This month (September 2024) we will mark the blood cancer awareness month in Israel and around the world. The "Halil Hor" association, the home for blood cancer patients, operates in the light of a vision in which all leukemia and lymphoma patients in Israel will have access to the latest and most accurate information, the most effective and advanced treatments, as well as physical and mental help and support. All this with the aim of improving the life expectancy and quality of both the patients and their families.
The association provides up-to-date information on the website (these days a new and advanced website is being established, which will provide a more accessible and broader response) as well as by organizing meetings and conferences in the hematology departments of the hospitals throughout the country, in cooperation with the hematology departments of the hospitals, conferences for patients and their families according to the types of diseases, with The best experts in the field and all with the aim of improving the patients' knowledge and helping them become active patients, who take responsibility for managing their disease together with the treating doctor.
Several meetings will be held this month with experts in a variety of fields via "Zoom" as well as a meeting at the "Bnei Zion" hospital in Haifa.
The proposed meetings:
Meeting with the social worker Moriah Weissman
On Sunday 8/9/24, there will be a special webinar with attorney (social worker) Moriah Weissman in which tools and emphasis will be given on the importance of self-management of the disease.

A meeting with Professor Ofir Wallach - an expert in acute leukemia
On Monday 9/9/24 at 20.00 there will be a special meeting with Prof. Ofir Wallach, expert in acute leukemia, director of the hemato-oncology inpatient unit, the Hematology Institute at the Davidoff Cancer Center, Rabin Medical Center.
At the meeting, Dr. Wallach will answer all the questions that bother the patients and their families about acute leukemia.
The answer is for general questions about the disease, treatment methods, options, etc. and not personal advice.

Hematological Patient Conference
On Tuesday, 17/9/24 at 16.30:XNUMX p.m. Bnei Zion Medical Center and Khalil Ha'or Association invite you to a hematological patient conference that will bring the news and updates on the new treatments, supportive treatments and complementary medicine. Attached is an invitation and a place to register for the conference (recommended).

A meeting with Dr. Batia Avni - director of the bone marrow day hospitalization unit
On Monday, 23/9/24, a special meeting will be held with Dr. Batia Avni, director of the bone marrow day hospitalization unit - Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center, who will answer all the troubling questions about bone marrow transplantation.
Questions in advance can be sent to: e-mail: [email protected] or on WhatsApp to the number: 054-6060422
The answer is for general questions about the disease, treatment methods, options, etc. and not personal advice.

A meeting with Lee Korzitz - the most decorated Israeli athlete
On Wednesday 25/9/25 at 19.00 you are invited to join the fascinating lecture by Lee Korzitz - the most decorated Israeli athlete. In the lecture, she will bring me her personal story in dealing with various types of blood cancer as well as bone marrow transplants, when in the midst of all this she breaks international sports records, which she holds to this day.
A link to zoom will be published a few days before and is available on the website Khalil Haor.

A meeting with Dr. Merv Kadami - director of the hematoecology department at Tel Hashomer Hospital
On Monday 30/9/24 at 19:00 there will be a question and answer session on lymphomas with Dr. Merav Kadami - director of the hematoecology department at Sheba Tel Hashomer Hospital.
Questions in advance can be sent to: e-mail: [email protected] or on WhatsApp to the number: 054-6060422
The answer is for general questions about the disease, treatment methods, options, etc. and not personal advice.

A meeting with Dr. Mirav Barzilai - hematologist and internist specialist from Beilinson Hospital
On Tuesday 1/10/24 at 19:00 there will be a question and answer webinar on MPN - myeloproliferative diseases, with Dr. Mirav Barzilai - hematologist and internist specialist from Beilinson Hospital.
Questions in advance can be sent to: e-mail: [email protected] or on WhatsApp to the number: 054-6060422
The answer is for general questions about the disease, treatment methods, options, etc. and not personal advice.

The association "Halil Ha'or" has eight Facebook groups - a dedicated group for each type of illness. Patients and their families are invited to contact and receive a link to a relevant group.