Among teenagers, drinking alcohol is a significant challenge that causes not only health problems but also wide psychological and social effects. This behavior may lead to developmental problems, risks of accidents, and negative effects on social and academic relationships. Drinking alcohol affects not only the physical health but also the social relations and mental state of the youth.
Increased alcohol consumption can cause behavioral problems such as aggression, decreased motivation and academic performance, as well as damage social and family relationships. In addition, the social impact of drinking alcohol can exacerbate social pressure and the need to look "cool" or "appropriate" in social groups, which increases the risk of additional risky behaviors.

In a conversation with the representatives of the "Dor HaAlkohol" organization, which has been at the forefront of the fight against alcohol harm among teenagers for 13 years, they shared the goals of the organization and its extensive activities. The organization, founded by Golan and Moti, aims to change the discourse around alcohol consumption among young people, and to work to reduce the damages caused as a result.
As part of their activities, they give about 400 lectures a year, not only to teenagers but also to educational teams and teachers, with the aim of providing tools to better deal with the phenomenon. Golan and Moti emphasize that the main goal is to prevent damage and lead a real change in the culture of alcohol consumption among the youth.
How does the drinking culture affect the behavior of teenagers?
In a conversation with Golan, one of the founders of the "Alcohol Generation" organization, he shared about the increasing influence of alcohol on the youth and their entertainment culture. Normally, once alcohol is involved, even a small argument can take a turn for the worse. Alcohol causes a loss of control and it only makes the situation worse."
"Be smart, not just right - talk to teenagers about alcohol at eye level"
Golan talks about the right way to approach the issue of alcohol with teenagers: "From our experience, teenagers are tired of everything related to preaching. The key is to be smart, not just right. You have to be practical and understand how to speak to them at eye level."
Golan explains that the effective way is not through intimidation or setting boundaries of 'do's and don'ts': "You need to speak in their language, explain the consequences to them in a way they can understand, and give them practical tools - something they can translate into real situations."
According to him, a conversation at eye level is the key: "In the end, the youth don't want to hear what not to do. They want to understand why and what will happen if they do. If we talk to them in this way, they will be much more open to listening and thinking about the effect of alcohol in their lives."
How can you distinguish between excessive drinking and alcohol poisoning?
Golan emphasizes the serious dangers of alcohol poisoning and the need to recognize the symptoms early: "Alcohol poisoning is a condition caused by excessive drinking" he explains and adds "There are all kinds of symptoms, but two stand out in particular: if a boy or girl loses consciousness - this can be a clear sign For alcohol poisoning, the second symptom is incessant vomiting and inability to control it."
Golan emphasizes the importance of a quick response in such situations: "In such cases, you must not hesitate - you must call an ambulance immediately. This is a life-threatening situation, and if you don't react in time it could end in disaster."
"Sometimes you have to give up your ego and let the right person do the job"
When having a conversation about alcohol with teenagers, Golan recommends creating a comfortable and safe environment, without judgment: "It's important not to come from the place of 'we know better'. You have to be ready to listen."
Golan suggests finding someone in their environment that they trust to talk to them: "Sometimes you have to give up your ego and let the right person do this job."
According to him, an approach from a place of partnership rather than preaching morality can reduce antagonism: "Let's talk as friends and not as those who are trying to preach. This can change the whole dynamic."

"I mixed alcohol on an empty stomach and threw up all night"
A 24-year-old man from Haifa shares a personal drinking experience that did not lead to alcohol poisoning but caused him serious symptoms. He describes how he started the evening on an empty stomach and mixed different types of alcohol, including Caesar, beer, gin and whiskey. The combination of alcohol in different percentages made him unable to move, felt almost like passing out, and suffered from incessant vomiting.
"My mistakes started in the evening when I drank drinks with different alcohol percentages without eating before, and also mixed different drinks. In the end, I couldn't sleep because of a bad feeling. I started to feel nauseous all at once. It wasn't like a normal drunk feeling where the head spins And you can go to sleep. I couldn't sleep at all because I felt bad. Every time I tried to put my head on the pillow, it only made me dizzy and I threw up all night."
Was there any point where you were afraid it might be dangerous?
"The truth is, yes. After a few hours of non-stop vomiting, I started to worry. I felt exhausted, I didn't want to go to the hospital because I was sure it would pass, but at a certain moment I realized it was much worse than I thought. I can say that in retrospect maybe I should have sought medical help But luckily, in the end I was able to handle it alone."
What lesson did you learn from this experience, and what would you recommend to others?
"The most important lesson I've learned is to listen to my body. If you don't eat before, you're really inviting problems. Also mixing different types of alcohol is something that can really harm your body. And I really recommend drinking a lot of water during the evening, that's what can To help maintain balance. In addition, not to be afraid to ask for help if you feel it's too much. It's better to go check it out and not take an unnecessary risk."

Guy Goldstein, clinical psychologist: "If teenagers are injured or hurt others under the influence of alcohol, drinking may be an expression of emotional distress and not a real solution."
I interviewed Guy Goldstein, a clinical psychologist at Rambam Hospital and a private clinic with about 13 years of experience, who gave us a psychological perspective on the phenomenon.
How does alcohol consumption during adolescence affect psychological and physiological development?
"Alcohol consumption during adolescence can significantly affect cognitive and physiological development. Frequent drinking can impair memory and learning ability, as well as cause mood problems and lead to the development of disorders such as depression and anxiety. It may also lead to antisocial behavior and the potential for alcohol addiction in the future. When consumption is Less frequently, the risks can include impaired judgment and risk-taking behavior, such as drink-driving, which can lead to very serious consequences."
During the conversation, Goldstein shared important insights about adolescent drinking. According to him, as soon as alcohol becomes a habit that affects daily functioning, this is a sign that it may be a deeper emotional distress. "If teenagers are injured or harm others under the influence of alcohol, reach extreme situations such as loss of consciousness or hospitalization, or simply spend a lot of time under the influence of alcohol, drinking may be an expression of emotional distress."
Goldstein added that the use of alcohol in such cases is not a real solution but a way to avoid dealing with the emotional difficulties.
Later in the conversation, Guy talked about the common mistakes parents make when trying to stop teenagers from drinking. One of the biggest mistakes, according to him, is intimidation. Parents sometimes treat any alcohol consumption as dangerous behavior, thus losing their children's trust. "It is important to recognize that drinking alcohol is sometimes part of social gatherings, but it is also important to raise awareness of the dangers of excessive use."
Guy advised parents to have an open, honest, non-judgmental conversation about the risks and increase the youth's ability to set personal boundaries.
When the question arose about the influence of social networks, Guy emphasized the importance of external models that teenagers are exposed to through the media: "Social networks can create an illusion that drinking alcohol is desirable and socially acceptable, so teenagers feel the need to imitate it".
Finally, when parents discover that their child is drinking regularly, Guy advised not to focus on lying or hiding, but to understand the reasons behind this behavior. "We need to talk about the dangers and offer emotional support, maybe even professional treatment if necessary" He suggested, emphasizing that it is important to identify the emotions that lead the boys to consume alcohol in the first place.
Note that the alcohol and cigarette companies put these words in all the songs intended for teenagers. Almost every second song talks about smoking and cigarettes, about drinks and alcohol. The companies also encourage creators to write songs about alcohol, and to produce music videos in which young people drink alcohol or smoke.
In Israel very simply there is advertising brainwashing and then in clubs and parties they push an "alcohol bar" because that is what really brings in money. The alcohol culture includes a lot of fakes, even dangerous ones, and if there is no sale to children, it is not a problem. There are older brothers who buy, and there are also couriers who the police do not check how they sell. The result is getting drunk and addicted to cigarettes from middle school age