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Cancellation of the cease and desist order for the Twin Confectionery

(Live here) - Cancellation of a cease and desist order was given to the Twin Confectionery in Kiryat Motzkin.

The Ministry of Health informed Hai Pa News Corporation:

Cancellation of an administrative stop order for the Twin Confectionery, 84 Ben Gurion Ave. Kiryat Motzkin.

On 12.12.24 you produced a reference letter to the audit report and details regarding the correction of the deficiencies found in the business. After checking the reference letter, a sanitary audit was conducted at the business on 16.12.24. From this audit it appears that the deficiencies that existed in the business and which constituted a reason for the issuance of the administrative termination order were corrected. Therefore, in light of the correction of the deficiencies, and in light of your written commitment that you will not carry out productive operations in the business without a production license as required by the Public Health Protection Law, it appears that the danger to public health has been removed. It is clarified that you are required to maintain an adequate sanitary level in the business and act in accordance with normal work procedures. Additional controls will be conducted at our discretion. As soon as it is found that you are carrying out productive operations in the business without a production license, and/or as soon as repeated defects are found, I will consider issuing an administrative stop order to the business without a repeat hearing.

It should be emphasized that the cancellation of this order does not imply approval of our office for a business license and you must act in order to obtain it. work without
A business license is against the law.

The article originally appeared on 29/11/24:

Subject: Administrative suspension order and revocation of the Ministry of Health's approval for a business license for the Twin Confectionery, 84 Ben Gurion Ave. Kiryat Motzkin.

The main deficiencies are detailed below:

  • Very poor sanitary conditions in the business. Found dirty equipment with food residue, dust, rust and mold marks. The floor and walls were found with an accumulation of dirt. Live cockroaches were found on the equipment.
  • Crossovers in the production and storage processes between raw food and ready-to-eat food.
  • Packaged food products are sold without marking at all, including marking the product's validity.
  • The business carries out productive operations without a production license, contrary to Article 21 of the Health Protection Law
  • the public (food).
  • On 27/11/24 I held a hearing for you regarding the possibility that I will issue an administrative cease and desist order to your business and cancel our office's approval for a business license issued to the business by the local authority.

At the hearing, you stated that you started to correct some of the deficiencies. Yes, you stated that you intend to carry out an extensive renovation in the business and you need additional time to carry out the renovation and correct all the deficiencies found in the business. At the end of the hearing I was not convinced that you understand what productive activity is and what it is not. I also got the impression that many fundamental deficiencies still exist in the business. I am not convinced that you understand the severity of the many deficiencies in the business and their danger to public health. Under the circumstances described, the situation in the business endangers public health, and therefore I decided to issue an administrative stop order to the "Twins Confectionery" business. The applicability of this order is immediate. The "Twins Confectionery" business must be closed without any activity from the moment this order is received.

According to section 25 of the law, those who do not comply with a cease and desist order are sentenced to imprisonment for a period of up to 18 months. In accordance with section 24 of the law, I instruct the Israel Police to take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the instructions of the order and bring about the immediate cessation of the above-mentioned business. In accordance with section 21 of the law, this order will remain in effect for up to 30 days, but I may request an extension from the Magistrate's Court or from The court for local affairs may extend the validity of the order without a time limit. Submitting a request to the court will extend the validity of the order b 7- days.

contact: At watsapBy email

Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi - editor at Hai Pa - the news corporation

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4 תגובות

  1. It's shocking how much they disrespect customers, thank God there's supervision, otherwise we'd be hospitalized like we were 🤦🏼

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