(haipo) - Flooding in several places in Haifa. You are also welcome to send us if you have encountered flooding.
Floods are not destiny, they are caused by clogged drains as well as by the engineering design of rainwater drainage systems.
Rainwater drainage is carried out using pipes laid under the roads. The water drains into the blinds placed on the sides of the roads. From the shutters the water is led to the transmission pipes and from there to the sea or to the streams.
If there is a blockage in the shutters, the water remains on the road and flooding occurs.
Haifa is becoming an archaeological site
Always the same mistake repeats every winter, Mary Lou...
Haifa is a non-stop city (by default)
All city workers are free-eaters and idlers scraping their balls
All municipal employees are idlers
Hazard correction.
While it is possible not to do what should be omitted
Very simple as a son. default.
What is happening on Esther Hamalka Street in Neve David is simply dangerous!
After all, if there were people with a future mindset, and they cared about the city in general, and the residents in particular, they would take care of cleaning the drainage canals, even before the rainy season, but the problem is that there is no one who cares, they only know how to advertise, posts, to show how much they invest in... and ... and ...,
and this is the result,
Things that repeat themselves every year, unfortunately...
Instead of trimming bushes and trees all day and making our lives miserable with the noise, they should open and clean the drains, this is more important, leave the pruning for the spring
Neglect and when there are no rules there is chaos
What a problem to write a warning note in the calendar……
Every August + September we go out to clean all the drains and networks to avoid these puddles???
Yahav will run in a moment, don't worry
Maybe in his next term he will fix it
Thanks to the voters!
help the residents
Instead of killing pigs
What has changed this winter from all winters? nothing. Extensive flooding as every year.
Another thing from all the neglect from the time of a mayor from the previous city of Klish
Why wasn't half a year enough time to take care of it? Or is he still busy killing pigs?
Much older neglect. How easy and convenient it is to blame "my predecessor in office" for any nonsense!
He sits in the bunker and trembles. And he didn't know either. Besides real estate combines, does he know anything? Did you want Yahav? You got it
I was in Rumma Ramot Sapir and it was scary.
Unbelievable, the third city in the country behaves like a third world country
"You wanted to be accepted."
Enough rambling. Even the most efficient drainage system can contain a limited amount at a given time. Floods in the Western world are infinitely more serious than in Israel.
Someone tell the municipality that we are in winter!! But now they will say, "Oh, we were surprised, why does it really rain in the winter?"
Where is this impersonal municipality?
How did they not take care to prevent this in advance
Those responsible for the default should be fired urgently
You wanted a second term for Yona Yahav, so eat what you cooked, except exchanging flowers does nothing