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Which city leads in its education? Haifa is not. Who does?

Prof. Efrat Isenberg: "The city needs to be organized in a way that encourages education"

(haipo) - Haifa is not among the top 20 cities in Israel in terms of education.

According to data from the Madeleine company, when you check the percentage of educated people (with a bachelor's degree) in the various neighborhoods across the country, you find that 9 out of 10 neighborhoods are in Tel Aviv. In contrast, Haifa is not among the top 20 cities in Israel in terms of education, neither in terms of the percentage of residents who have a bachelor's degree nor a master's degree.

The neighborhoods in Haifa manage to enter the table only when checking those with a master's degree or higher. In the Carmelia neighborhood, 30.4% have a master's degree or higher, and it ranks fifth among the neighborhoods in Israel. The Ramat Begin neighborhood is in sixth place in Israel with 29.4% having a master's degree or higher, and the Givat Downs neighborhood is in ninth place in Israel with 28.8% of the residents having a master's degree or higher.

The data is based on the census of the Central Bureau of Statistics, when the Madeleine company made an adjustment between the education rates and the different regions of the country. These data take on a special meaning, since those with a bachelor's degree are only considered if they have only completed a bachelor's degree. On the other hand, holders of a master's degree, even though they also have a bachelor's degree, are not counted within the category of holders of a bachelor's degree.

The Technion (photo: Live here in the field)

How can young people stay in Haifa after academic studies?

Haifa has several higher education institutions: the university, the Technion and several colleges. Some students come to Haifa to study there, and after their studies they return to their place of residence or make Haifa their home. A significant challenge is to preserve the Haifaites who study in Haifa or in institutions for academic education outside the city as residents of the city.

The main thing that stands out from the data is that there is a large gap between the number of academics in the center of the country and those in the periphery. Both in Tel Aviv and in other cities in the center (such as Givatayim, Ramat Hasharon, Ra'anana, etc.) the percentage of academics with bachelor's, master's and higher degrees is very high and reaches over 40% of the population. On the other hand, when you look at the municipalities where the proportion of academics is the lowest in the country, you discover many cities from the periphery, which are far from both the center of the country and the possibility to choose between several higher education institutions. Many studies show the connection between education and economic status, therefore do you live in a locality where the chance of you going to academic studies is even more significant.

The most educated of all: Kiryat Tivon

The settlement in the Haifa area that stands out especially in terms of the number of academics is Kiryat Tivon. Kiryat Tivon is in fourth place in the whole country in terms of holders of bachelor's and master's degrees in its territory. In Tivon, 24.4% of the residents have a bachelor's degree and 20.7% have a master's degree or higher, which means that 45.1% of the residents have an academic education.

Prof. Efrat Isenberg: "The neighborhood needs to be organized in a way that promotes and encourages education"

Prof. Efrat Isenberg from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technion explains that the data can be understood if you think about the geography of education. "Socio-economic status affects the organization of the neighborhood. People find themselves in the neighborhood mainly according to their economic base. There is a clear match between the residents' level of education and their economic level. Basic education can be thought of as creating an infrastructure for disparities. The level of education in the neighborhood will be related not only to the concentration of poverty but also to a fabric of components that produce a different level of orientation towards education in the neighborhood and what it allows or does not allow. The intention is that the neighborhood can be built and organized in a way that promotes education, or vice versa.'

"In this context, one can think of positive paving for higher education through basic education as well," explains Prof. Isenberg, "as a starting point, the disparities between cities are also reflected in the city's education budget. But within the city and within neighborhoods, issues of neighborhood organization and the spatial order of The neighborhood, which promotes a positive orientation towards education and education. In a neighborhood where there are, for example, collaborations between schools and public institutions such as a community center community and children's activities, there is a possibility to strengthen the neighborhood orientation towards education and neutralize to a certain extent the school aspect - how much the parents invest or relate to education. The education infrastructure is connected to the space that is outside the school and is not only related to the school budget. This is a broad infrastructure that tries to dissolve the differences between the neighborhoods.'

What is the role of urban planning?

"One approach talks about increasing the social-spatial diversity, planning that aims to break down the homogeneity in the main aspects of economic status and ethnic groups and create heterogeneous neighborhoods. In the end, this also translates into education percentages distributed across the city and not concentrated in one place. First of all, you have to break down the gaps between the neighborhoods through planning. Planning basically simulates the socio-economic group that will inhabit the particular space. Urban planning influences and imagines who will be the group that will come to live there.

This is reflected in the size of the apartments, the quality and quantity of open spaces, opportunities and all kinds of ways in which the gaps between the neighborhoods are created. The goal is to create a more equitable distribution of academic forces across the city. If we start from the assumption that an academic education is good for everyone, it is better that the academics are not concentrated in certain neighborhoods. Another thing is to see basic education as a first step that creates an infrastructure for higher education. We need to think in every neighborhood how to increase the positive orientation towards education."

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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15 תגובות

  1. The mayor you elected closed 6 schools in Hadar Carmel and Hadar Elyon in his previous terms. Only two left. When there are no schools, there is no higher education. What there is is immigrants, a flood of immigrants, most of them elderly, who count their end backwards in crumbling buildings and next to them comes a population of minorities for whom schools and kindergartens are opened.
    This is how we got Hadar, and this will be the fate of other neighborhoods in Haifa for the simple reason that the younger generation cannot find livelihood and housing options in them. We go to Kiryat, Likneam, Lanser and the Carmel Castle, which are constantly building cheap housing neighborhoods and which absorb the next generation of a young, educated population who are fed up with the wind farms of the outdated Haifa municipality with a city council that only cares about the well-being of the pensioners in the municipality and the city, huge pensions, endless benefits for retirees, free parking for retirees and so on.
    The educated neighborhoods in Haifa rely on educated retirees who studied for degrees 40-50 years ago. Their children are already elsewhere, and those who enter those neighborhoods as tenants are technicians and professions that do not require degrees at a low salary level. First they rent, or buy cheap apartments of educated elderly people who pass away and the family wants to sell the apartment. Or then at this point there is a population exchange and the level of education decreases. The more the neighborhood receives a stigma of 'problematic populations have come here', the more people sell, move and the process continues until they get the Hadar Carmel. The Jewish schools were gradually closing, higher education institutions abandoned the neighborhood (by the way, reducing faculties will not help. Students come and then go to earn a living elsewhere).
    Only the establishment of excellent schools and new, affordable housing that is suitable for families, along with more jobs that require advanced degrees, will raise the level of education. You can't bring a population of elderly immigrants in the hundreds into a neighborhood and expect the neighborhood to be established from them. It has to be from a young, educated population that moves into the neighborhood. In order for it to move, the neighborhood itself has to offer the conditions for this. To offer the conditions, there needs to be a young municipality, a young mayor, young council members who understand the needs of young families, and not a city council with an average age of 60.

    • You are right, therefore there was no need to send Einat Kalish home and return Yahav

  2. You forgot to mention that although Haifa contains colleges and academies for the most part, admission conditions are suitable only for those with affirmative preference (Arabs) who make up over 90% of the students and our children with much higher data are forced to study abroad and stay there.. Affirmative action that destroyed the country even in the government institution, the attorney general's office for employment ... By making us a minority, they are destroying the Jewish state with our own hands... from sleep delusional

    • You're right
      This is because progressive, anti-Jewish policies are being promoted here.

  3. Prof. Efrat
    Do you want neighborhoods with a heterogeneous population?
    When are you and your entire extended family moving to Halisa?

    There is nothing like a personal example

    Otherwise, everything is cheap populism aimed at personal publicity that has nothing behind it

  4. The way you presented the statistics and conclusions is misleading and erroneous.
    The fact that there are three neighborhoods in Haifa in the top ten of academics with a master's degree or higher completely contradicts the headline "Haifa is not among the first 20 cities in terms of education"
    And from statistics it is a game with numbers. There is not enough work for academics and the salaries are not in the right place, so those who cannot find work in the Haifa area move to work in the center.
    You are the statistician who drowned in a river whose average depth is 10 centimeters.

  5. 20 years of pushing has failed to preserve the quality of the population and instead a low-level population has been taken in - this is the problem, not the pigs

    • Dear Professor, heterogeneous neighborhoods make academics flee to a place that will not be heterogeneous. Parents who care about children's education can move to neighborhoods that have good schools. Everything comes from home.

  6. Even the people here urgently need education. How will there be education in a city that is full of Amalek seed? After all, their education is in drug trafficking, trafficking in women, extortion with threats and violence, and the normal citizen runs away from Haifa because of this situation, so what's the wonder that Haifa is ranked low? It used to be a city, now it's a broken city.

    • I read the responses, some are correct and some are complex. I am from Haifa, I was born in Haifa. The Haifaites Andy Avda and Rohm are people with degrees. We educated our children that academic studies are important, for a good and valuable life. But it is not enough. Because Haifa the mayor must encourage those young people with degrees to stay in Haifa. Give incentives and also participate in support such as help with property taxes. and to establish more colleges. I know that Yona did establish a project to develop the downtown and supported everyone who decided to establish small and large projects. but who was elected mayor of the city of Clyde. Everything was imposed and the project did not continue. And Nafchach opened its doors to all those who came from the Arab villages. So you are right that it adds a burden on welfare in Haifa. The welfare services were overloaded.. this also happened. The drug Del Korel managed to stop the influx to Haifa. And Klish set our situation back a decade and it is at our expense. It is a fact that Hadar in Haifa is full of homeless people. she is dirty Taking care of them is probably difficult to do because she has cut the budgets for personnel. She literally ignored the demands of the department managers. Another thing that is not under our control. The young people moved to Tel Aviv despite the large expenses there. Choose only because of a place to hang out and places to work. Despite living conditions there below any criticism. Check all the most successful ones came out of the buildings of Haifa. Until today. That's why the city must be redeveloped because many are leaving Haifa for other cities because there they invested more in gardens, and recreational places for the youth. The city of Haifa must wake up from a coma of unconsciousness. to the crowd all over again. I understood that even in Maccabi Haifa it is necessary to rethink towards the year 2026. Because the year 2025 is a big failure.

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