(haipo) - Intense explosions were heard several times throughout the day (Monday 16/12/24) in the Haifa and Kiryat area, causing great panic among residents, who have not yet recovered from the missile barrages that arrived in our area from Lebanon, and especially from the last ones that arrived from Lebanon during the war.
In the morning two strong explosions were heard, and in the afternoon they were joined by additional explosions, one of which was so powerful that it shook the windows and furniture in buildings, offices and houses. Until this moment, the sounds of explosions are heard at different intensities, slightly less thunderous than their predecessors, but still causing concern among the public. Waves of inquiries came to the Hai Pe system from frightened residents, who wanted to understand the source of the explosive sounds that sounded unusual even for this period.
From a test we conducted against The IDF spokesman said: "We are not aware of any unusual event."
The fears that do not let go
The echoes of these explosions undoubtedly affect the feelings of the public. We are still in wartime, despite the ceasefire announced on one of the fronts. We still carry the fears of the alarms and the missiles, experiences we went through not long ago, which along with the almost complete uncertainty about the future, naturally affect us all. Many residents report that the loud explosions heard today make them jump in panic and cause them a feeling of anxiety.
"We are used to being informed about military exercises or Rafael tests, but this time there was no information, it only increases the fear," one of the residents told us.
The live system here will continue to monitor and update if more details are received.
Explosive sounds will be heard from the David Institute in Raphael due to a planned experiment • Wednesday 25/12/24
There were explosions and some of them really shook the house and they know the source of the explosions but as usual they hide information, we are a small country and in the end there is always someone who finds out, days will tell we will wait, in the end we will know everything
Yes, it is mandatory for the Ministry of Defense, the IDF, and the Shin Bet.
To inform the local councils in the north of the country about unusual occurrences. This is in order to prevent panic and a feeling of helplessness. According to what happened today in the Haifa and Kiryat area.
When there is war there are explosions. Sometimes you hear more, like today, and sometimes little or not at all.
When it's not with me - when I don't know what it is exactly - then I don't know, and I'll look in the news - to catch up
I live in the ridges and I also heard very loud,
It's really not right, if it's an exercise they'll update, if it's true they'll say...!!!
So what did we have?
Even in Jerusalem the army trains a lot, don't be alarmed, it is our strong army, God bless
True, at noon there was an explosion that shook the windows of my house in Kaspari. I wondered what it was
True, the most pinching was when one of the kindergarten girls clung to me with real anxiety and told me there were explosions. I immediately reassured her that everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about, but the truth was that it was really stressful
(The ones who were hurt the most in the war were the children who became very anxious and any unfamiliar noise puts them on alert
The IDF spokesman this time was not right at least about a very strong explosion that was close to eleven o'clock at night plus or minus. There was an explosion and more how it was
An uproar over nothing. As always in articles of this type in this newspaper. Create headlines out of nothing. What intense explosions and what panic of residents are you writing about, my young lady?
Investigative journalism at its best
Very simply, Hezbollah still fires missiles from time to time...but the Israel Defense Forces knows and intercepts them, but hides this from the public.
This is probably a normal military operation.
I was told it was a normal military operation.
This is really a waste among the residents. Good night and blessed to you, Samar.
Strange..lives in Kiryat Haim and I haven't heard anything
IDF spokesman: 🙈🙊🙉
Maybe underground tunnels are being blown up... you told us there are a lot of them
Why twist the reader with just words.
One direct sentence - "still unknown" end of verse.
You took the words out of my mouth... what nonsense.
Even in Kfar Saba we heard explosions, although distant, but we understood that it was something powerful.
What an exaggerated and stupid description, nobody was scared and barely heard
Stop trying to make stupid headlines
Why are you frightening instead of calming?! We use all the synonyms for fear and panic, with friends like you you don't need enemies. Make the enemy work!
What will they earn a living if not to confuse the brain?
In my humble opinion the "explosions" today were a boom on my voice.
The IDF spokesman with the three monkeys...doesn't hear, doesn't see, doesn't smell, doesn't speak...
No right wing idiot your cult leader my father the purple corrupt swindler never hears and never knows.
He who believes is not afraid.
It may have been caused by Torah students or Rabbi Yosef's idlers
Amazing... You really got the name Shlomo.. A little bit of Torah and you would know who that is too
And this hatred? It may all be caused by gratuitous hatred
Navy training
Leftovers from Shabbat's sachina/chowder. That's how it is when you don't soak the beans properly.