Dori road will be closed to traffic for a month • Electricity company works

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The Game of State • Satirical Column

This final was the game the whole country was waiting for. A final game...

Nature's Silent Killers • Maritime Terror Hiding Below the Surface

These days, in our intensive pursuit of marine research, we are discovering again...

An ugly and degrading sight: piles of waste piled up beyond the fence

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Beit Segal • Tuscan villa in the heart of Hadar HaCarmel

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Flower of the Week • Duda Medical

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The Herald Restaurant • Administrative cease and desist order

(Live here) - An administrative cease and desist order has been issued to the Hambar restaurant, which is in the Paz gas station complex in Atlit.

The Ministry of Health informed Hai Pa News Corporation:

I would like to inform you that by virtue of my authority I am hereby issuing an administrative stop order (closure order), ordering you and/or any other person acting on your behalf, to immediately stop operating the business in question "The Harbinger Restaurant" located in the Paz gas station complex in Atlit.

I am issuing the administrative cease order for the business in light of the findings of the audit conducted in the business on December 8.12.2024, XNUMX by the inspector of our office. The audit report is marked Annex "A" and is an integral part of the order. In this audit, serious deficiencies were found that endanger public health.

The main deficiencies are detailed below:

  1. Defective work flow - no separation between handling raw food and prepared food. Fear of cross contamination.
  2. Poor vegetable handling system - the handling of vegetables, washing and cutting are done in a container outside the business and without proper conditions: wooden floor, no separation between the washing section and the cutting section. There is no refrigerator for raw vegetables. The vegetable boxes were found outside on the floor.
  3. No certificates/documents indicating the origin of the meat were found in the business.
  4. A sticker of Speed ​​Butcher was found on some of the meat packages - a business that works without a business license and without a manufacturer's license.
  5. The restaurant operates without a business license.

    This situation endangers public health.

Under the circumstances described, the situation in the business endangers public health, and therefore I decided to issue an administrative cease and desist order to the business "The Harbinger Restaurant" located in the Paz gas station complex in Atlit. The applicability of this order is immediate. The business must be closed without any activity from the moment this order is received.

This order was issued after consultation with attorney Maiser Abahari, chief assistant to the legal advisor.

In accordance with section 21 of the law, this order will remain valid for up to 30 days, but I may request an extension from the Magistrate's Court or the Local Affairs Court, which may extend the validity of the order without a time limit. Submitting an application to the court as mentioned will extend the validity of the order by 7 days.

contact: At watsapBy email

Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi - editor at Hai Pa - the news corporation

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3 תגובות

  1. You will be interested in Agenda_2030, which guides "greens" of all kinds to replace meat with insects for you. Eat insects and be happy. That's why meat places are closing in bulk now. And not because they found anything. Because producing meat is expensive. It requires territories. Hargolim restaurants will be opening for you soon. Processed food is already used in candy made from locust flour. I wonder what the Chief Rabbinate thinks about this. ….

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