Acrobatics is a sport that combines strength, flexibility, agility and balance. Boys and girls around the world invest many hours in developing skill in a profession that requires many qualities to which the Sisyphean work is added in order to improve them. How did it happen that I had not yet turned ten, without a single hour of practice I performed an exercise that would have given me the highest score....'the neighborhood idiot' for sure.
The house is locked. My parents and sister went out. Boring and I want to go home. I walked around the yard, looking at the old olive tree with its thick branches scattered everywhere. A one-of-a-kind Haifa tree that can only be found in the yard of Emek-Hazeit Sheva in Haifa. I started climbing the tree towards the balcony on the second floor. I reached a parallel branch but distant from it. A very thick branch that does not feel the weight of my body. I am in a jump position but hesitating. The distance to the balcony is long and I might fall from a height of two floors to the ground. Mrs. Burstein shouts from the fourth floor. She caught the essence of my mission and warns me not to try to implement it. The clotheslines were stretched between the tree and the balcony railing, and this is a bit of a hindrance to the acrobatic operation I'm planning.
In such promotions there are two options. The first is a lot of intelligent thought before the execution and then under the influence of the mind to get down from the tree and act as if the climbing was just for fun. The other option is to just jump and then see what disaster I have brought upon myself. As soon as Ms. Borstein entered the picture, the consideration was distorted. to you
Explain what you were up to and how you panicked and came down from the tree like a child who had not yet turned ten. Such a story, even if it is a complete secret, will reach every curious ear in the whole neighborhood and more.
I got close to the end of the branch, I paused for a few seconds and with a spectacular leap I'm in the air, landing inside the balcony. Healthy and not whole. Of course I chose the second option. I was hit in several important organs of the body but I stood on my feet. I went to the kitchen door, it was locked. All the windows and doors are locked as if someone will try to enter the balcony by climbing the tree. I'm sitting on the balcony. I can't enter the apartment, I can't go down to the yard, neither. I turned around and thought of where else I could jump in order to get out of the situation.
A reverse acrobatic leap, back to the tree, is not even a possibility. It's unfeasible even for me with the rare skills. All the neighbors gathered. Who is on the balcony and who is in the yard. Everyone already knows about my rare acrobatic performance and Mrs. Hagar, mother of Shimon my friend, chained from above a rope with a basket and a sandwich in it. She must have been afraid I would starve to death. Nahum Gelder took out a rickety ladder that reached half way and moreover gave advice on how to get me out of the predicament. Someone suggested calling the police. I was horrified... after all, it is known that only a professional burglar entering apartments is not blessed with such skill.
The bored or good-hearted neighbors have already convened a board meeting of the house committee to discuss the complex issue. The one who solved the problem very easily was my mother who finally came home. She was amazed to see me on the balcony and all the neighbors around and couldn't understand how I got there. I was angry with Aaliya through no fault of hers. I was angry
that she wasn't at home when I arrived, I was angry that everything was locked so well and I was angry at the whole world. What I did know for sure was that this was the last acrobatic exercise I would perform in my life. I didn't imagine that I would again commit such acts that would dismiss me as a 'national and international idiot'.