, evacuees, missiles that destroyed buildings in the city, economic crisis. Nothing will prevent a "civilized" and aristocratic city like Haifa, in the cultural powerhouse Israel, to suspend the possible and the entertainment, until the rage passes. If it passes…
potholes in the roads and cracks and more, and more and more, Mila,
But the garbage is everywhere - it doesn't come from the sky.
There is no enforcement, it is true, apparently they do not consider it appropriate, in the municipality, to employ inspectors,
Just invest millions every year in offices,
too many clerks,
Most people think they are on the promenade, coming to model.
I agree with you.. but!, cleaning starts with you first.
Don't throw garbage in the street.. like grass clippings or mattresses on street corners and expect it to magically disappear. Also construction waste..
There is nothing to do, you have to wait 4 years.
All the workers in the municipality received new vans, cars and new work tools like America. But to work anything with zero output is a crime against the residents of the city. Shame and shame. All managers are no longer employed in the municipality.
I would give a love like to your comment.
Not only Hadar.
The city that once prided itself on its quality of life has deteriorated greatly: cleanliness, roads, parking, traffic, education and culture.
Not only in Hadar. I'm on a beautiful street in Carmel. Sidewalks that you can't walk on. Potholes in the road and a lot of dirt. Tsema happens to this city. When I go down to Hadar I want to vomit from the sights on certain streets. The entrance to the Haifa Theater from Yosef Street is polluted and repulsive. There are so many to do. A new mayor is old and nothing is progressing.
Failed mayors who are antisemitic, the time will come, only the Likud
Your nonsense is embarrassing. The mayors in the past were mostly "leftists" and the city was clean. You are embarrassing your community. Sometimes you should keep quiet.
Hadar will be a physical and human dump, the municipality raised its hands
Street cleaners are afraid to walk around there because they will be robbed.
don't give up Claim a thorough care and repair, really by Hadar. It hurts to see the buildings in a state of disintegration. Haifa is a city with ideal landscape data
I wish it was possible to do a construction evacuation at least to the Hadar neighborhood.
The loyal reader carefully and faithfully expressed the conduct. His response cries out for reliable testing. real
Just like that, it will not be possible to drive on sidewalks in crowded neighborhoods full of potholes, even sidewalks are allowed in Haifa. I have lived in Haifa for 24 years, but the situation is really worse than ever
What a beauty, let's see the builders of Peres repair the potholes on the road, the asphalt that is made by type G contractors, just as the municipality has become accustomed to hiring through it or through it in Haifa. It's a real shame and disgrace that they broke our vehicles. There are no fines for the contractors. Nothing really a circus at the expense of the tenants
Not only in splendor. The sidewalks on Shimshon Buach Verdia St. are full of potholes and patches and it is dangerous to walk on them. An area considered prestigious with a high tax rate and terrible maintenance.
Correction: Unfortunately
Over a quarter of a million residents and you didn't find a single worthy candidate for the position of mayor instead of the same one you rejected in the last elections in favor of Klish and now you have returned him
Participating in the gathering of the residents of the Hadar neighborhood in Haifa. Good and blessed morning to all.
By chance I had the opportunity to travel in Hadar a few days ago.
Balfour, Jerusalem, Pevzner, Medrehdo.
Beta and Azova.
How did we manage to turn such a gem into such a ruin!?
Shares in the grief of the residents of Hadar. All I have left to say is many troubles and half comfort??? Many neighborhoods in Haifa look the same.
Talks. Articles.
do nothing
Citizens fall on the sidewalks.
Damage to vehicles on the roads.
And even where repairs are made, half-work or unprofessional work that doesn't last is done as a matter of routine
Not only in splendor! Let's take a hint, you can't walk on the sidewalks because they are full of holes, the roads are full of potholes, the most expensive property tax in Israel with the lowest return
K. Eliezer. Allenby Street towards the Wadi. Crossings with potholes. Broken sidewalks not to mention the lack of lighting after 17:XNUMX p.m. in Bek Eliezer. to the dirt of neglect and wild boars
I am not going near this city at any cost
The establishment of a state commission of inquiry into what has been happening in the Haifa municipality in the last 20 years is required. Pandora's box without a bottom.
Failed municipal legal advice that does not function and encourages the commission of serious offenses in the municipal engineering directorate.
Colombia is here in Haifa!!
This hurt twice when I paid the insane property tax to the Haifa municipality this morning.
I don't know what I'm funding.
My house in a good place in Tel Aviv pays a little more than half per square meter and there is nothing to compare what the resident gets there.
Every word is true!!!
Not only in Hadar, also in Azoza and Carmel, internal streets are in a bad condition. Even though you pay a huge property tax.
And as for Hadar, there are businesses that pay a lot of money and have not seen cleaning for decades
Because this is how the municipality and its employees like to see the city. You will pay and you will not receive. Wait in the corner.
Not bad, the main thing is that the inspectors are knocking out reports left and right... and for no reason.
Interesting.. in Kiryat Haim it is not like that at all. The only problem is parking on the sidewalks which is really unnecessary because in Kiryat Haim parking is free. There is no blue line and you can park for free all over the Kiriya. But the residents are spoiled and want plenty of parking under the house.
Not only is the city completely neglected and dysfunctional at the basic level, but they are busy with strange, unnecessary and spoiling projects like the sculpture garden in the piano square and more that seem to be designed to transfer our money to associates
Yes, the new municipality is full of plans to develop the sea line, but criminally neglects the preservation of the city.
Even in the dirty downtown, the unusual noise, the sidewalks blocked by parked and broken cars, the potholed roads, the terror of the cars/motorcycles with blown engines, sports facility gardens full of dog shit.... It's just a shame that this is a 21st century city trying to be a leading tourist city.
All inquiries to the municipality are met with the same answer: caregivers!!!
But why is there no powerful enforcement in everything, no road/sidewalk repair, no particularly high fines, no constant thorough cleaning + fines for spenders and businesses, no incarceration of the "terrorists" on the roads (a problem that has been going on for years. The main thing is that the Minister of Pitah talks about governance)? Enforcement and cleaning should operate 24/7, especially in areas like Hadar and the lower city.
That the municipality will cut its salary expenses and the number of paid deputies.
So dirty in the whole city, not just in Hadar. disgusting
Every business plays music on speakers and makes noise at all hours of the day. In the evening, bonfires are lit to keep warm just like homeless people abroad.
Talking about Haifa being a city on the rise, is this possible? I wonder where Yona Yahav lives, even such filth?
But there are inspectors and police who hand out reports to citizens all day and every day (most importantly).
You will come to see the filth and neglect on Yehuda Halevi Street, not even a single dimension. There are no mice in the neighborhood, simply an intolerable situation.