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In the wake of the missile explosion in Haifa: 4 classes at the Urban High School will learn tomorrow (Monday, 25/11/24) remotely

(haipo) - The principal of the 24th City School, Hagit Levy, informed parents today (Sunday, November 2024, XNUMX) that following the shattering of windows at the school as a result of a missile falling on Shoham Street, remote studies will be held tomorrow for four age groups, while two groups will study at the school.

The announcement came after in recent weeks parents have been receiving a daily update regarding who will study the next day at school and who will stay at home, when most students are asked to come to school. During the alarm today, several windows in the school area were smashed, which caused a lot of panic among the students. Following the incident, many parents demanded to switch to distance learning out of fear for the safety of their children.

A building hit by a missile in Haifa - 24/11/24 - in front of the Urban High School (Photo: Alina Eliasson)

Mother of a 10th grade student: "It is impossible that today's solution at school is the most protected"

The mother of a 10th grade student at the 5th City School expresses great concern and calls for the schooling to be moved to a zoom format. According to her, continuing studies at the school in the current situation endangers the children's lives. She is particularly concerned about the cases where her daughter is forced to stay at home, out of fear for her safety, but may lose educational material because classes continue as usual at school.

"We must move to Zoom," she says in frustration, "Hezbollah is only increasing the pace, and the frontline command is not doing enough. It is impossible to approve studies in schools that do not have adequate protection. The children are forced to lie on the floor under the windows, as happened today when the windows shattered above their heads .We are told that they all entered the shelter, but the children tell a completely different story. The first building of the school has two separate buildings, and the shelter is only in one of them They're supposed to run to the right building and then go down to the shelter - it's not practical in real time. In the physics room, for example, they're told to lie on the floor when the curtains are blown over them. It's not called shielding."

The mother also expresses concern about the way to and from school, without proper protection:
"Several children called their parents in hysterics during the alarm, and the unfortunate parents, who cannot save them, remain helpless. This unbearable pressure must be stopped for everyone until there is a series in the north."

Finally, she calls for finding a hybrid solution:
"I understand that there are parents who want the children to go to school, but those who stay at home must also be allowed to continue learning and not lose material. The children's safety should be the top priority."

Father to a student in the twelfth grade: What is happening now is the worst and not the most protected

The father of a student in the 12th grade at the 5th City School expresses deep concern, especially regarding his daughter's trips to and from school. "My wife and I are very disturbed by the time our daughter spends traveling to and from school," he says. "It worries us even more than her stay In the school, where there are teachers and protected spaces on one level or another."

According to him, distance learning can be a partial solution to the situation: "We prefer an outline of distance learning, at least on some days. This will both reduce the congestion on the roads and shorten the time when the children are exposed to alarms during the journey. The situation seems more tense than ever, and it is time to return to an alertness that matches reality - A hybrid outline or learning from home in full. Such a partial solution may not be perfect, but it is better than the feeling that everything is carried out on a 'satsah' basis and not really out of concern for the safety of the children."

The head of the municipality's education director, Ilana Truk: In the city of God, in the area of ​​the Tana where windows were smashed, they will learn a layered tax remotely

The head of the director of education in the Haifa Municipality, Ilana Truk, announced today changes in the format of studies at the Municipal High School, following the events that took place during the day:
"Good evening, at this stage there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command. However, in the cities of God, in the Tana area where windows were smashed, several classes will be taught in a distance learning format until reorganizing. Details and a message about the classes that will be taught remotely will be sent to parents directly from the school management."

Hagit Levy, director of Ironi HaGit: There will be no classes tomorrow in the Tana area where windows were smashed

The principal of the Urban High School, Hagit Levy, updated the parents today on what was happening during the alarms and on the curriculum for the coming days:
"Today, around one o'clock, an alarm was sounded in the school area, and later we were informed of a missile falling in the street near the school. At the time of the alarm, the students went down to the protected areas in both school buildings. Personally, I was the last to go down to the protected area, and we arrived within a minute, as we practicing

Of course, such an event creates pressure both inside and outside the school. Many parents came to collect their children, and we made sure to release students only after receiving permission from the parents. Fortunately, the students and staff are safe, although several windows were shattered in the school. I should point out that the windows that were smashed were not in areas where students were.

In the Tana area, where the windows were smashed, there will be no classes tomorrow, and the classes will move to a remote format until the organization of the building is finished. In the first grade building tomorrow only two grades will be taught - 9th and 12th.

Grades 7, 8, 10, and 11 will study remotely tomorrow, while the special education classes and the Shahar wing will continue to study at the school in the Bekuharim building."

The principal of the Alliance school Ram Shmueli: We obey the security instructions, and the municipality listens to us

The principal of the Alliance school, Ram Shmueli, addressed the parents today and informed them that tomorrow, Monday, there will be a meeting with the leadership of the parents, during which they will discuss the security situation and considerations regarding the continuation of learning at the school. Shmueli emphasized that the school management acts in accordance with the security guidelines, but makes sure to also listen to the parents' positions and their concerns.

A petition calling for improved protection

Parents in Haifa have started a WhatsApp group called "Petition to protect schools and kindergartens in Haifa", in which they are promoting a petition calling for the improvement of protection in educational institutions in the city and to help students who avoid coming to schools due to the security situation. Currently, the petition has received approximately 1,600 signatures.

At the same time, lively discussions are taking place in the class WhatsApp groups. Some parents demand a switch to distance learning, fearing that the protective measures in schools are insufficient. Many of them leave their children at home, and do not send them to school due to the fear of the declared policy of "the most protected".

In contrast, there are parents who believe that it is important that the students come to school, out of concern for the negative mental effect of sitting at home for a long time. They claim that the social and mental aspect of physical learning is just as significant as the safety aspect.

The Ministry of Education: "There was a fall today in the neighborhood next to Ironi H'ah, as a result of the fall, windows in the Tana building were shattered"

The Ministry of Education in the district gave Lahi Pa in response:
"There was a fall today in the neighborhood next to Urban God, as a result of the blow, windows in the Tana building were shattered. Until the required cleaning is completed and the educational institution is reorganized, some of the classes in the school will learn remotely. The school management issued a notice and informed parents, also in the case of students who are interested in dialogue with The educator and the educational team are there for them, we emphasize, because the special education classes and the Shahar wing They study in elementary school in the hope of quiet days."

contact: At watsapBy email

Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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8 תגובות

  1. "odd"!!!!! In my eyes!!!!! & "jarring"!!!!! to my ears!!!!!
    The KICD "I called out" in front of "News 10" have not yet changed the number to "13" for the 12 years that have passed since LEBANON WAR 2 that for some reason they were not enough for "protection"????? They got an "extension" for another "6" years... and still the "situation-hezvat"...??? = We accidentally remember "Autumn" every time...!!!@@@
    Ohhhhhhhhh = shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  2. Enough with the hysteria! The current situation is not good, but the guidelines are reasonable depending on the situation. You can't abuse children and lock them at home for months!
    The children are enough to reach the protected spaces.

    Why live here they make voices only from one side?? This is not communication, this is a propaganda mouthpiece.

    • not enough

      In most schools, the protected space does not contain all the students, so some students approach the place called "the most protected place", which in practice is a corridor, which usually has windows and there is no room for most people to lie on the floor

  3. In the city, there is literally no way to get to a protected space within a minute. And the protected space cannot contain all the students. Parents who want their children to go to school put everyone at risk. The school management must listen to the sane voice of the parents. Children's lives are not abandoned!

  4. Chikmok the back of the neck
    The nape of the neck
    the nape of the neck
    The disintegration of the back of the neck
    We are being ripped off. As protected as possible. Hide as much as possible. Run as fast as possible.
    Israel Defense Forces When did you replace "Hagana" with "Defensive" and "Habalaga" and "Afraid to attack"
    In Qatar they sit with hookahs and look at their Al Jazeera with pure pleasure.

  5. Today, about an hour and a half after the missile fell, I noticed the name of Shoham Street 29 on the TV, so I was worried because my son lives on Kaspari Street. I wanted to verify the place where the missile fell. I called the police and the municipality. The police, on phone 100, as if they had fallen from the moon, the man answered from a national telephone number, even though it is known that I am calling from Haifa. After a search, he could not tell me anything, gave me 3 numbers of T. The police in Haifa. No number had an answer. In the city hall in a video center that the missile fell on Kaspari street (which was not true) and when calling the mayor's office Yona Yahav they could not say anything. The most shocking thing is that in fact you could not find out from any authority where there was a fall, even when you knew that a close family member lived nearby.
    It was the duty of the municipality of Haifa (and the municipalities of all the cities that are hit by gunfire) to maintain a municipal call center that is active 24 hours a day during this difficult period, when missiles are falling in most of the northern cities, which will be able to transmit information about the location of missile launches to the residents of the city or the country, even if this is done according to identification With XNUMX. At least this…

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