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Termination of petrochemical industry activity in Haifa Bay - a response to the rumor mill • Yuval Edmon

In recent days, I have received a number of inquiries from residents and activists in Haifa Bay, following incorrect information being spread in the networks and media regarding the layout of the fuel infrastructure today and after the construction of the new distillate terminal in Haifa in the future, and of course with the cessation of the petrochemical industry in Haifa Bay.

Editor's note: Yuval Edmon is the head of the Haifa Bay Development Directorate - TAMA 75 plan for the evacuation of factories

Yuval Edmon (Photo: Leam)
Yuval Edmon (Photo: Leam)

I will write these things in detail to present complete and transparent information to all. I know it's a bit long, but for those who are important and interested in the subject - it will help to understand the full picture.
Let's start and sort things out, and if something still isn't clear enough, I'll be happy to answer any questions and clarify:

  1. In Zan, about 10 million tons of crude oil are distilled a year. About 2/3 of the amount comes from oil tankers that unload it in Katza south of Ashkelon and from there it is piped to the 10 tank farm in Kiryat Haim and from there to Bezan. Another third comes from oil ships that unload it through a marine connector (a pipe on the seabed whose end connects to the ship) of the XNUMX company, several kilometers into the sea in front of the tank farm, through the tank farm along with the oil from Tza'a, then to Bezan. That is, approx. -XNUMX million tons of crude oil flows into Haifa Bay every year.
  2. What Bezan produces, the distillates: gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, they sell in Israel and around the world. In Israel, most of the amount they produce, about 3.5 million tons per year, is issued to road tankers at "Gate 6" in the Bezan complex, which transport it to the stations Fuel in the north of the country. About 2 million tons per year are pumped to the center and south of the country through the 3.5 pipeline to meet demand there. Another 20 million tons are exported through the fuel port and the adjacent "4 Acres" complex operated by XNUMX in the lower city of Haifa. By the way, the fuel port also imports hundreds of thousands of tons per year of materials used in the Bezan refining process, so that today the volume of traffic there is over XNUMX million tons of various types of materials per year.
  3. Why is a smaller amount of distillates sent to the center and south of the country than is issued to road tankers in the north? After all, most of the country's residents live in the center of the country and not in the north, most of the demand is there. The reason is simple - because there is another complete refinery in Ashdod, which refines over 5 million tons of crude oil every year, and satisfies most of the needs of the center and south of the country, and even exports part of what it produces, through ships that connect to marine links in Ashdod. He receives his crude oil for refining from Kza'a south of Ashkelon.
  4. So far there was an explanation regarding the amount of materials that passes through the Gulf of Haifa, Ashdod and Ashkelon. The so-called "stream". Through Ashkelon and Ashdod a slightly larger amount passes than Haifa Bay. Now we will talk about the amount of material that is held at any given moment in each area, the so-called "inventory".
  5. In Bazan there are over a million tons of tanks, which hold oil, distillates and more. The 20 tank farm in Kiryat Haim has hundreds of thousands of tons of crude oil, and the XNUMX Acres complex has tens of thousands more tons, for the export of distillates through the aforementioned fuel port .
  6. In Ashdod and Ashkelon there is much more than enough. In Katsa south of Ashkelon, and in the 501 container farm near the site of Katsa, there are millions of tons. In Ashdod, there are hundreds of thousands of tons at the refinery and hundreds of thousands more at the Pi Galilot storage site adjacent to the refinery. Besides, there are other storage sites in the center Haaretz and the Negev, with hundreds of thousands of additional tons, and that's even before I talk about the Katsa site in Eilat...
    In other words, most of the storage of crude oil and distillates today is in the center and south of the State of Israel.
  7. So what is the story of the new distillate terminal? In the lower city of Haifa, as mentioned, there is a fuel port, which was established decades ago, and is very close to employment buildings, residences and more. It is also old and over the years it is more and more difficult to maintain it. That is why the idea of ​​building a new, modern and safe distillate terminal, adjacent to the Gulf port, much further away from residents, was born. The new terminal is designed to receive similar quantities of distillates to those passing through the current fuel port. The new pier will be several tens of meters longer than the current one, but in essence the new facility is intended to replace the old one. According to Government Resolution 1231, 90 days after the activation of the new distillery terminal, in 2028, the old one will be closed and the process of restoring its lands and the "20 Acres" will begin. This move will immediately remove the hazards of pollution, odors and dangerous substances from public receptors, remove restrictions in the lower city and help develop the urban seafront for the well-being of the entire public.
  8. What will happen with the cessation of petrochemical industry activity in the Haifa Bay, until 2029?
    First, the main source of air pollution and hazardous substances in the Haifa Bay - the refinery and its downstream industries - will disappear.
    When there is no refinery, then there is no need for an oil tank farm in Kiryat Haim, then it will be completely closed, and along with it the marine link for importing crude oil off the coast of Kiryat Haim. The storage in Bezan (as mentioned over a million tons of materials) will also be closed. If so, what will be left in the Gulf?
    A. A distillate terminal through which we will import distillates to the north of the country, in a similar volume, even a little less, to what we currently export from the existing fuel port.
    on. A pipeline that leads from it to storage sites in the north and connects to the distillate transmission network in the rest of the country.
    That is, the amount of material that will reach the Gulf (stream) will be significantly reduced because no crude oil will arrive at all, only distillates for the needs of the north. The amount of material that will be stored (inventory) will also decrease dramatically because the container in Kiryat Haim and Bezan will be closed.
    Also in the south there will be less flow and inventory of materials. All imports of crude oil for Bezan through Katsa Ashkelon will of course stop. The large capacity of crude oil in Ktsa for BaZen will actually be redundant.
  9. What will be added? According to the government's decision, storage sites for 550,000 tons of distillates in the north of the country and 300,000 tons of distillates in the center-south of the country must be established or converted, which are equivalent to the amount of distillates that BZN produces for two months. In order to have it in case of emergencies. Various alternatives are being considered regarding the location of sites These, but in any case the goal is to place them much further away from the population than is currently the case. For more details on the alternatives, see the link to the presentation on the subject on the website of the Haifa Bay Development Authority: energy050524
    This container joins the millions of tons that are already in the center and south of the country, and the hundreds of thousands that are in the north. It's not that now there will be more in the north than the rest of the country, the 550 and 300 are added to keep up. It also does not mean that there will be more storage than there is now, because as mentioned much more storage will be closed - all the oil tank farms in Kiryat Haim, Bezan, etc. On the contrary - it will be significantly less.

This column refers to crude oil and distillates - gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. As part of the energy sector's preparations for the cessation of petrochemical industry activity, we are also working to produce LPG (cooking gas), condensate (a byproduct of natural gas) and bitumen (raw material for asphalt). The new one that will be established in Haifa Bay, I will refer to the other materials in separate posts later.
I hope the column helps to explain the facts a little better. I will be happy to answer any questions, here or privately. Thank you very much and Shabbat Shalom.

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23 תגובות

  1. In Tanar, an employee who works there and not an official who sits in Migdali Shen is far away, so there are employees
    1 Distillates are produced there for the plastics industry that are intended for export
    2 Jet fuel does not come from Bezan and I will not go into detail for security reasons
    3 Look at how many citizens in the Haifa district and the Kiryats have suffered compared to the center, a recorded fact
    In no country is the chemical industry concentrated close to residential areas except perhaps Russia or North Korea.

  2. When you attack Gaza and Lebanon with your presentations, it will be possible to give up energy independence, in the meantime when half the world is suffering from us, to obtain light crude oil while importing distillates is difficult, a blockade of distillates will disable the army and those who will clear the Haifa Bay will be Arab armies and not the officials of the administration who think through their paychecks.

  3. The war sharpened the fact that everything that is not produced in Israel will eventually end up in Israel during wartime:
    Turkey stopped supplying building iron and concrete
    Canada, Great Britain stopped arms exports to Shertel.
    The US restricts shipments of cannon shells, precision bombs, and even light ammunition.
    What we lack is that we will also depend on distillates and it is possible to close the country.

    (Distillates are a product of a refinery, there are far fewer of them than sellers of crude oil, meaning the chance of getting distillates is greater than the chance of not getting crude oil)

    To replace the essential industries with real estate is a mistake for Direon Olam.

  4. Get out of the movie. In the next ten years, a bolt will not be unscrewed in Bezan, in particular because of this war that proved the need for an energetic response. The tanks' growls come from Bezan's fuels.
    Now, if Smotritz is in power, go ahead and bring billions for the evacuation of Zen, compensation for the owners of the factory and its workers who risk their health during the war.

  5. In wartime, it is not wise to publish an accurate description of such a sensitive infrastructure - the enemy also reads and follows.

  6. Mr. Yuval, until 2028 there is still a sea of ​​time, how will we residents be protected until then, with our enemy's loot all around?

  7. Question: I understood from section 7 that the new distillate terminal came to replace the 20-acre terminal.
    I understand from section 8 that in 2029 it will be vacated together with the cessation of the petrochemical industry.
    They haven't built it yet and in 5 years they will vacate it? Why not build it beforehand in the place designated for the evacuation of the entire petrochemical industry?

    • Dear architect,
      The answer to your question is simple - BZN and the petrochemical industries will not move from their place during the next decade, if at all.
      No one is going to "move them into an apartment".
      The paper endures everything and so do the contracts.
      Hundreds of billions of shekels are needed to close the factories and there is no one to finance it.
      There is no programming for construction in this area, no offices and certainly no residences due to the environment and the soil that is polluted to the center of the earth together with a layer of clay reduced to a depth of 12 meters which does not allow economic establishment.
      The dreams of local politicians for self-aggrandizement together with the indifference of a government that is in a changing dynamic.
      It is indeed sad, but this is the bitter reality.

  8. During war, planes don't come here, so why would ships with distillates come? These are if world peace is planned soon, which I don't think so. Now in addition to depending on armaments we will also depend on the fuel that drives them. May God protect us, what a dream. A bunch of idiots with the vision of a fish in an aquarium run the country.

    • Last time I checked we have no oil wells.
      If distillates don't come, then crude oil won't either...

      In addition, for years 571 has also been importing distillates and not just crude oil.

  9. The plan was designed to empty Israel of fuel and plastic materials, to fire thousands of direct and indirect workers, and thus help the enemies of the state to take control of it. There is no country in the world that will supply thousands of tons of fuel to Israel in the event of a war with the Arab countries. It is a dream of a group that sucks huge salaries from the state treasury for a plan to destroy the state.

  10. What a beauty, after two months of siege.
    Everyone will have to add a donkey to the generator as well, because the gas stations will be empty.

    And the fighter jets will use banana peels as an alternative fuel.

    Just think about it

  11. They are working on us, there is no intention to remove the pollution from Haifa, on the contrary, the construction of a distillery port for new fuel has begun in the Gulf port area.

  12. What do we do in a time of war that no one will want for our father, oil, diesel fuel in ZEN must remain, we are in a country that should be independent

    • It occurred to me too, that these exact plans, simply -—> the silence is beautiful sometimes!

  13. Thank you for this very important information. I, as an average resident of Haifa, am not well versed in the material and do not understand that much, and when I read articles or posts by people who say that the municipality is lying and working on us and that all the new plans for the removal of hazardous materials from our area are fiction, it is clear to me that this permeates a great many residents like me and it is a shame that it is so. Fortunately, I know closely some of the significant forces that have been fighting for this noble cause for years, such as: Sharit Golan Steinberg, Lehi Shahar, Royat Stossel, Aliza Barkan, Oren Hazan, and many other good activists and environmental organizations that I trust and see their achievements, therefore, I know what The truth and what is the lie. Unfortunately, many of the city's residents do not know, therefore it is extremely important to spread this important article in order to disprove the lies being spread.

  14. Unfortunately, the manager sells keys to the public and perhaps to yourselves as well. The forecast you provide for the closure of the BZN in 2029 is not acceptable to the decision makers, not a single actual action is taken that shows the closure of the BZN. On the contrary, the infrastructure tunnel costing a billion shekels was actually made with the intention of serving the petrochemical industry around the fuel terminal under construction. In Bazan, the employees were told that even in another 20 years, no one will touch them, Bazan will continue to operate and the schedules will move further and further into the distant future.
    The fact that you mentioned - with the closure of Bezan, the fuel farm that holds crude fuel for Bezan will become redundant, may be true, but they also operate for the long term and are certain that they will not be evacuated due to a set of geo-strategic considerations.
    In fact, the director is trying to broadcast that everything is progressing - Zan will be evacuated in 2029. However, the reality that the CEOs know how to tell the employees is that there is no fear that anything from the entire plan for Haifa Bay will come to fruition in our lifetime - just like the discussions surrounding a second international airport that have been going on for 30 years and have not been done thing. The deal with the Haifa municipality to give permits for all the tanks on the farm except for the 9 that will be destroyed, 6 of which have already been shut down, smells bad and reinforces the claim of the CEOs that there is a public misrepresentation, and on the other hand, in the actions on the ground, there is nowhere to go and no final date has been set for the transition to Zan . The date 2029 is irrelevant because all government officials are already saying "to postpone it for at least a decade".
    This is how they will text it for another decade, and in the next decade, who knows, they will find an excuse to postpone again.

    • The plan is actually accepted by the decision makers.
      Perhaps it is not acceptable for my husbands who live abroad in luxury and pollute their employees and us in order to make money.

    • The plan is not acceptable to the decision makers - otherwise there would be clear timetables and milestones and budgets. There is nothing, there are desires and there are visualizations and there are talks.
      Just like the municipality's articles as if the tank farm is being closed in stages and behind the scenes they are signing with them that all buildings will be qualified with building permits and will allow them to hold the same amount as now only in additional tanks that will be built. Do not set up additional containers in the place you want to close. We do not continue to promote plans to increase production in a factory that we are told is supposed to close.
      BaZen joined Yona Yahav's campaign, with thousands of votes. He assured them that he was against closing BaZen. The mayor of Kiryat Ata also received votes from them and is working against the closing of Bezan.

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