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After the rocket explosion in the center of Carmel: parents demand that guidelines be updated and not bet on the lives of Haifa children

(lives here in Mmad) - Parents of students in schools in Haifa are calling for the shutdown of face-to-face studies in the city, following the fall of the missile in the center of Carmel on Saturday, November 16, 2024. The parents believe that it is necessary to switch to distance learning, out of concern for the safety of the children. According to them, many schools in Haifa do not have proper protected spaces, and in some cases, students are forced to gather in unsafe places, such as near windows - a situation that could put them in significant danger.

Parents raise another concern about the way to and from school. "If the schools and kindergartens have at least a protected space, even if not perfect, what will happen if there is an alarm when the children are on the street or on the bus?" the parents ask worriedly.

The events that took place this evening, Saturday, 16/11/24, including the fall of the missile and parts of interceptors that fell near schools, reinforce the intensity of the danger according to the parents. "This situation makes it clear how decisions to leave schooling expose our children to unnecessary risks," they claim, and call on the decision makers to act immediately to ensure the children's safety.

A destroyed synagogue (we do not publish the location) - the scene of a missile strike in Haifa - Carmel Ridge - 16/11/24 (photo: Ihud Hatzla)
A destroyed synagogue (we do not publish the location) - the scene of a missile strike in Haifa - Carmel Ridge - 16/11/24 (photo: Ihud Hatzla)

Mother of a student at the Urban High School: Why should the students come to school when there is a real threat?

""There is no proper protection in the schools, this is a real danger"
The mother of a student at the six-year urban high school in the center of Carmel is deeply concerned about the state of security in schools in Haifa following the recent events. "There is no adequate protection in all educational institutions," she claims. According to her, even in places that are considered "protected," the students are forced to crowd in the corridors or sit under the windows - situations that take away from the concept of a real protected space.

"Today we saw what happened to the building in the center of Carmel," she adds. "There are about 1,000 students at the City School of God, and when they are required to evacuate to the basement of another building, not everyone has room. Some of them stay in the corridors, exposed to danger. This is not a solution. In other schools, the children are asked to take shelter Under the tables - it's not protected."

The trip to school: a particularly dangerous time
Beyond the situation in the schools themselves, the mother expresses concern about the dangers on the way to them and back. "My daughter has to take two buses to school. If there's an alarm while traveling, it will take her at least a minute to get off the bus, and there's really no protection on the way. It's just dangerous."

Why not go back to distance learning?
The mother asks why, in view of the situation, they don't go back to school in Zoom as it was in other times. "When the municipal employees sat down and the cleaners didn't arrive, they immediately sent the children to study from home. So why now, when there is a real and actual threat to their lives, are they required to come to school? It doesn't make sense."

According to her, the solution is clear: "Life is more important. Until there is adequate protection in schools and clear measures to keep children safe, face-to-face studies must be stopped and switched to distance learning."

Mother of students at Alliance School: The directive my daughter received is to stay in a classroom with plastic windows

"Uncertainty and dangers: a call for a return to distance learning"
A mother of a student at the six-year school Alliance shares the difficulties and concerns that the current security situation poses for both students and parents. According to her, many parents want the learning to be done remotely or at least in the form of capsules, while ensuring that the students who have not attended the schools in the last two months will be able to complete the study material in an accessible way.

"My daughter is studying at a new school, and she is having trouble getting to know her classmates and bridging the learning gaps," she says. "The educator and the counselor understand the situation and have been in constant contact with me, which helps. But it's hard for them too, they are mothers of children themselves."

The challenges in dealing with the security situation
According to the mother, the daily struggle with the security situation has become unbearable. "One of my children goes to a shelter, and the other has to ride buses to school, when the instruction she received is to stay in a classroom with plastic windows. It's considered 'protected,' but obviously it's not really."

The fear increases when she remembers her decision to return her daughter to school after more than two months of absence. "Yesterday, Friday, I took her to school and brought her back myself. Tomorrow, she won't go anymore. It's just not worth the risk."

A call to the education system: a solution that will enable security
The mother calls on the education system to show flexibility and take care of solutions that put the safety of the students first. "We must allow distance learning or in a safer format, and make it easier for the students who stayed at home to complete the material. Their lives are more important than anything else."

The parents' clear call is for an immediate change in the school format, out of concern for the safety of their children and the need to guarantee them a safe learning experience.

Mother of a student at Dror School: My daughter thinks about what she will do when the alarm goes off and not about her studies

"Distance learning: the safe solution for students under threat"
The mother of a student at Dror School in Kiryat Eliezer shares the difficulties and concerns she has been facing in recent times, against the background of the tense security situation in the north. "I'm in favor of distance learning," she says, "so my daughter can study at home, in a protected place with me, and not at school where her life and the lives of the other students are abandoned."

Learning with confidence: a necessary condition for success
According to her, children's ability to concentrate on learning depends on their sense of security. "When my daughter is at home, she can study without thinking 'what will happen if there is an alarm and there is no EMS here'." Last week, I sent her to school one day, and during the alarm she ran to the shelter on her own accord, because the shelter didn't have enough room for everyone. She told me: 'Mom, today I kept thinking about what I would do if there was an alarm. I was on standby to be the first to leave the classroom.' It's not a learning environment."

The reality in kindergartens: double distress for parents
In addition, the mother describes the situation in the kindergartens in Kiryat Eliezer, where her young children study. "In the kindergartens there is no protected space, and the children sit on the floor near windows, close to an external wall. How can you call it protected? It's just dangerous."

Educational gaps: the responsibility of the education system
She adds that many of the parents in the city do not send their children to school since the fighting in the north intensified. "The schools must take responsibility for the students who don't come, and provide them with a solution for distance learning. It is impossible for gaps to open between the children at home and those who come every day. We don't know when the situation will calm down, but it must not come at the expense of our children's education."

A clear call to educational leadership
Many parents express a feeling of worry and helplessness in the face of the situation. "Our children's lives are more important than anything else," concludes the mother, "and we need to provide them with an educational solution that will not put them in danger, even if it means distance learning for an extended period of time."

The chairman of the Haifa neighborhood parent leadership, Lior Goldberg: We trust the directives of the Home Front Command

Lior Goldberg, chairman of the Hashuv parents' leadership in Haifa: "We believe in the PKR guidelines and trust the decisions he makes while consistently managing risks."

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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58 תגובות

  1. So close, the missile cruised over Haifa, it left terror, fear, we are on the stairs, the missile guard came, water slowly came, it walked on the roof of the house of all of us who live in the sea area, I felt like a huge plane that was going to land on the neighbors and on us, then came the long whistle, boom, a wonderful hassle on the most beautiful synagogue In the city there is a lot of destruction on Keller Street. It is very dangerous what happened. Surely the parents will be worried about the elderly children

  2. Nasty whiny parents. A de luxe war is being waged here, everything is being done slowly to avoid casualties. All the thousands launched from Lebanon caused fewer deaths than those killed in accidents, than those murdered within the Arab community. So here and there houses were damaged. Next we will not talk about houses that were damaged in Gaza or in our heart or in the rejection. So they complain about that too? You can't transplant a brain to these whiners. The body will reject it.

  3. Just unbelievable. The worst thing is to disconnect the children from school again. The concern for the children's safety is understandable, but isolation is just as bad.

  4. Just today I saw a bus stop near the Rally on Sderot Moriah full of students. At least 30. Where will everyone evacuate during an alarm... I don't want to imagine. In my opinion, the main problem is getting to the educational institutions.
    In Israel you only learn after the fact. rope.

  5. Unfortunately, don't expect the state and especially Bibi to care about a few more deaths. We are all like ants to him...if he wanted to end the war he would have taken down the electricity, water and food infrastructure in Lebanon...within two weeks the Arabs would have started killing each other instead of us. Likewise in Gaza.
    The main thing is that his children are safe in every way

  6. A school is an invention of a little more than 100 years, there is no point in endangering students for nothing.
    What is important is the university or college from which an applicable degree can be issued that is useful to society and the individual.

  7. Those who want to leave the child at home, should leave and do home education with them.
    Children have to go to school.
    There are instructions from the Home Front Command. breathe

  8. Another failure!!!!
    The frontline command is directed from above to keep the economy working
    Haifa Municipality is cooperating
    The government wants war and also routine. It doesn't work together!
    They have to choose - war or routine!
    And what about you parents? You are the ones who can influence! Do not send the children to school!!!!

  9. We at Kiryat have been asking for an update of the guidelines for 3 weeks and they are putting a check on us! But I wonder if it was in Tel Aviv...we are betting on the lives of our children!

    • Don't wait for the municipality or the Home Front Command, it's time for you to take the reins in your hands and decide for yourself and no one else

  10. It is indeed an excuse to allow students to endanger themselves in the name of the illusion of routine. A real danger to life. Many parents are forced to send students because of pressure and pressure that their children will suffer academically. Scandal!!!!! Back to distance learning now!!!!!

  11. The main thing is that the municipality of Haifa was shut down in order to build a protected space for the workers. A week ago I was at the tax office and it was closed because they are renovating because there is no protected space, but our children are homeless. We need to get back to Zoom before there is a disaster. Just a shame for the Haifa municipality, they don't care about the children's lives.

    • What are you confusing the brain with?
      There is no protected space and they moved to work from the Zion Hotel on the minus 1 floor.
      The toilets are being renovated on the spot and no dimension is being built. The main thing is to talk

  12. Distance learning is also a disaster. Bad for the soul because the children are alone all the time. Social human contact is very important. And the learning is not effective either. Those who are really worried about staying at home, don't shut them all down.

    • And sitting in an unprotected classroom and knowing that there is danger is really healthy for the soul, right?
      Distance learning is learning.

  13. The state and its leader are abandoning us. The mayor is abandoning us just like he did in 2006. They are putting us all at risk here so that we don't cost the state money, but instead go to work and pay taxes like good citizens.

  14. Now Milhama, what is not clear, you sit in cafes, you live as if you continue to protest, you haven't internalized it yet, now you have woken up, stop being a protester, go out and donate to the troops, knit hats, socks, bake cakes, do things for the brave soldiers, when your children are protesting, burn the roads, wake up

  15. I am adding to the article a mother from the Nirim school in Neve David, the children remain on the stairs crouched on the floor with their hands on their heads. The 73-year-old school is crumbling even after the earthquake in Turkey. They closed one building because it is in danger of collapsing. In short, Mr. Yona Yahav, you don't have children who need to deal with the dangers. At the expense of our children's lives

  16. Playing games of chance with children's lives. True, the chance is not high, but is it worth a disaster??
    Why-because you have to demonstrate a routine? Because it is too expensive to reach a partial plan that leaves the children at home part of the time?
    It is possible to find intermediate solutions - to return to partial frontal learning in layers, which also provides more security, at least all the children will have a standard place to defend themselves in the bass, and also a little sanity.
    What is certainly possible is to force schools to open zooms, so that any of the children who come from afar or do not feel safe can connect.
    But no, it's easiest to go for "it will be fine" and "the most protected there is", there is no need to shut down an economy, there is no need to press for an end to the war - everything is fine, there is a routine.

  17. Why didn't they intercept the launch? This also does not work when it comes to Haifa, nor do the calls from the Home Front Command
    You often have meetings and don't work on time, what's going on here?

    • Are you a military expert?
      Apparently it is impossible to intercept every launch

  18. The psychological danger for children who stay at home is much greater. depression, suicidality, etc.

    We need to promote the construction of protected spaces, but under no circumstances stop face-to-face studies.

  19. The yawning of the rear does not update the guidelines in Haifa because they do not want to shut down the economy in a large city with a large industrial area, this is the only cynical consideration.
    Only after a serious disaster that a bus is damaged will we update the instructions because that's how it works here.
    It is impossible to trust them with cold, cynical and economic considerations not to shut down a large city, then to declare as if there is a routine and not to change instructions for Haifa Kiryat Haim Kiryat Shmuel because they will have to give compensation to businesses.
    In a school without protection, simply not bringing the children has a limit to their cynicism.
    Later, in an investigative committee, they will not take any responsibility and will say that it is not known who made the decisions.

    • It's a money scandal.
      Everything is money..
      They don't care about anything these evil people

  20. You voted for the mayor who for 15 years after the Second Lebanon War did not build even one public shelter. who poured a million shekels into some stupid HML for himself to show off to guests instead of all the money for the renovations of the bureau and the construction of the fancy HML going to the addition of public shelters.
    You voted for this minimalist once again, so this is what you will eat.
    The mayors of Kiryat obtained compensation. In Kiryat Haim and Kiryat Shmuel no, because this is Haifa where yesterday there were falls with damage to buildings, not the Kiryats.. They don't want to give compensation in Haifa that's why they don't update the instructions. They understand that there is a weak mayor here.

  21. They are betting on the lives of the children and the lives of the workers who also come from distant areas such as Nahariya and Kiryat to work in Haifa without any means of protection on the way.

  22. What is the difference between the educational frameworks and houses in the area, from the Carmel center to the mansion?!
    Old houses that are at least 60 years old, for which the municipality put every possible difficulty in order not to approve the TMA. In addition, many vehicles travel on the road, full buses, and when there is an alarm, the passengers stay on the bus, on the train, which can be a death trap. In short, pray.

  23. I see children in a more northern city, languishing at home, without friends, left alone without their parents who have to go to work, who have difficulty studying on Zoom.. exchanging pajamas for pajamas.. that's not good either..

  24. The chance of a missile falling in Carmel or the mountain neighborhoods in general is very small and it seems that this is the first fall since the war in 2006!
    The gulf islands and coastal neighborhoods are at the main risk

    • Oh yes, did you check with the enemy where they intend to shoot in the future?
      What is this nonsense!?
      Just this week rockets hit a kindergarten in Nesher.
      There was damage to kindergartens in Kiryat Shprincek.
      There were dozens of falls in Haifa
      What are you talking about who is at the "main risk"?!

    • And there are no schools in Kiryat?
      As I write, there is an interception noise outside, probably from the direction of the Kiryats

  25. The children were transferred to distance learning on Apache
    So all the more about a real risk to the children's lives, a real risk to lives and any further words are unnecessary!

  26. We live in Ramez, there is no emergency shelter, no shelter and we have to go down to a stairwell, how is it that they don't spread mosquito nets on the streets and near buildings like ours?

    • Even in Leo Back Brigade, it's not something. We are in a corridor and where we are sitting there are dangerous glass windows and also in front of a base

    • Most of the tenants will not be able to arrive within a minute, and in the time line from the house to the shelter, they will be more exposed than the shelter in the stairwell...

  27. Leaving children and parents at home for an unlimited time, as can cause mental and social damage.
    Obviously, there is fear and a desire not to take risks, but the Iron Dome does make it possible to maintain a routine for the benefit of everyone.

    • And at the same time, the solution could be capsules, so it would really be possible to manage risks, both in body and mind.
      It doesn't have to be either frontal or zooms!

      I'm sure no one is waiting for a disaster, but unfortunately the Iron Dome does not intercept all intercepts, and interceptor parts or missile parts are no less dangerous, and when it's a missile - we won't know...

  28. Staying at home and learning on Zoom causes damage to 100 percent of the children.
    And remember that these are children who have already lost two years of their childhood to Corona.
    We must continue our studies. There is a risk, but this is the reality of our lives.
    Children should not now be locked up in homes for weeks/months.

  29. The children are endangered especially on the road when there is nowhere to defend themselves, the main thing is routine, without thinking about all the risks. We need to issue a request to the residents of the buildings to deactivate the intercom, leave a door so that they can enter stairwells available to passers-by who come across alarms, we need to deploy shields on the roads, what is it that endangers human life, they are told to lie down on the floor, what is this joke??

    • Today I was driving down the road and I thought that if there was an alarm I wouldn't be able to enter any building because they are locked, luckily there was no alarm on the way, but I thought about how come there was no order to leave buildings open?

  30. I am the father of a girl in first grade at Ilanot school. First graders there leave the classroom sitting in the second floor hallway with their hands on their heads under plastic windows.
    If such a window falls on a 6-year-old child, there is no need for direct injury.

    So how, Mr. Lior Goldberg, should I trust Pekar????

    • There are indeed voices of parents calling for a return to online learning from home, but these are not the voices of all parents. The article presents as if this is the general opinion when in practice it is not like that at all.

    • Why disable for everyone? What is this compulsion? Who will take care of the business if I have to manipulate zooms all day?

      My kids really couldn't learn that way.

      Where there is no protected space and there is no response to the directives of the Home Front Command - only there they will be closed.

      Those who are afraid or think they understand better than PKA should stay at home. Don't threaten on behalf of everyone.

    • Not a good idea. Not everyone is built for zoom learning and even then they haven't studied for two years.

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