A crisis of trust between the public and the government, between the citizen and the government, is a phenomenon that accompanies many democratic regimes, but it is possible to deal with it and restore trust through deliberate actions and public commitment. Transparency, fighting corruption, keeping promises and improving crisis management are some of the main tools that can help restore trust in the government system. In the end, public trust is essential for the proper functioning of democracy and the social and economic stability of the city and the country.
Oral: "The regrets are over, until things don't happen on the ground - nothing happens. You learned from the main zero only to scatter promises."
It is impossible to ignore the crisis of trust between the government and the citizens that has been created since October 7th. Even if you chose not to listen to the news anymore, not to intervene in political discussions, it seems as if the general feeling among all shades of the political spectrum is that it is difficult to believe what is said by the elected officials and it seems that personal interests drive the decision-making more than the public good. In fact, the decline in public trust began during the Corona crisis, days when various conspiracy theories flooded the web and the general feeling was that interests trump morality.
At the municipal level, it seems that the feeling in some cities was that there was no connection between the statements and the actions, and in these areas the public, who had reached high levels of dissatisfaction, voted and created a change in the local government. The hope for improvement is measured every day and the reactions to the municipal actions appear as echoes of the actions being taken. In Haifa, too, a crisis of trust arose between the citizens and the mayor who was replaced, and five years later he returned to his seat, when again there was a crisis of trust between the public and the municipal leadership. Yahav, who sat in the mayor's chair for 15 years before Klish, returned and promised to improve moves, lower the cost of tunnels, and restore the city and its streets.
There were those who said that it is not easy to manage a city when the state authorities have no supporting policies and no budgets, all the more so when the required improvement in the city and its suburbs is deep and wide. Disappointed citizens, increasing bitterness, disagreement on courses of action and a lack of a sense of positive leadership, create resistance and make it difficult to renew the public's trust in its elected officials, and even when the head is replaced, the citizens' scrutinizing eye does not leave much room for processes, and the criticisms are sharp.
You see urban development as an essential growth process, the creation of more comfortable living spaces and wider roads, but actually it is the destruction of architectural assets and natural assets, a self-interested thought about money and taxes without considering nature and the landscape. We will no longer have fresh air with all the roads and cars driving here. will be crowded and crowded. There should be planning that takes into account the well-being of the residents, not the main thing is to build more and more towers.
War is not a normal situation for a country, and an existential threat is not a normal situation for a city. In Haifa it started with pigs roaming the streets, which made the citizens feel threatened. Recently, news was received about contractors shooting pigs in the streets, about animals crying out in pain and puppies left without their mother, and the whole thing created a difficult experience for many residents. Trust in the authorities, which was shaken, was further damaged.
You don't leave them in the wild. You kill them and leave them in the dump, dead. It's nice to put nice pictures, but you should put the real pictures of pigs dying in agony or of suckling puppies that were left without a mother and were basically sentenced to death. Because that is what is behind this washed-up campaign of the city.
A crisis of trust between the citizen and the government is a common phenomenon in political systems around the world. This is a situation in which the public loses faith in government institutions and elected officials, and begins to doubt the ability and sincerity of the institutional system to act for the public good. This crisis can lead to far-reaching consequences for society, such as a decrease in public cooperation, political instability, and deepening social polarization.
The causes of a crisis of confidence are many and varied. In days other than wartime, corruption scandals, conflict of interests, and inappropriate use of public funds are major factors in eroding public trust in the government. When the public perceives the government as corrupt and unfair, trust in state institutions is severely damaged. In times of war, the situation worsens, because in addition to the dissatisfaction and economic distrust in the government, there is also a feeling of insecurity and disregard for the protection of the citizens.
Where are the shelters? We are exposed and you, the mayor, have an emergency shelter. Where is the concern for the residents of the old neighborhoods where there are no shelters or emergency shelters? Only our property tax is interesting?
It seems that it is not easy to restore trust after a period when citizens were disappointed by false promises, statements that did not sound credible and the feeling that no one cares about them. Both in the urban area and in the government, when there is none
Transparency, or when there are inaccuracies and conflicting reports from officials, the public may feel that important information is being hidden from them, and a rumor and conjecture industry begins, fake news and statements that do not allow any official to be trusted. Lack of transparency increases suspicion and leads to a loss of trust. When elected officials make statements and do not stand behind the promises, or when the rest of their statements contain information that contradicts reality, or God forbid false information, it is more of a feeling that there is no one to trust and that everyone is actually not giving the true picture but taking care of themselves and their homes at the expense of the public.
Why do they require payment for the summer events? Why is it not free like in other cities? Because we need to finance jobs, we need to purchase cars, we need a lot, but not for the sake of the residents.
Sudden policy changes that do not match public expectations can lead to a sense of betrayal in voters. This phenomenon causes a loss of trust in the political system, the legal system and the institutions of democracy.
Failed management of national crises, such as epidemics, natural disasters, economic crises and of course war, undermines the public's trust in the government. When the government is perceived as ineffective or irresponsible, when senior officials place blame on others and do not take responsibility as requested, trust is damaged and a sense of disconnect between the government and the citizen is created.
Eyes for them but they won't see, ears for them and they won't hear... they work on the public with their eyes.
Population groups that feel deprived or inferior in terms of opportunities, representation or policy, may develop a sense of alienation towards the government or towards the city's institutions. This feeling leads to a loss of trust in the government and state systems and may lead to actions that harm the quality of life such as roadblocks, violent demonstrations, disobedience to laws, suspension of tax payments, and in some third world countries may lead to a civil or military coup. Distrust in the mayor can lead to his replacement, and a trial period in which the new one will have to prove that the change was worth the trouble. In some cities where the mayor changed and the expected change for the better did not occur, the previous mayor returned to his seat, and as if the reasons for it were forgotten, he was replaced.
in Tel:
Well done for all your efforts, and you should start doing things for the residents. We residents have been walking for decades on dilapidated, unsafe sidewalks full of patches and potholes. All inquiries fell on deaf ears. We are waiting for change and improvement.
A crisis of confidence can lead to a decrease in voting rates and avoidance of participation in other political processes. When the public does not trust the government, the risk of non-compliance with laws and regulations increases. People may stop cooperating with the authorities, which makes it difficult to enforce laws and maintain public order. When population groups feel that there is no point in taking part in the political system, when out of a loss of trust in the government and the processes in which the state is involved, some citizens feel that no one listens to their needs, and they would prefer to leave the country, immigrate to other countries. The processes show that families immigrate to provide the children with a more stable living environment, which creates damage to the population structures in the country of origin.
The municipality's investment in the city's infrastructure is not enough. It seems that the decision makers are not connected to what is happening and how things look. The sums devoted to improvement are ridiculous compared to the situation on the ground. It is a story of decades of neglect.
The loss of trust in the mayors as well as in the government increases the polarization between different groups in the population. One of the ways that the government seems to be acting in order to avoid giving up the pleasures of government, is to encourage polarization, to cause separation between population groups. In a situation of separation, it is easier to manage the administration of interests without the need to refer to criticism and improvement processes, in the style of divide and rule.
At the same time, a deep crisis of trust leads to political instability, and that administration needs to remember that it cannot be re-elected if it does not ever do good to the citizens. The mass uprising, which includes demonstrations, demands for a change of government or calls for radical changes in the political system, affects the willingness to stay and make an effort to create a better living space. A crisis of confidence in the government affects the economy. Lack of trust in the government may harm investments, create economic uncertainty, and affect growth rates and economic stability.
It seems that the citizens who were waiting for things to change sooner and faster, are in no hurry to give it a chance, and the authorities will have to make a lot of efforts to regain the public's trust.
I am very disappointed with what is happening in the city. People who want to establish things know that only those who elected the mayor of the city will be able to do so. I ask if there will be an auction or if it will be "cats and cream"? In the meantime there is talk like sand and nothing to eat. The city looks like a dump.
Ways of dealing with a crisis of confidence
Transparency and public participation: One of the most important steps to restoring trust is increasing transparency in government. Transparency includes providing access to information, public participation in decision-making, and clear and consistent reporting on government actions. The more informed and involved the public feels, the better chance there is for trust to be restored.
Fight against corruption: financial transparency, presentation of budgets together with a determined fight against corruption, is an essential step to restore public trust. Showing a real desire to deal with corruption and maintain the purity of morals can improve the public perception of government institutions.
Before the elections, a promise was made to lower the fares in the tunnels in Haifa, maybe even make them free to make it easier for the residents of Haifa. In the meantime, the prices are only going up and it will become tunnels for the rich only. Looks like the promise helped garner votes. But in the meantime prices are rising.
Keeping promises: in order to restore trust, it is important that the people at the head of the municipal institutions as well as the government, keep their promises to the public. Elected officials must act in a way that shows commitment to the promises made, while maintaining open communication with the public in case of inevitable changes.
Improving crisis management: Clear communication with the public during a crisis can contribute greatly to restoring trust. It is important that the public feels that the government or the municipality deals with crises in a professional and responsible manner.
Restoring the relationship with the public: one should invest in restoring the relationship with the public by listening to the needs of different groups in the population and responding appropriately to the expectations and demands of the public. Creating direct channels for expressing opinions and cooperating with social organizations can contribute to restoring trust.
Zero trust in institutions in general and in particular in all levels of service and care.
Mayors in the State of Israel
From the beginning they only care about themselves
and their family members
And like cats on the cream, they create show presentations and pig fraud exercises.
In Haifa maybe because of the geometry of
The city of Haifa = 103
The Golden Calf City is an example
for Shlomiality.
Heat in the city of Haifa...
Many children's stories can be told
About what is happening in the wonderful city
which became a dump and a city of
Lots of bribery and corruption
and very little modesty and humility
and a personal example for the residents.
The countdown to the end of the term of the worst mayor in the history of the State of Israel has begun.
And with all due respect to his noble wife
Prof. Rivka Yahav was the trump card
Rebecca's has exhausted itself
to the end
Praying for a different kind of mayor
To be able to communicate at eye level
with the concerned residents.
Shabbat Shabbat blessings
The month of Elul is coming in hope for the future
better and more beautiful.
How to rob corrupt officials without weapons and without threats? Borrow lots and lots of money but a lot from the bank and run away to another country! In the same country, change your first and last name or buy a fake identity.... Peace be upon Israel!!!!