(haipo) - The Haifa District Planning and Construction Committee, chaired by Ruth Schwartz, decided today, Sunday 15/12/24, to entrust the plan of the Israel Ports Company for the construction of breakwaters off the coast of Kiryat Haim. The plan, which will be built over a length of approximately 1,700 meters, includes the construction of seven breakwaters that will protect the beaches of the Kariyas, which suffer from a severe shortage of sand, which causes continuous damage to the coastline and bathing beaches in the Haifa and Kariya areas.
Since the establishment of the Gulf Port, there has been significant erosion on Kiryat Haim's beaches. About the erosion on the beaches, or in the professional language "erosion", countless articles have been published on the website haipo. In order to deal with the problem, a program was established within TMA/13/B/1/1, in which remedial actions were carried out for these beaches every year, which included digging and dumping sand. However, these actions were found to be insufficient due to a lack of sand sources and due to the extent of demolition The sand caused, among other things, by the stormy weather and currents in the sea. In light of this, the Israel Ports Company initiated the plan for permanent breakwaters, which will be built in the north to the Gulf port.

The breakwaters will provide a long-term solution, returning the sand to the beaches and preventing further erosion of the coastline, which will enable the complete restoration of the sand strip in the area of the Kariya beaches.

Ruth Schwartz, chairman of the district committee: "This is an important program for the general public and the residents of Haifa and the Kiryat in particular. The program is promoted in cooperation with the Haifa Municipality, for the benefit of the rehabilitation and expansion of Kiryat Haim's beaches."
Ronen Segal, Haifa District Planner in the Planning Administration: "Establishing the breakwaters will enable the restoration of the coastline and the expansion of the bathing beaches, as well as save on the annual expenses of sand dredging. This is an important step towards the development of a wide and connected coastline, which will expand with the realization of the Gulf Gate plan."
Michal Tochler, Vice President of Planning at the Israel Ports Company: "The Israel Ports Company has been leading the project since 2018, in full cooperation with the Haifa municipality. The planning is carried out in accordance with professional studies, and its goal is to restore the beaches for the benefit of the residents."
The decision to deposit the plan is an important step for the future of the Kiryat beaches, and brings with it a new line to improve the quality of the environment and life in the area.
Using new breakwaters is an interesting and welcome solution, but it is important to plan them according to the needs of the environment, creating such a wide artificial bed is a golden opportunity to promote and improve the state of sport fishing in the area - a fishing pier on the new breakwater is not a dirty word!
From 2018, this means that this is a plan that Einat Kalish Rotem came up with. It is clear that such a pilot will not be done within a year. A little praise, even if Einat is not now mayor, they should be praised. This is her doing. All the captions testify to this. It seems that the fruits of her hard work are now being seen.
Where is the Israel Police in this story?
The destruction caused by the Gulf port cannot be undone
We must continue with the massive drying of more runways north of the Gulf port
We need an international airport with runways for widebody planes and not the small toy now
At least make sport fishermen access to the breakwaters.
All the best to you Samar, good night and blessed to you
"The Israel Ports Company has been leading the project since 2018" 🤦🏼
Sad response.
Happy is the believer