(haipo) - Complaints from residents revealed that the Carmel Water Corporation owes tenants joint consumption expenses in excessive, and sometimes unreasonable, amounts. Only the intervention of the State Comptroller forced the corporation to correct its ways, but does the story end here?
The excessive charge that aroused the suspicion
At the center of the affair is a tenant of a building on a street in Haifa, who noticed an unusual charge of 400 NIS for common consumption for each tenant in the building. To his surprise, two months later another charge was sent - this time for an astronomical amount of 2,000 NIS for common consumption. The tenant, shocked by the high amounts, contacted the Carmel Water Corporation and the Public Inquiries Department to understand the meaning of the charges, but did not get the answer he expected.
State Comptroller: "An entire building that has not been taxed"
After a thorough investigation, it turned out that the problem lies in the decision of Carmel Water, who in September 2021 decided to stop charging one of the two buildings, which are connected to the same common consumption system. The meaning: residents of one building bear the water costs of both buildings, without knowing about it. The tenants repeatedly appealed to the corporation demanding to rectify the situation, but to no avail.
Only an appeal to the state auditor changed the situation.
The tenants filed a complaint with the state auditor and an investigation began. At the end of the inspection he carried out, the State Comptroller determined that the conduct of the corporation was contrary to the provisions of the law. He ordered Carmel Water to recalculate the shared water consumption and divide it equally between the two buildings.
But despite the instructions of the State Comptroller, the tenants are still encountering difficulties. Here they say:
"We deserve a refund with interest and attachment on everything we paid, but instead enforcement processes and foreclosures began against tenants who did not have the means to pay the huge charge," the tenant told Lehi Fe.
Enforcement processes against disadvantaged populations
Among the victims is also a single parent woman, a new immigrant living in the building, whose husband is disabled. Here she says: "Instead of dealing with the problem from the root, they started foreclosure proceedings against me. It is absurd that this is happening after the State Comptroller has already ruled on this issue."
Carmel Water Corporation: "We acted in accordance with the decision"
The Carmel Water Corporation informed Lahi Pa: "The corporation has already acted on this issue in accordance with the decision of the State Comptroller. It is important to emphasize that this is a dispute between two buildings, which sit on the same plot, in relation to shared gardening areas."
The tenants: "We demand a retroactive refund"
However, the building's tenants are still waiting for the full implementation of the decisions, including retroactive reimbursement, and for the enforcement processes against them to stop. This story raises a broad question: How many more residents are suffering from erroneous charges without realizing it? Maybe we should all re-examine our water bills.
The State Comptroller's letter, at the end of the investigation of the matter:

Finally, the audacity to charge unreasonable amounts with no relation to consumption
Their central meters are probably fake, they charge close to 300 shekels for a test, and there is a reasonable suspicion that they are not providing the real test results. I turned off the taps of all the apartments in the building for an hour and the central meter did not move. The instantaneous consumption was zero. In other words, there is no leakage from the shared plumbing. There is only consumption for controlled irrigation of the shared garden. According to their billing, there should have been a leakage that could fill a large swimming pool in a week. If they do not reveal the truth, you can sue their managers personally.
Carmel Water charges excessive amounts from most, if not all, residents of Neot Peres for shared consumption when it is not at all clear what the reason is. All they know how to do is announce that the consumption is abnormal. Isn't it clear to any reasonable person and anyone with common sense, and who is governed by fairness and integrity, that if the problem is widespread and not at the apartment, building or complex level, then the source of the problem is something related to the company? They respond with irrelevant legal claims that ignore the root of the problem. Excessive consumption of an entire neighborhood requires a technical inspection of the supplying entity. Every legal means must be taken to deal with this corporation once and for all, since it is allegedly behaving in a bullying manner and abusing its power that allows it to ignore the just complaints of tenants. This body must not be given up until it acts as requested and required.
Claim them the form. Only in all these criminals understand
The water corporations are thieves under the authority of the law. Unnecessary, thugs and cheaters
I wish they were unnecessary. Scammers, thieves and idlers who double charge for an essential service (!) that they do not provide
They claim there is a leak in the building's plumbing. I checked – we closed all the apartment blocks and then the central meter didn't move – 0 instantaneous consumption. That means there is no leak. Now they want close to 300 shekels to check the central meter. I'm almost sure they won't report the truth.
The most retarded ropharma that only did damage with draconian successful methods
stop with the story of shared consumption. Every tenant and every consumer has a clock, like in an electricity company.
We owe a class action lawsuit....for most Haifa residents the charges have jumped 2 and 3 times since the Carmel water came in
why is it happening?
Because it's a bad company that only deals with its fees and nothing else, and doesn't give up a penny, and it doesn't matter what the client's arguments are. This is a company that does not know what service is at all, and in particular professional problems. Although Me-Carmel boasts that the measurements are made with smart flow meters that transmit data to a remote readout file (KRM), I inform you that they routinely manually change the flow data in the KRM file. Isn't it fake? Isn't that worthy of a police investigation? that flow data is money data, imagine a bank clerk changing data, it's just numbers, what happened?
The whole method of a master clock to which private consumers are connected and the distribution of the shared consumption to the consumer My-Carmel carries out by manipulating invoices is a loophole that invites a thief, especially if the consumer, who is also a customer, is not able to go down or understand the details of the reasons. Neither can their accounts be given to a reasonable person to understand, and I will not expand on the subject. Why are there no such problems in the accounts of the electric company, the telephony and communications, the property tax and so on?
Therefore there should be 2 separate water meters. One for private consumption and another for shared consumption, which will be divided among the consumers according to a certain key, just as the property tax is divided on common areas in a building.
Just so you know, Mr. Journalist, that the people of Mi-Carmel do not answer honestly and transparently. You have to correspond and ask in a gradual manner that they cannot ignore it, send copies to the CEO (who does not interfere), do not let go, especially in professional or logical matters, until you are slowly exposed to many difficulties and hesitations, the truth, some of which I bring to you. But don't let it cross your mind Shmi-Carmel waives the debt she stipulated. That's why we will meet in court, we, My-Carmel and myself.
And this is indeed an issue that deserves a class action. that they themselves do not fully comply with the corporation's regulations. I don't think there is a reasonable person who can get along with the intricacies of the legal wording, which is really clear to Mrs. Mizrahi or Olga, that their natural right to fair payment for the true consumption of meters protected from manual modification is violated.
Here, Mr. Journalist, you have an opening for a comprehensive journalistic investigation concerning 70,000 households in Haifa, in my estimation.
At the time, I contacted the deputy mayor of Haifa, Avihu Ahan, who did not even bother to answer. His right, he is a public servant as he understands it, and what Mrs. Olga or Mizrahi are experiencing with their water bills... well, it's better to deal with pigs.
I would be happy to help or answer all issues of household water consumption, charges, KRM, fluidity, supply, flow, maintenance and so on, free of charge, no money. And also Avigdor Ha'Meiri and Leo Perutz.
I am a skilled engineer, a cash-strapped and optimistic pensioner, constantly rubbing shoulders with violent windmills. The ladies Olga and Mizrahi are dearer to my heart than all the people of the city. The details I leave here are authentic. My phone is 050-9270248
Shame on what is happening Carmel, stop stealing Gesaf