At the beginning of the coming week, Haifa celebrates the 40th film festival. By the way, in 1954 the first international film festival was held in the city, which is not counted in this number of film festivals, so that in fact Haifa counts more than 40 film festivals.
Haifa: a city of festivals, but is it also a city of cinema?
Haifa is recognized as a city of film festivals, but can it really be considered a city of cinema?
The Wicho Academic Center in Haifa offers a study program for a bachelor's degree in cinema, which marks an important educational potential. But beyond that, it seems that the city is still far from realizing its potential in the field of cinema.
Haifa is blessed with unique geographical and human landscapes that can be a perfect setting for film productions. However, a look at the last decade reveals a meager number of productions: I may have missed something, but I recognized only two significant films filmed during this period in the city: "Night in Haifa" (2020) and "Mazel Katita" (2024) and this year the TV series "No One" also joined Not leaving Palo Alto."
For those looking to integrate into the film industry in Haifa, the situation is not encouraging. A search for production companies in the area reveals a very poor inventory. This is a significant barrier that prevents the city from positioning itself as an active film center. In order to fully utilize Haifa's potential in the field of cinema, incentives are needed to encourage film productions to come to the city. Films shot in Haifa could serve as a powerful marketing tool, strengthen the city's branding and influence tourism and local industry.
Will the city's leadership mark the cinema field as a strategic target and work for change? It is not clear, but the hope is that Haifa will take advantage of its unique assets, and become a city that embraces and promotes the art of cinema, and will not be content with hosting festivals.
The history of cinemas in Haifa
This year, Haifa will celebrate the festival with a salute to Haifa's neighborhood cinemas.
The neighborhood cinemas were an integral part of the cultural life of the city for many decades. The salute presentation is based on An investigation published in "Hai Pa" and on an albumHaifa's neighborhood cinemas" (2024), a collaboration between David Bar On, who contributed his spectacular illustrations, and the writer of these lines.

In 1954, Haifa was recognized by UNESCO as the city with the highest number of cinema visits per capita in the world. Over time, 35 neighborhood theaters and cinemas operated in the city, the first of which opened its doors as early as 1919. These cinemas not only provided a place for entertainment, but were cultural and community centers around which active activity took place.
Over the years, most of these cinemas have disappeared. Some were destroyed, others remained white duplicates, and not a single one of them was designated for preservation by the Haifa municipality. This glorious episode has been almost completely deleted. Unfortunately, it seems that Haifa has not given its history the respect it deserves.
And so, at the time of writing the investigation, I could conclude that almost all of Haifa's historic cinemas have disappeared and have been replaced by cinemas in shopping centers.
There was one exception: a "popular" cinema/cinema-café. I finished the investigation on "Ammi" as follows:
The "Cinema Paradiso" atmosphere that the cinema was able to cultivate, the integration into the community fabric of the neighborhood and the existence of more than one screening hall, are probably the reasons why "Ammi" is the last survivor of Haifa's neighborhood cinemas. |
This was until October 7, 1923. This is no longer the case today.
On Monday 26/11/2024, a ruling was published by the District Court in Haifa in a case in which the Municipality of Haifa sued the "Voice of the Carmel" company (the operator of a popular cinema). In the summary of the judgment it was determined, among other things:All defendants must vacate the land from any person and object within 90 days from the date of receipt of this judgment".
The basis for the decision is procedural: the Histadrut, which leased the property, did not at the time receive the consent of the municipality to sublease the property to the "Kol Carmel" company. This is an event that happened in the 90s of the last century. A little good will from both sides would have made this claim redundant, leaving us with an active cinema.
The mayor responded to the verdict as follows:
"Returning a 'folk' cinema building" to the municipality is a significant legal achievement in the municipality's struggle to restore the historic cinema building to the public. The municipality of Haifa will examine the possibilities of utilizing the property for the benefit of the community, with an emphasis on strengthening culture, education and leisure in the area." |
How ironic that while Haifa is saluting its neighborhood cinemas, the municipality is celebrating a victory over "popular" cinema, the last survivor of the neighborhood cinemas.
Haifa residents are still trying to understand the meaning of this victory. The responses we received for articles published here in recent weeks, in which we will inform the public about what is happening, expressing sorrow, anger and frustration. The public expresses fear of the loss of the cinema that it loves and recognizes as a unique place and a gem of Haifa culture.
The memory of the "Moriya" cinema: a warning for the future?
This event is very reminiscent of another "victory" of the municipality. Several years ago, the municipality similarly regained control of the "Moria" cinema from the same company, "Kol Carmel". Since then, the place has remained abandoned and neglected. Those who are interested in getting an impression of the condition of the place, are invited to come to the site and get an impression. Recommended for those with strong nerves only.

The "Voice of the Carmel" company, by the way, is still interested in taking the site of "Moria" the sword, renovating it and turning it again into a cinema cafe with several movie theaters and a museum that will commemorate the history of Haifa cinemas. This is an investment of millions by a private entrepreneur who is crazy to talk. It seems that the municipality is not interested.
Will "popular" cinema also meet a fate similar to that of "Moriya"? The residents of the city are still waiting for explanations from the mayor about the true meaning of taking over the building. The hope is that the place will not be destroyed but will return to being the "popular" Sima-Cafe that we loved - a cultural center that will reopen its doors, and preserve the last vestige of the glorious Haifa heritage of the neighborhood cinemas.
Haifa Municipality's response
- "People's" cinema is an important milestone in the history of the city of Haifa and the life of leisure culture. Accordingly, the municipality will operate the building according to its purpose and preserve the uniqueness and character of the historic building.
- The building was returned to the possession of the municipality in the absence of cooperation and after all compromise proposals and mediation attempts on the issue were rejected by the owners and those with rights to the property.
I am shocked and pained by the tragic story of Cinema Cafe Ammi, I was a regular and constant guest for about 25-30 years in the fun and pleasure of watching the most worthwhile movies, in a family atmosphere plus a modest and small cafe and all this until 7/10/23, that terrible date that in addition to all the terrible In it, we also lost this cute neighborhood cinema that attracted not only the people of the neighborhood, but also enthusiastic viewers like me who bothered themselves From a distance of 35 km to watch the films of this cinema here and of course it is impossible not to mention Eli who for me is the father of cinema and always gave all viewers the feeling that they are the most important.
I really hope that the municipality will overcome itself in the ownership war and let the operators of the hall continue to operate it as before.
After all, it was not closed due to deficiencies but due to a dispute over ownership.
When there is finally a proper place, then it is probably worth cultivating and preserving it and not closing it with claims of ownership
Thank you with me
There are two issues here, about the closing of the cinema I don't know what to say, but about the cinematic creation I do.
First of all, already at the upcoming festival there will be two Haifa films, shot in the city and dealing with the city: "Real Estate" by Anat Meltz and "Halisa" by Sophie Artios, so it's worth keeping up to date.
In addition, precisely for this reason, encouraging cinematic and television creation in Haifa, we established the "Haifa Forum for Cinematic Creation" which also celebrates at the upcoming festival the culminating event of the "Haifaite Scene" project, in which eight Haifa short films were created as part of a creative incubator. So if I may, at least in this area you can feel an awakening, and it's worth staying updated.
I am married and love movies and cinema
Alas for us, this is how the municipality treats the last, high-quality recreation place in the sleepy and boring Neve Shanan neighborhood. And I am even more horrified to think that the fate of the legendary Ammi cinema will be like the late Moriah cinema. On my behalf and in the name of many others, I call on the Haifa municipality to resume the operation of the Ammi cinema immediately and without delay!!!
A law should be passed against movies and satanic channels, both cannibalism and Nazis
What a shame for Haifa's Hilova municipality
Zero conservation awareness
And not just about movie theaters. Total opacity and lack of understanding. What a pity. No appreciation for the past.
The municipality of Haifa is a champion in smuggling its high-quality residents and eliminating its mythological institutions, well done!
We really liked popular cinema. Each time we purchased a card and recently we stayed full with it.
Did we put the payment on the deer fund?
We are waiting for the cinema that worked so well even with great lectures and movies to return to activity
Another film that was shot in Haifa, "The Descending Stairs" (correct me on the name Olly the Descending Stairs). Excellent movie.
Interesting and waiting. thanks. We were left with an unused Amami subscription. As is the way of nature, every human organization, nation, country, city, movie theater has cycles of existence of ebb and flow and God forbid. Unfortunately in Haifa it seems to me that the turnover time of its institutions and buildings is usually longer than the average life time of its residents. See the casino building in Bat Galim. 😉 In the municipality building we will rest.
Blah blah blah
"The doss don't want a cinema in front of their eyes."
Our connection to our country and our love for it were born and grew through walking its paths and fields and through neighborhood cinemas such as folk cinema. I was born there in Neve Sha'anan and spent all my years on the recruiting trail. The materialism and also the opacity that do not consider the roots that bind us to the past, they also contribute to our situation today, the loosening of the connection to the old homeland
Abroad they understand such things, here they don't.
So come to your senses and stop
Ofer Winkler
hello dirt,
I read and remembered that we did our apprenticeships together in 1967 and formed a good relationship, until we parted ways. If this is indeed you, get in touch.
Gedi Shiloh
Mobile: 0542410003
[email protected]
Well, what? He will be handed over to the ultra-orthodox school (!@!) operating in Benin. Does he have licenses from the KBA, the Home Front Command, the director of engineering? the Ministry of Education?
Hint: subject for an in-depth article.
Dear Yoram,
Cinemas need to be separated from a cinematic work. The movie theaters have become a nostalgic pastime around the world and for most people since there is no way to compete with the content available today in the streaming era. For the price of one ticket, you can get access to dozens of movies and series that can be watched at a convenient time.
Film and television work is a different matter, indeed there is no reason for it all to be concentrated in Tel Aviv, and just as they developed a film industry in the south and in Jerusalem, it is also possible here. This is what we started working on at the Haifa Forum for Cinematic Creation. I will send you material, I have the email. Thank you for your work!