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Tonight: changes in the traffic arrangements • the holiday events of the holidays

Changes in the traffic arrangements due to the "holiday of holidays" events

As part of the "Holiday of the Holidays" festival events that will begin this week, below is a breakdown of the changes in the traffic regulations that will apply during the following weekends

on Thursday and Friday, 19-20/12 and 26-27/12

  • Sderot Ben-Gurion will be closed to traffic from 18:00 p.m. until 02:00 a.m., from Sderot Maginim Square to Hagafen Square.
  • Allenby Street will be closed to traffic between the Allenby-Haganim intersection and the Allenby-Meir Rotenberg intersection.
  • Mordechai Anilevich Street will be closed between the sections: Anilevich-Haganim and Anilevich-Meir Rotenberg.

On Saturdays, on 21/12, 28/12, the following closings will take place:

  • Ben-Gurion Boulevard will be closed to vehicles from Hatzamtu Street, Hagafen Street and Jaffa Street, starting at 11:00 a.m. until 01:00 a.m.
  • Khoury St. will be closed to traffic from 09:00 in the morning until 18:00 in the evening.
  • Sderot Zion St. will be closed to traffic from the Zion-Hagafen intersection to Sderot Maginin St., from 09:00 in the morning until 18:00 in the evening.
  • It will not be possible to drive vehicles (entry and exit) at all in the area of ​​Wadi Nisnas on the streets: Khoury, Tawfik Tobi, Haddad, Atograi, Al Hariri and Salah Shahada, from 09:00 in the morning until 18:00 in the evening.
  • Allenby St. will be closed to vehicular traffic from the intersection of Allenby-Ein Dor streets, to the intersection of Allenby-Haganim streets, from 09:00 in the morning until 18:00 in the evening.
  • Hagafen St. will be closed to vehicle traffic from the south (the closure will be made at the Baron Hirsch intersection), from 11:00 am to 01:00 am.
  • Sderot Hamagini St. will be closed to traffic from the intersection of Rothschild-Hamagini streets, from 11:00 a.m. to 01:00 a.m.
  • Mordechai Anilevich Street will be closed to traffic between Meir and Haganim streets (11:00-01:00).

Approval for parking vehicles in the German colony according to the following details:

During the holiday, on Thursdays parking will be prohibited in the German Colony from 14:00 until 01:00 at night, and on Friday - from 14:00 until 01:00 in the morning on Sunday. It will also be emphasized that vehicles that park in violation of the law (including parking on sidewalks, parking in squares, blocking disabled parking spaces and pedestrian crossings) will be towed by the police.

Car parking

The Municipality of Haifa recommends that festival goers, who arrive in private vehicles, park their vehicles in the public parking lots around the central stations "Hoof Carmel" and "Merkaslit Hamfaretz", on the outskirts of the city, and arrive at the festival events by public transportation.
Buses and Matron vehicles will be at the disposal of those who come, which will run with increased frequency especially for the events, including on Saturdays.

contact: At watsapBy email

Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi - editor at Hai Pa - the news corporation

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