(haipo) - Has anyone tried to recreate the great fire in Haifa and failed?
While you were sleeping... Concerned residents reported at 01:00 AM, between Sunday and Monday, 2/9/24, that they smelled smoke from a fire that surrounded the Grand Canyon area and nearby neighborhoods.
The fire fighters went out into the area and after a search that lasted for some time, the fighters acted to extinguish several points that were burning simultaneously, in the thick of the vegetation, deep in Wadi Rushmia (Rosh Mia) in Haifa. The photo in front of you doesn't leave much room for imagination regarding what happened there - burning points around tree trunks in the heart of the thicket.
We at System Hai here are full of hope that an investigation will begin and that those responsible will be caught.
From Fire and Rescue it was delivered to Lai Pa:
Around 1:00 am (Sunday to Monday, 2/9/24) several reports were received from concerned citizens about smoke and the smell of fire surrounding the neighborhoods of Ramot Sapir and Givat Zemer, as well as from citizens who passed by in their vehicles in the Grand Canyon area.
The team of fire fighters from the Haifa station, Major Sagi Adi and Major Daniel Chobutro, carried out scans along the entire wadi and in the nearby streets, in order to locate the source of the fire.
After a rather long journey in the depths of the wadi, they discovered several burning spots of vegetation in an open area.
The team acted quickly to extinguish all the burning points as well as to scan inside the wadi in order to rule out additional foci.
This incident ended with relatively little damage for the severe potential of this type of incident. Fire and rescue forces call on residents to be alert to anything unusual that catches their attention and to dial 102, the firefighters will arrive soon.

A drone equipped with an infrared camera would locate the hot spots in minutes! Haifa firefighters, it's time for you to step up!
This is Wadi Ziv, not Wadi Rashmia. I know the place. You can also see in the video the two sidewalk builders and the eucalyptus tree that stands in the middle
The neighbors you believe want coexistence want to burn the Jews and the fools...
These natives are strange, why do they burn the land they love?
"God" how idiotic your reaction is!!!
In my opinion…..poor people in Israel must borrow money from the bank and leave the country because of crime and personal insecurity