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Giant son of dwarfs • Did we make a big mistake in Bibi's strategy?

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One of my friends on social networks usually uploads posts of the following type:

  • Haida Bivon, give them pears.
  • Applause to the king.
  • And recently even:
    • He is a giant among dwarves.
    • God sent him here.
    • He is the messenger.

These are real posts written by a real person! I didn't change, I didn't add or subtract a word. For those who have not yet understood, even if the wording is somewhat embarrassing, it is an expression of admiration for our unique and special prime minister. For the sake of full disclosure, the author is known to me. He publishes dozens of posts a month. He also expresses himself in other subjects, in which the level of his writing is quite good.

Before he started making embarrassing posts like this, I thought of him as a perfectly normal person, with no particular inclination towards idolatry.

My original insight

My perception of that "dwarf giant" (also known as "King") is slightly different.

I see him as:

  • A man who tried to keep Iran away from nuclear power - and brought it there as a step.
  • "Mr. Security" who built Hamas, contained Hezbollah and led us to a security collapse.
  • "Mr. Economy", who led us to an unprecedented destruction of economic value.
  • "Mr. Diplomacy", which led us to political isolation and loss of political levers.
  • The father of the poison machine and responsible for polarization and division, who led Israeli society to the most dangerous place in its history.
  • The one who built the most failed, wasteful and incompetent government in Israel's history.
  • The one who sold Israel's future to anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox and fascist elements.
  • The one who smuggles the best of our sons away from here.
  • The one who turned the Likud into a hoard of incompetent, undeserving and spineless people.
  • Those who threaten any state institution in the country, from the court to the security forces and the IDF.
  • Those who threaten the future of the State of Israel as a liberal democracy.
  • Even those closest to him find it hard to believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

And I could go on…

And maybe I was wrong?

But maybe it's time for self-criticism?
After being exposed to a large number of posts from the idolatry genre, I decided I had to reexamine myself.

  • Could I be wrong?
  • Did I really misjudge the skills of the giant leading us in this historic hour?
  • Is there an alternative explanation for what I interpret as a colossal leadership and strategic failure?

The alternative insight

It took me a while to formulate it, but here is the alternative insight I came up with:

the strategy

Already years ago, he realized that "a giant son of dwarfs", (hereafter "the giant") that the real enemy that Israel needs to focus on is Iran. An ordinary person would have focused on curbing the power of the Iranian affiliates who threatened to surround Israel with Qassem Soleimani's "ring of fire". But the giant, who is a long-sighted strategic genius, thought outside the box.

It is true that, as President Trump testified, he avoided participating in the elimination of Soleimani at the last minute, but contrary to the conventional interpretation, the giant did not do so due to cowardice and hesitation. Exactly the opposite - he intended to create with the Iranians and Americans the the impression that he is afraid In fact, like a chess master, the giant saw ten steps ahead and outwitted the Iranians.

And that's not all...
In the north, he deliberately gave Hezbollah a free hand to strengthen after the Second Lebanon War. Again, there were those who accused him of cowardice and burying his head in the sand, but he continued his courageous policy of inclusion without blinking.

In the south, when Hamas was still in its infancy, Zirez accelerated its strengthening by weakening the Palestinian Authority. When that wasn't enough, he made sure that the Qataris would regularly flow 30 million dollars a month in cash to Hamas for strengthening.

When the Qataris feared that it would be considered by the international community as supporting a terrorist organization, the giant made sure to calm their fears. When the security forces wondered what the hell he was doing, he ignored it and continued with the courageous policy of "Hamas is an asset".

And they continued and offered him to eliminate the leadership of Hamas. They just didn't understand his short-sighted thinking.

The next step

All this has not yet brought the hoped-for result. Then the giant took a genius step.

First, he established a coalition with ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist parties and fascist parties (which he took out of the bottle in which they had always been closed). After he won the elections thanks to them, he invented illogical offices, and deliberately staffed them with unworthy ministers to the point of delusion, who were clearly not suited to their duties. He even chose for his government the childish nickname "full right wing", to convince the people that it is indeed a ridiculous government at the level of kindergarten.

A small part of the people, that of the "messenger" genre, recognized the problem. Most of the people were indeed shocked, but still kept quiet, and did not play the role intended for them in the brilliant strategic move. Then the giant unleashed the secret weapon on the territory - his Justice Minister Yariv Levin.

Levin, who in my opinion is somewhat eccentric, hastened to present the "legal reform" that convinced the majority of the public that we are facing a regime coup and the undermining of the foundations of democracy. Levin was extremely convincing, because unlike the giant, he truly believed in his crazy ideas.

It was, of course, a misrepresentation.

Anyone who follows the giant's statements until a few years ago will understand that the man is an enthusiastic supporter of the legal system and the separation of powers in the State of Israel. Even Judge Barak, the former president of the Supreme Court, called him "the defender of the judicial system". All this was just part of his massive strategic move.

To intensify the effect, the giant's entourage launched an unprecedented smear campaign against the law enforcement and justice systems in the country. There was a huge public who interpreted all of this as a war on democracy. They thought that here was an attempt by the giant to fight the trial imposed on him by the dwarves at the time. They didn't really understand where he was going.

All this caused the awakening of a huge protest movement and the disintegration of the unity and solidarity of Israeli society. The ordinary Israelis did not understand that they were merely playing a role in the game. But the giant was in control. He knew exactly where he wanted to lead us - to the complete victory over Iran. The heads of the security forces, who also did not share the giant's long-term vision, intervened and warned him that our enemies recognize a weakness, and will attack soon. But he, who understood exactly what was happening, scornfully dismissed their warnings, and waited for the next step to happen.

The strategy finally works

And then, finally, it came. Sinwar took the bait and went on the attack. He also didn't know he was playing on the giant's chessboard.

 But the giant knew what he was doing!

He tried hard and managed to convince us all that he and his government are completely dysfunctional, and that we are all stuck in deep mud. Then he prolonged the war in a planned manner, giving the public the false impression that his confused prime minister wanted to shuffle on forever. He managed to convince everyone that he doesn't make decisions, and in an amazing show, he also managed to convince us all that he didn't care at all about the displaced and kidnapped. And yet all of this is for the ultimate goal that only he knew how to identify - fatal damage to Iran. Indeed, in the end the Iranians also fell into the trap. They recognized what they perceived as an Israeli weakness, and began to behave imprudently.

They were convinced that Israel was faltering in Gaza, frightened by Hezbollah, and powerless in the face of the rest of the Iranian metastases. The purposeful display of dysfunction staged by the giant for almost a year convinced them completely. Then, in a flash, everything changed. After about a year of shuffling, the giant waved his hand, and did what he knows how to do best of all - instruct and guide. He directed the IDF to take action. Following his directive, the security forces quickly destroyed Hezbollah's infrastructure, eliminated its leaders, and left Iran without air defense, waiting for the coup de grace to arrive. And all of this is the result of a strategy planned in detail by a unique statesman of his generation.

Admit it was brilliant.


I still wonder what the correct insight is between the two. and you?

contact: At watsapBy email

Yoram Katz
Yoram Katz
Graduate of the Israeli hi-tech industry, journalist, writer and blogger. Link to my website and to purchase the books Born in Haifa (1954), studied at Geulah School and Harieli School. Graduated in philosophy and psychology (Hebrew University) and computer engineering (Technion). Books: • "Lethal Scripture" (English) – a historical suspense novel • “Days of Redemption” – childhood stories from the neighborhood of "Redemption"

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82 תגובות

  1. Israeli = only one whose parents of both parents are of the seed of Israel our father Israeli = only one whose parents of both parents are of the seed of Israel our father

    What nations are your parents' parents from?

    Do you believe in God?

    Is the Torah true?

  2. Israeli = only one whose parents of both parents are of the seed of Israel our father Israeli = only one whose parents of both parents are of the seed of Israel our father

    A journalist who ignores the fact that there are voters who voted and others who probably intend to continue voting

  3. Hahahaha... the one who is really huge is you Yoram. You managed to present Bibi as he is in the most ridiculous and pathetic way he deserves... You did it from two different angles that bring out Bibi the same...
    Not a "giant", not a "king", not a "Messiah" and not a "messenger"...all in all, a good rhetorician who makes fun of us all, does not seek any way that will help him draw time to prolong and feminize his rule artificially and is the most corrupt ever when on the way he destroys Every part is good in Israeli society and in the government and security systems!
    All this will crash in his own face and in the faces of his righteous supporters.
    The only thing we gained from his reign, is the insight to how low our politics can bring us all down and how the liberal democracy that kept us for 75 years as a progressive country, is actually not self-evident and fragile!
    Fortunately, the majority of the Israeli public is not ready to rule here a fascist, messianic and corrupt government!

  4. You still haven't addressed the brilliant side effect of eliminating the Assad regime in Syria, and the world peace that will follow. genius. nothing to talk about…
    1200 dead on the 7th of October
    The 98 abductees whose fate is unknown
    830 soldiers who were killed and hundreds of orphaned widows and bereaved parents and an entire country whose hearts were broken by the corruption of the vision of its establishment

  5. Bibi Netanyahu is a cannon. Netanyahu is the best prime minister that has been here since the establishment of the state. A prime minister who knows how to work and only wants to work and for the country. And in the end everything will be clear. All the lies. The strongest person I have ever seen.

  6. Ehud Barak built Hezbollah with his own hands after leaving Lebanon Hezbollah eliminated the SDF and began building their power, in the Second Lebanon War Olmert was the Prime Minister and could have put an end to Hezbollah but he chose the illusory 1701 agreement that Netanyahu returned to be prime minister going to war against Hezbollah Wasn't relevant Hezbollah already had a large arsenal of rockets and the Iron Dome didn't cover enough yet areas of the country, one can also ask why Bennett and Lapid did not take care of Hezbollah, and here the reason is fear of many deaths in the home front. In relation to the money for Hamas, this is not Israeli money, this is Qatari money that Netanyahu asked to have some definitely good supervision over it.

    • You know Bibi has been in power for 20 years. They left Lebanon in 2000!

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