(Hai Fe) - At the beginning of October 2024, the Haifa Municipality announced that the company "Netivy Israel" began preparing a work plan for lighting on Highway 2, in the section between Hadera and Haifa, and the contracting company "Electra" began carrying out measurement work in the field. The Hai Pa system, which continues to follow the important issue due to the number of accidents in this section, is now checking the status of the project and when the works are expected to begin.
Highway 2, the central section connecting Hadera to Haifa, is defined as a risk point in light of the number of serious accidents that have occurred on it, and some of the causes of these are due to the lack of proper lighting. Yona Yahav, the mayor of Haifa, was among those who fought to illuminate the section and put pressure on the Ministry of Transportation, demanding that the road be illuminated to improve passenger safety.
Now, after the announcement of the start of the preparations for the lighting, the main question is when the works are expected to start, and what is the planned schedule for their completion.
The Ministry of Transportation informed Lahi Pa: "The Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety operates in accordance with the traffic rules and guidelines for placing lighting, in particular the location of the lighting. Accordingly, our office conducts mapping in accordance with the work plan and the projects described therein. As you know, the budget was approved only recently and accordingly will be allocated according to the safety projects and their level of severity."
It is known that a man does not change his skin... Please remember who is the head of the municipality.. Hint - the one who shoots pigs.
Finally someone brings this important thing to the world.
At the same time and in my opinion - the lighting (even temporarily) will be installed when a children's bus collided with a truck that stopped on the side of the road.
Here - this is how it works.
Dying for a change.
30 years ago there were plans for everyone and nothing has yet been done about the municipality of Haifa to pressure Israel's routes to increase the pace
Too strong lighting is bad for people and nature, blue light is carcinogenic and prevents sleep. Everything needs to be dark with precise planning, only as much as necessary, without bright skies that harm a lot of animals such as birds, turtles and bees.
The section of road No. 2 is not lit from Netanya to Haifa. The Israeli government refers to the residents on the sides of this section as residents of "South Lebanon". When the ministry realizes that this section of the road is in Israel, salvation and enlightenment will come.
Driving in the dark is more noticeable.
There are more important things like road markings and correct and prominent signage.
In other words: if we use a lot of bullshit and words that mean nothing in our response, they won't notice that we don't have any timetable for carrying out the project and that we are throwing sand in the eyes of the public. I wonder who they learned the method from?
Besides lighting on the coastal road, when will they add a third lane to the section in question between Haifa and Hedera,
And when will they upgrade the dangerous road in Israel between the Tirat Carmel intersection and the Paradis intersection in Zichron Ya'akov
For years we wrote and asked as if another country moved north, many accidents in winter and summer. until when????? Maybe something will wake up and click...
have money