Students at the University of Haifa this morning, Tuesday, 31/12/2024, turned to the Haifa system to report hateful inscriptions written on the university bridge. The inscriptions "Faculty of Genocide Sciences", "FCK ISR" and "NO SETTLER IS INNOCENT" were written on plaques commemorating those who contributed to the construction of the bridge.
"I came to school this morning," said one of the students, "and I was shocked to see these inscriptions. I understand that within a university, which provides concessions and benefits to all sectors, apparently from the point of view of whoever wrote these inscriptions there is no place for our country. This shocks me especially because we are now at war And students study with me, who go to more and more periods of reserve. What are they supposed to understand, when they come and see these addresses? And endangering their lives, on the other hand, other people do not hesitate to spread great inscriptions and express themselves in this way."

The impact of the Iron Swords War on the university
Since the beginning of the war, the university has dealt with a number of incidents in which there was suspicion, which students expressed with the events of the October oath. These incidents caused an uproar at the university and allegations that the university does not handle these cases with sufficient severity. The students made another claim, that it was impossible for them to study at the university alongside students who allegedly supported the events of the Shi'a in October. The disciplinary committee, which examined those students, initially decided to suspend those students from their studies, but then a decision was made that the students could return to their studies, until a final decision is made in their case. Every such decision of the disciplinary committee was accompanied by calls for and against, which created a great storm in the university. It should be noted that it is not only the university that is dealing with hate speech and statements by students, and many institutions of higher education have found themselves mainly since the start of the Iron Swords War dealing with similar things instead of being busy with learning.
And to close the vineyard house which is a hotbed of anti-Israel and weeds
Catch them and transfer them to Gaza. Nothing came out of Miha, only terrorists. ungrateful
If Arabs wrote it, why does the handwriting appear to be that of Hebrew speakers? Why is it not written in Arabic? Why is it written in terms disconnected from the context and not in the permanent slogans of the post/anti-Zionists?
Nothing in this resembles the propaganda patterns, messages or slogans of the radical left and the anti-Zionists.
One hundred shekels, the person who wrote this is some stupid far-right activist who is trying to stir things up.
If genocide is better done to a nation of terrorists and their supporters, and not to a nation of defensive peace seekers.
The one who called himself Israel a terrorist state is not good for you, the door to Syria or Gaza is open, go in peace.
The universities are to blame, they are led by Progress and that is clear! The same undemocratic Progress and in the name of the beauty of the soul and hatred for its own people. And in order to appear good and hypocritical in the eyes of the "heathens" they conspire with the terrorists! And another reason the university leadership is afraid of losing the income from the terrorist sector!
In a reformed country they did not have the right to study at a university or technion, they write genocide about an institution in a country that gives them the opportunity to succeed in life, the exact opposite of the word genocide, which is more appropriate for Assad. The Israeli police must get their hands on whoever wrote this and simply the state must deport him or her immediately.
In my opinion the writer looks like a woman and not a man. And Yehudia and no other
That's how the Arabs are before fighters in the academy
Are you a graphologist, son of David who calls himself David?
NO SETTLER IS INNOCENT - an accurate and correct sentence, even if we are in a time of incendiary and Judeo-racism
I wish you and your family the worst. May you be erased in agony from this world, a waste of oxygen
Go to Ireland!
Check out who made this sick racist (anti-Israeli-Jewish) graffiti is an extreme leftist Jew. Ready to bet on it! This is exactly the style of the extreme leftists of Haifa University, students and lecturers. It is clear that among the Arab students of the university, by the way, some of them are those who only define themselves as 'Palestinians' and have nothing to do with Israel. Even though they live there, study there with state subsidies, etc. But specifically this writing, this style... Willing to bet it's not Arab. The Arab extreme left of the university behaves differently. In general, the entire conduct of this university, and academia in general in Israel, is very much inclined towards the extreme left, which is crazy. When I was an extreme leftist it seemed great to me, nice everyone here is an extreme leftist like me and even more than me haha.
Now after the seventh of October it is shocking. Every lecturer of mine who ever expressed a political opinion was either quite extreme left or very extreme left. this is. Lecturers who are not leftists simply do not express their political opinion. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of choice. Doesn't matter. The whole thing is a hallucination. And by the way - this is only extreme left in the political-political context (anti-Israeli!). Precisely from an economic point of view - they are silent. In terms of the conduct of the university - they are silent. don't know I made a generalization, but yes, that's more or less how it seems to me...
The address will be deleted.
According to official publications, at this university already 50 percent of the students are of Arab origin. Probably in a number of years and quite soon they will probably have to transfer that is to teach some of the students in the Arabic language. What exactly is the wonder about??
A very serious case at Haifa University. Happy Hanukkah 🕎.
Immediately suspend the students involved and open a criminal investigation against them
Obviously, after the University of Haifa gave legitimacy to sing the song of the martyrs... how can they not do more things
Give the Arabs a foothold in the faculties and the result will be a spit in the well that only Arabs drink/drink from and I assume Muslims behave this way
The hypocrisy that is celebrated in Haifa. Seemingly a sane mixed city, but it has many weeds that are treated with a soft hand. And Haifa University with many of its lecturers who are against the state and the government give it a hand. A university of the extreme left.
Why weeds..? Many of the Arabs of Haifa have relatives in Shinbei Yosh Arabi. They are interested in reuniting with them. It is likely that they will not be Zionists and will strive to change their situation. Do not run away to... "weeds"... it is too easy and comfortable.
A university of wretched terror supporters
I totally agree. The support for reservists and human scum who murdered women and children in Gaza and committed genocide must stop
In 1972 when I was studying for a BA, the atmosphere between the Arab students and the Jews was pleasant. In the early XNUMXs when I finished my MA studies the atmosphere was already more Al Azhar than a university.
Close the extreme left associations and outlaw the Arab sabotage parties
We have to find who blood these signs cost good money expensive sign. There are cameras to find who is there against him and his rival for a lot of money
and sit in prison as incitement. There will be no one to hurt us on purpose. For all and at once!