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Neat Navon neighborhood in Haifa: first apartments in about 3 years

(haipo) - Development regarding the Neot Navon neighborhood, located in the southern entrances of the city, near the Neot Peres neighborhood. The deputy mayor and chairman of the planning and construction subcommittee said: "About three months ago we issued the first building permits in the neighborhood. In the last few days, I signed another excavation permit, and on January 6, 2025, most of the remaining lots in the neighborhood will be brought to the committee for discussion."

Neat Navon neighborhood will include more than 6,000 housing units, which will be built in phases in the coming years. Alongside the residential buildings, the neighborhood will include a new commercial avenue, public buildings, educational and cultural institutions, green areas, playgrounds and public parks. 1,200 housing units from the project will be built by the Shabiru company. In the first complex under construction, the apartments are already being marketed with a commitment to finish construction in about three years, in February 2028.

Navon Navon (Naot Peres B) - the southern entrances - the area south of Sami Ofer Stadium (Photo: Yaron Karmi)
Navon Navon (Naot Peres B) - the southern entrances - the area south of Sami Ofer Stadium (Photo: Yaron Karmi)

First building permits

In July, Sharit Golan Steinberg, Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Subcommittee for Planning and Construction, signed the first building permits in the Navet Navon neighborhood, which include the construction of the first 553 housing units in the project. About a month later, a public participation meeting was held, during which the winners of the "Resident Price" program received Detailed information on the expected timetables for the development of the neighborhood.

on two plots

The new apartments will be built on two lots - one on Yeshayahu (Shi'a) Shwegar St., on which 9 residential buildings will be erected, some of them within the framework of the "Residential Price" program, of which 8 buildings will be built with 8-story saturated construction and one 25-story, 2-story building Underground parking, basements and warehouses.

Nine residential buildings will be built on the second lot in the project, located on Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Street in Nidik, as part of the "Resident Price" tender. The project will include eight buildings in textured construction eight stories high, alongside a 24-story multi-story building, which will be built above two stories of a common underground parking lot. In addition, 600 square meters of commercial space will be established in the project, which will serve the residents of the neighborhood and enrich the living experience.

Commitment to February 2028

Afik Lagaziel, Shabiru's marketer in Haifa, points out that the marketing of the apartments in the project has already begun, and the first apartments are expected to be ready in about three years. "The Shebiru company received the first permits in the neighborhood," explains Lagaziel, "Our construction is located in the southern and quieter part of the neighborhood. As part of the project, we are building eight complexes that include approximately 1,200 housing units. So far, two complexes have received building permits, and the actual construction began about half a year ago A year after receiving the permits, we are currently in the pre-sale phase."

According to him, in the first complex, which is already being marketed, a 24-story residential tower and eight eight-story boutique buildings will be built. "Our commitment to buyers is for the delivery of the apartments in February 2028," Lagaziel concludes.

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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12 תגובות

  1. This neighborhood Neat Navon belongs to the Tira rather than to Haifa. I also heard that there will be a new road open to the Carmel Tira. The neighborhood is more connected to the Tira than to Naot. A 70 percent reward for the resident. What will be there, both a lot and full of apartments, safe density

  2. I suggest that all the future residents of the neighborhood reach out to the residents of Givat Zemar who have been living on a construction site for over a year - which will continue for another 3 years. Yesterday there was a meeting of the city council to extend the contract with a management company, which openly and clearly reported that the municipality did not proceed in a serious manner with a work plan in which the infrastructures are advanced for permits like in every neighborhood in Israel and what happened is that "a situation arose" where people moved in and there are now around them excavations for infrastructures for the next 3 years Sewer, water, electricity.
    I suggest you prepare that this whole area will be a construction site at least until 2030, that is, in the next 5-6 years. Do not rely on the municipality in terms of educational buildings - kindergartens, schools (talk to residents of Neot Peres near or residents of Givat Zemar and you will understand very quickly). Get organized at least until 2030 without relying on a move to Neve Navon or knowing that it won't have the infrastructure you expect.
    Anyone who wants is invited to listen to the city council meeting here on the website in the section on the extension of the contract of Bona Tal company for another 3 years due to the rush to develop infrastructure in Givat Zemar (a neighborhood that began to be prepared 5 years before)

  3. Nice work, but at the same time there is a huge difficulty that is completely ignored, and even imposes difficulties on the concrete industry.

    Today's manufacturers do not meet the existing demands.

    We are going to increase by another 5,000 units in the range. Immediate, something that will increase the load on the existing one.

    This means that the duration of the execution will increase and this will lead to an increase in the cost of the execution, which will be borne by the end customer

    End of act with first thought.. Haifa town, point for thought

  4. An entire neighborhood that is a construction site until 2040, until they build public buildings and finish gardens and all the plots that are delayed, it will be a huge construction site. To live in a construction site of no quality of life. Ask the residents of Gali Carmel in the Carmel Castle who suffered 10 years to live like this and still do not see the end because they will start to clear the construction next to them and now they are building on the site of the factory in the Carmel Castle and all the dust flies into the towers

  5. Sarit Golan Steinberg is disappointing and fully complicit with Yahav in the destruction of the city. For decades this unfortunate city has had a negative immigration balance. I personally know several people who left the city because their neighborhood became a construction site on steroids. Noise, dust in quantities and other vegetables. We all pay a 'contractors tax' when a concrete truck arrives at one of the hundreds of construction sites in the city and closes the traffic whenever they want, where they want and how they want.

  6. Something will happen!
    The wars with the enemies from outside will intensify and for most of the urban renewal people something will die. Either physical death or injury and disability for life or bankruptcy or it will happen to someone close to you and ruin their life or the dissolution of the family and divorce/separation and this will happen to most of those who want urban renewal among the tenants and among the initiators including judges and journalists and mayors and committee members for this matter.
    I believe that God will not let them literally destroy the country and will not allow a population explosion in the country and instead of their desire for evacuation of construction there will be "evacuation-evacuation", that is, evacuation of bodies and evacuation of rubble. Only something colossal to the point of apocalyptic will stop the deep run of the majority of Israeli Jews from destroying the country!!!

  7. Naaa, do yourself a favor, stop this, let Haifa remain a beautiful city without a lot of people, we don't need Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in Haifa, it's good for us that way

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