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The academic staff at the University of Haifa: fear for the lives of the lecturers and students at the design school

(lives here in shelters) - The organization of the academic staff at the university claims that lecturers and students do not have the possibility to arrive in time to protected spaces at the design school of Haifa University - Witso in the German colony.

Chaos during the alarm

"This week there was an alarm during school," says one of the faculty members, "and there was a kind of chaos. Students on the upper floors are unable to reach the shelter, which is on the 1st floor. Even students who are supposed to reach the external public shelter are not able to arrive within a minute. We received the plan, And only when there were alarms did we realize that in real time things were not working. The students were helpless because of the lack of time. It's a matter of life and death."

They asked to take care of things and find solutions

According to the academic staff organization, they contacted human resources at the university, and asked to handle things and find solutions. "We have many suggestions: to switch to studying in Zoom, studying in a shelter or buying shelters for the upper floors. So far we have not responded."

It should be noted that the lecturers received safety and security instructions, according to which there are two protected spaces in the design school: a shelter on the 1st floor (with a capacity of up to 270 people) and a public shelter in the garden area next to the school (with a capacity of up to 500 people).

According to the instructions, the students staying on the 2nd and 3rd floors are asked to evacuate to the shelter on the 1st floor, while the students on the first floor and in the lobby will be evacuated to the public shelter outside the design school building.

Fearing for the lives of the lecturers and students

The academic staff organization added that the organization itself is based at the university and is protected:
"We fear for the lives of the lecturers of the design school and the students. Our job as the faculty organization is to take care of them. In the last few days we have seen how arriving on time to the MMD or the shelter can be a life saver, and it is very important to us that every student and lecturer arrive in the required time to a protected place."

Nitzan Hadas, advisor to the academic staff organization at the University of Haifa He added that they are not surprised to hear the complaints. "Unfortunately, in recent times this kind of conduct towards faculty members and human resources of the university has become a prominent feature of the University of Haifa."

Haifa University School of Design: "We have reduced the number of students studying on campus"

Haifa University's School of Design stated in response to Hai Fe that they have significantly reduced the number of students studying on campus so that at any given moment there are no more in the building than the number of students and workers who can safely reach the shelter inside the building within a minute. "Also, additional measures were taken to enable a quick evacuation to the shelter and therefore no classes are held on the fourth floor of the building."

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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26 תגובות

  1. The truth is, I'm asking how the reservists are supposed to complete all the material ????
    Are there concessions for them?? And in general, our children enlist in the army at the age of 18-19, while certain populations do not enlist at all, do not do national service and do not make any contribution to the country!!
    By the time the enlisted children graduate from the army - the non-contributors have already completed a bachelor's degree, received scholarships, found a job and are even doing a 2nd degree!, and the enlisted children and contribute to the state have to work several jobs and on the way do not receive a scholarship!!!
    The time has come for equality - there are no rights without obligations = contribution to the country!!!

  2. How ironic that a place that claims to be a "design school" is not designed in a way that matches the reality in the country

  3. It seems to me that they reported here about the plight of protection in kindergartens and schools. It's not bad if they also talk about Wicho Haifa.

  4. Unbelievable what venomous comments there are here. At the WICHO Haifa School of Design, which until a few years ago, was an independent college, there are courses that require manual labor, such as painting, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to do them in zoom. on the other hand,
    At the University of Haifa, most courses are delivered via Zoom. And the University of Haifa is not left-wing or right-wing or Arab. Enough with the poison and division.

  5. What about Shanan College? The college works only for the employees and endangers their lives by having employees arrive in their cars, who says that nothing will happen to them during their journey

  6. As a "graduate" of the celebrated WIZO... she offers to study and teach only on the floors closest to the "protected space" during such an "emergency"... which we all experience... and to calculate according to "practice" - a meticulously thin "minute"... = "and you were saved for your souls"..." Mitzva" for the sake of "Tikva"...!!!!!@@@@@

  7. Sad and unfortunate, I want to point out the protection guidelines on campus and how is it possible that the university assigns classrooms without any possibility of protection. The lecturer was also embarrassed and unable to help and told us: "Pray that nothing happens."

  8. unbelievable. The lecturers are in danger!!! Write about children in Kiryat Shmuel who do not study. Write about kindergartners who learn every day. They are in danger of life, sanity for livelihood. After you write about it. Also do an article about students in danger.

    • If we check how many of the lecturers at Wicho served in the army and reserves, what percentage do you think we will find that served or are in the reserves? Isn't that an interesting question?

  9. The far-left lecturers and the lecturers who support the enemy are invited to flee to Amsterdam and stay there.
    Whiners - students who are not in the reserves because they are in sectors that do not serve but call others dodgers.. The design student who came to Israel as a new immigrant at the age of 24 and never even did an apprenticeship, received tax benefits and acceptance baskets, but yells at an ultra-Orthodox dodger? And what are you, and what are 30 thousand like you? ?

    • You made an apricot. Have you finished steaming? Return to the shelter and stay there.

    • wow I didn't know there were such stupid people.
      Thanks for the anthropology lesson, Gorilla.

  10. We are interested in this cowardly faculty ass
    Let them go to be lecturers at the university in Gaza
    A real Jew is not afraid

  11. This is a Palestinian university that only cares about Arabs, obviously they won't care about the students and lecturers, maybe they only care about a few lecturers who support Hamas, we saw this very well on October 7th and in other cases that the university was mentioned

    • The University of Harfa, the faculty is dressed up and dressed, and like it the entire sick and inciting academy here against the country in which it sits... in a variety of forms, disguises, tricks or simply openly when it comes to the evasion sectors of the extreme left

    • Really dangerous. I don't understand why they don't study in Zoom. We have made progress since the corona in the matter of technology. Everyone at home needs and can find a corner to work in and they have creative materials because they study design so what's the big problem??? Why by force and pressure and anxiety to bring students to campus.
      Bad conduct!!!!

  12. Simple and easy - zoom. But it's hard for them to admit that online studies work great and help students and lecturers, especially during wartime. It is unbelievable that there is a requirement at all to come to campus in all classes except those that have practical training such as nursing/medicine and the like. There is no real need to come to campus to hear a lecture by the General History Department, and history is a very important field of course, but the courses can be made online. Putting people at risk to hear lectures is truly vile. delusional

    • Just like that, children stand in schools next to stand under the stairs or next to the walls and it's okay and for students it's not okay? As many parents have said, why couldn't Zoom and capsules be continued so that everyone is protected??? I don't understand???

  13. And the same in schools.
    Students are directed to the most protected space available, meaning that it is not protected at all.
    And we haven't talked about the trips to the schools yet.
    In our country, the lives of students and staff are put at risk without thinking twice, all in the name of maintaining the appearance of a fake routine

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