MDA's blood services will hold a special blood donation tonight (Tue. 17/09/24) at the Romema Sports Hall in Haifa
The MDA blood services call on the public, especially those with type O and RH negative blood of all types, to come and donate blood
Due to the need for blood transfusions as part of emergency assessments and maintaining the blood supply, MDA's blood services call on the public to come and donate blood. It is important to remember that there is no substitute for blood and that each blood transfusion can help save the lives of three sick or injured people who need blood transfusions. People with Type O blood makes up 35% of all blood donors in Israel, and are considered universal blood donors - since the donated blood can be given to anyone who needs a blood transfusion to save their life, even when an urgent blood transfusion is needed, without knowing the patient's blood type.
The special blood donation tonight (Tue 17/09/24) at the Romema Sports Hall in Haifa will start at 19:30 until 23:00
It is recommended to make an appointment to donate on the MDA website at and it is recommended to fill out the donor questionnaire received on the cell phone before arriving.
Blood donation for the Lebanese. Thousands are injured and turn to blood donation. Everything is possible for the Jewish people Harshela is us!